Название: Basic Radar Analysis
Автор: Mervin C. Budge, Shawn R. German
Издательство: Artech House Publishers
Год: 2015
Страниц: 726
ISBN: 1608078787, 9781608078783
Формат: PDF
Размер: 43.7 Мб
Язык: English
Серия: Artech House Radar
This authoritative new resource presents fundamentals of radar analysis including the range equation, detection theory, ambiguity functions, antennas, receivers, SP, and chaff analysis for modern radars. This book addresses details behind the detection probability equations and origins radar engineers commonly use to perform signal processor analyses.
This book consolidates discussions of receiver design and analysis and treats areas of digital receivers not commonly found in other books. Packed with details on how to perform radar range equation and detection analyses, RCS modeling, ambiguity function generation and antenna pattern generation. This book also includes detailed analyses of coherent and non-coherent integration, design and analysis of analog and digital receivers, stretch processor implementation and SAR signal processor implementation. This resource also covers Basic STAP implementation and analysis as well as SLC design and implementation.
This book is accompanied by a MATLAB on CD. This new resource is intended as a text for a series of courses in radar and as a theory and practice reference for practicing radar engineers.