Information Processing and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

Автор: alex66 от 6-03-2019, 07:06, Коментариев: 0


Название: Information Processing and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Автор: Yang Yu, Viktor K Prasanna, Bhaskar Krishnamachari
Издательство: World Scientific Publishing
Год: 2006
Формат: PDF
Для сайта:
Страниц: 202
Размер: 10.96 МБ
Язык: English

This book presents state-of-the-art cross-layer optimization techniques for energy-efficient information processing and routing in wireless sensor networks. Besides providing a survey on this important research area, three specific topics are discussed in detail - information processing in a collocated cluster, information transport over a tree substrate, and information routing for computationally intensive applications. The book covers several important system knobs for cross-layer optimization, including voltage scaling, rate adaptation, and tunable compression. By exploring tradeoffs of energy versus latency and computation versus communication using these knobs, significant energy conservation is achieved.

Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems

Автор: alex66 от 6-03-2019, 06:36, Коментариев: 0


Название: Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems
Автор: Edited by Mohammad Ilyas and Imad Mahgoub
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2005
Формат: PDF
Для сайта:
Страниц: 775
Размер: 21,7 МБ
Язык: English

As the field of communications networks continues to evolve, the challenging area of wireless sensor networks is rapidly coming of age. Recent advances have made it possible to make sensor components more compact, robust, and energy efficient than ever, earning the idiosyncratic alias of “Smart Dust.” Production has also improved, yielding larger, more cost-efficient quantities for specialized telecommunications applications. However, network designers and planners for emerging telecommunication networks face specific challenges in finding the best way to integrate new network-specific circuits with existing network systems.

Сети связи и системы коммутации

Автор: Bender от 5-03-2019, 23:17, Коментариев: 0


Название: Сети связи и системы коммутации
Автор: Абилов А.В.
Издательство: Ижевск: ИжГТУ
Год: 2002
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 351
Размер: 26,8 Mb
Язык: Русский

Издание содержит разделы, посвящённые основам построения аналоговых и цифровых сетей связи и систем коммутации.
Для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальностям "Многоканальные телекоммуникационные системы", "Сети связи и системы коммутации".

Handbook of Mobile Broadcasting: DVB-H, DMB, ISDB-T, AND MEDIAFLO

Автор: harun54 от 5-03-2019, 22:53, Коментариев: 0


Название: Handbook of Mobile Broadcasting: DVB-H, DMB, ISDB-T, AND MEDIAFLO
Автор: Borko Furht and Syed A. Ahson
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2008
Формат: PDF
Размер: 16 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Operators are introducing mobile television and digital video content services globally. The Handbook of Mobile Broadcasting addresses all aspects of these services, providing a comprehensive reference on DVB-H, DMB, ISDB-T, and MediaFLO. Featuring contributions from experts in the field, the text presents technical standards and distribution protocols, offering detailed coverage of video coding, including design methodology and error resilience techniques; state-of-the-art technologies such as signaling, optimization, implementation, and simulation; and applications of mobile broadcasting, including emerging areas and new interactive services.

Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic Science, Computers and the Internet, 3rd Edition

Автор: harun54 от 5-03-2019, 22:47, Коментариев: 0


Название: Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic Science, Computers and the Internet, 3rd Edition
Автор: Eoghan Casey
Издательство: Academic Press
Год: 2011
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Digital Evidence and Computer Crime, Third Edition, provides the knowledge necessary to uncover and use digital evidence effectively in any kind of investigation. It offers a thorough explanation of how computer networks function, how they can be involved in crimes, and how they can be used as a source of evidence. In particular, it addresses the abuse of computer networks as well as privacy and security issues on computer networks.

Fiber Optic Communications: Fundamentals and Applications

Автор: harun54 от 5-03-2019, 21:38, Коментариев: 0


Название: Fiber Optic Communications: Fundamentals and Applications
Автор: Shiva Kumar and M. Jamal Deen
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2014
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Fiber-optic communication systems have advanced dramatically over the last four decades, since the era of copper cables, resulting in low-cost and high-bandwidth transmission. Fiber optics is now the backbone of the internet and long-distance telecommunication. Without it we would not enjoy the benefits of high-speed internet, or low-rate international telephone calls.

Advances in Computer, Communication and Control: Proceedings of ETES 2018

Автор: harun54 от 5-03-2019, 21:30, Коментариев: 0


Название: Advances in Computer, Communication and Control: Proceedings of ETES 2018
Автор: Utpal Biswas, Amit Banerjee
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2019
Формат: PDF
Размер: 25 Мб
Язык: английский / English

The book discusses the recent research trends in various sub-domains of computing, communication and control. It includes research papers presented at the First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Science. Focusing on areas such as optimization techniques, game theory, supply chain, green computing, 5g networks, Internet of Things, social networks, power electronics and robotics, it is a useful resource for academics and researchers alike.

The Book of Wireless: A Painless Guide to Wi-Fi and Broadband Wireless, 2nd Edition

Автор: alex66 от 5-03-2019, 16:59, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Book of Wireless: A Painless Guide to Wi-Fi and Broadband Wireless, 2nd Edition
Автор: John Ross
Издательство: No Starch Press
Год: 2008
Формат: PDF
Для сайта:
Страниц: 356
Размер: 10.62 МБ
Язык: English

Broadband wireless networks bring us closer to the Internet's ultimate destiny of interconnecting everyone, everywhere. But wireless networking can be a bit geeky and nerve-wracking without a proper guide. Let's face it: Networking can be hard.

Хитрости. Интернет

Автор: Bender от 5-03-2019, 09:38, Коментариев: 0


Название: Хитрости. Интернет
Автор: Престон Гралла
Издательство: СПб.: Питер
Год: 2006
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 256
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: Русский

Прочитав эту книгу, вы узнаете, как избежать большинства связанных с Интернетом трудностей и проблем. В частности, вы научитесь настраивать надежное и безопасное соединение, отражать хакерские атаки, обеспечивать безопасность своего компьютера, предохраняя его от вирусов, избегать назойливой рекламы, максимизировать эффективность работы в Сети, грамотно пользоваться поисковыми службами. Кроме того, в этой книге описываются основы разработки и публикации собственного веб-сайта: если когда-то эта задача казалась посильной разве что техническим гениям, то теперь необходимые навыки можно приобрести буквально за несколько часов.
Итак, перед вами прекрасное пособие по безопасной работе в Интернете. Если вам надоело, ежедневно входя в Сеть, проверять себя на стрессоустойчивость, попробуйте поработать в Интернете, следуя советам Престона Граллы. Вам понравится.

Getting a Social Media Job For Dummies

Автор: Ice Zero от 4-03-2019, 15:58, Коментариев: 0


Название: Getting a Social Media Job For Dummies
Автор: Brooks Briz, David Rose
Издательство: For Dummies
Год: 2015
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 384
Для сайта:
Размер: 23.3 Mb
Язык: English
Your no-nonsense guide to getting a job in social media
Looking to snag a social media position? This fun and practical guide shows you how to stand out from the competition and land your dream job in social media. Inside, you'll find expert and easy-to-follow guidance on where you should look for a job in social media, how to research companies to target, the social media sites where you should be active, and much more. Plus, you'll get resume and cover letter writing tips, answers to tricky interview to woo potential employers, and advice on creating a valuable social media position within your current company. You will also benefit from sample resumes, resume templates, and videos available to download and view online.