House & Home - July 2019

Автор: buratino от 8-06-2019, 16:15, Коментариев: 0


Название: House and Home
Год / месяц: July 2019
Номер: Vol.41 No.7
Формат: PDF
Размер: 42.6 Mb
Язык: English

Fresh and sophisticated, House and Home is the premier magazine of style. Each month, tour great homes, visit new stores and read decorating advice from Lynda Reeves &Suzanne Dimma. Get DIY projects and recipes from the editors, and meet the designers making news.

The War of 1812, Conflict and Deception: The British Attempt to Seize New Orleans and Nullify the Louisiana Purchase

Автор: literator от 8-06-2019, 16:13, Коментариев: 0


Название: The War of 1812, Conflict and Deception: The British Attempt to Seize New Orleans and Nullify the Louisiana Purchase
Автор: Ronald J. Drez
Издательство: LSU Press
ISBN: 080715931X
Год: 2014
Страниц: 408
Язык: английский
Формат: epub, azw3
Размер: 12.1 MB

Perhaps no conflict in American history is more important yet more overlooked and misunderstood than the War of 1812. Begun by President James Madison after decades of humiliating British trade interference and impressment of American sailors, the war in many ways was the second battle for United States independence. At the climax of the war – inspired by the defeat of Napoleon in early 1814 and the perceived illegality of the Louisiana Purchase – the British devised a plan to launch a three-pronged attack against the northern, eastern, and southern U.S. borders. Concealing preparations for this strike by engaging in negotiations in Ghent, Britain meanwhile secretly issued orders to seize New Orleans and wrest control of the Mississippi and the lands west of the river. They further instructed British commander General Edward Pakenham not to cease his attack if he heard rumors of a peace treaty. Great Britain even covertly installed government officials within military units with the intention of immediately taking over administrative control once the territory was conquered.

Синтетический алмаз для электроники и оптики

Автор: literator от 8-06-2019, 16:07, Коментариев: 0


Название: Синтетический алмаз для электроники и оптики
Автор: Хмельницкий Р.А., Талипов Н.Х., Чучева Г.В.
Издательство: ИКАР
ISBN: 978-5-7974-0558-0
Год: 2017
Страниц: 245
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10.1 MB

В последние десятилетия в мире идет интенсивный поиск новых современных материалов для электронных и полупроводниковых приборов. Особый интерес для специалистов вызывает такой материал как алмаз, который обладает уникальными свойствами и характеризуется как «материал XXI века». В публикациях содержатся сведения о создании на основе алмаза таких приборов, как транзисторы, диоды, детекторы рентгеновского и ядерного излучений, варисторы, лазеры, оптоэлектронные коммутаторы, фотоэмиттеры и фотодетекторы. В книге сделана попытка отразить с учетом имеющейся информации современное состояние, возможности и перспективы использования алмаза в различных областях электроники, оптики и техники.

Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 5th Edition

Автор: literator от 8-06-2019, 16:04, Коментариев: 0


Название: Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems 5th Edition
Автор: David G. Alciatore
Издательство: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 1260048705
Год: 2018
Страниц: 609
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 27.2 MB

Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, Fifth Edition, provides comprehensive and accessible coverage of the field of mechatronics for mechanical, electrical and aerospace engineering majors. The author presents a concise review of electrical circuits, solid-state devices, digital circuits, and motors- all of which are fundamental to understanding mechatronic systems.

Finding Ellipses

Автор: literator от 8-06-2019, 16:01, Коментариев: 0


Название: Finding Ellipses
Автор: Ulrich Daepp, Pamela Gorkin, Andrew Shaffer
Издательство: American Mathematical Society
ISBN: 147044383X
Год: 2018
Страниц: 282
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

Mathematicians delight in finding surprising connections between seemingly disparate areas of mathematics. Whole domains of modern mathematics have arisen from exploration of such connections consider analytic number theory or algebraic topology. Finding Ellipses is a delight-filled romp across a three-way unexpected connection between complex analysis, linear algebra, and projective geometry. The book begins with Blaschke products, complex-analytic functions that are generalizations of disk automorphisms. In the analysis of Blaschke products, we encounter, in a quite natural way, an ellipse inside the unit disk. The story continues by introducing the reader to Poncelet's theorem a beautiful result in projective geometry that ties together two conics and, in particular, two ellipses, one circumscribed by a polygon that is inscribed in the second.

Молдавский язык для стран СНГ

Автор: literator от 8-06-2019, 15:56, Коментариев: 0


Название: Молдавский язык для стран СНГ
Автор: Паря Е., Усач Д.
Издательство: МГЛУ
ISBN: 978-5-88983-511-0
Год: 2013
Страниц: русский, молдавский
Язык: 419
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,16 MB

Учебник «Молдавский язык для стран СНГ» предназначен для студентов, изучающих молдавский язык на начальном этапе, а также для всех, кто хочет лучше узнать язык и культуру Республики Молдова как под руководством преподавателя, так и самостоятельно. Цель издания - сформировать у обучающихся межкультурную компетенцию, которая позволит им успешно общаться с носителями изучаемого языка, понимать культурно-специфические формы поведения представителей другой культуры в процессе межкультурного диалога. Учебник является двуязычным и имеет модульную структуру. Уроки модуля объединены по тематическому принципу и содержат материал для формирования умений коммуникативного поведения в межкультурной ситуации общения, а также материалы культурологической направленности.

Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 5th Edition

Автор: literator от 8-06-2019, 15:53, Коментариев: 0


Название: Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 5th Edition
Автор: Susanna S. Epp
Издательство: Susanna S. Epp
ISBN: 1337694193
Год: 2020
Страниц: 1057
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 52.1 MB

This book was writing to provide a clear, accessible treatment of discrete mathematics for students majoring or minoring in computer science, mathematics, mathematics education, and engineering. The goal of the book is to lay the mathematical foundation for computer science courses such as data structures, algorithms, relational database theory, automata theory and formal languages, compiler design, and cryptography, and for mathematics courses such as linear and abstract algebra, combinatorics, probability, logic and set theory, and number theory. By combining discussion of theory and practice, Susanna S. Epp has tried to show that mathematics has engaging and important applications as well as being interesting and beautiful in its own right.

Electrical Machines (2017)

Автор: literator от 8-06-2019, 15:49, Коментариев: 0


Название: Electrical Machines
Автор: S.K. Sahdev
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108431062
Год: 2017
Страниц: 980
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 15.3 MB

An extensive and easy-to-read guide covering the fundamental concepts of electrical machines, highlighting transformers, motors, generators and magnetic circuits. It provides in-depth discussion on construction, working principles and applications of various electrical machines. The design of transformers, functioning of generators and performance of induction motors are explained through descriptive illustrations, step-by-step solved examples and mathematical derivations. A separate chapter on special purpose machines offers important topics such as servomotors, brushless motors and stepper motors, which is useful from industrial perspective to build a customized machine. Supported by 400 solved examples, 600 figures, and more than 1000 self-assessment exercises, this is an ideal text for one or two-semester undergraduate courses on electrical machines under electrical and electronics engineering.

Kubernetes: Up and Running: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure (Rev. 2)

Автор: literator от 8-06-2019, 15:30, Коментариев: 0


Название: Kubernetes: Up and Running: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure (Rev. 2)
Автор: Kelsey Hightower, Brendan Burn
Издательство: O'Reilly Media
Год: 2018
Страниц: 202
Язык: английский
Формат: epub, azw3, pdf (conv)
Размер: 10.1 MB

Kubernetes would like to thank every sysadmin who has woken up at 3 a.m. to restart a process. Every developer who pushed code to production only to find that it didn’t run like it did on their laptop. Every systems architect who mistakenly pointed a load test at the production service because of a leftover hostname that they hadn’t updated. It was the pain, the weird hours, and the weird errors that inspired the development of Kubernetes. In a single sentence: Kubernetes intends to radically simplify the task of building, deploying, and maintaining distributed systems. It has been inspired by decades of real-world experience building reliable systems and it has been designed from the ground up to make that experience, if not euphoric, at least pleasant. We hope you enjoy the book!

Outdoor Photographer Vol.35 No.6 2019

Автор: Vlad69 от 8-06-2019, 15:00, Коментариев: 0


Название: Outdoor Photographer
Год / месяц: 2019 July / июль
Номер: Vol.35 No.6
Формат: pdf
Размер: 42,6 Мб
Язык: английский

Outdoor Photographer - чрезвычайно необходимый журнал для профессиональных фотографов. Вы увидите потрясающие изображения от величайших фотографов в мире и получите рекомендации о том, как улучшить эксплуатацию оборудования и быть успешным, где искать вдохновение.