От Севастополя до Цусимы. Русский флот с 1866 по 1906 г

Автор: Avtolik от 26-07-2021, 21:37, Коментариев: 0


Название: От Севастополя до Цусимы. Русский флот с 1866 по 1906 г
Автор(ы): Нидермиллер А.Г.
Издательство: Рига: Издание М. Дидковского
Год: 1930
Страниц: 145
Язык: Русский
Формат: DJVU
Размер: 1,16 MB

Александр Георгиевич Нидермиллер (19 июля 1851, Рига — 21 марта 1937, Берлин) — известный деятель русского флота, вице-адмирал (1908). Окончил Морское Училище (1870), Академический курс морских наук (1876) и Минный офицерский класс (1878). В 1870—1873 годах совершил кругосветное плавание на клипере «Изумруд». В 1871—1879 годах изучал минное дело заводе Уайтхеда в Австрии. В 1879—1886 годах — флагманский минный офицер по самодвижущимся минам Уайтхеда в штабе заведующего минной частью Балтийском флоте. В 1883 году командирован в Севастополь для опытов с самодвижущимися минами Уайтхеда. С 1886 года помощник заведующего Минным офицерским классом в Кронштадте. В 1886 году командиром миноносца № 13 перегнал его от завода Шихау в Германии в Севастополь. В 1887—1890 годах — старший офицер крейсера «Африка» и одновременно преподаватель Минного офицерского класса. С 1891 года — командир транспорта «Красная Горка», затем крейсера «Джигит», на котором в 1894 году совершил плавание в Средиземное море и в Северный Ледовитый океан. 1896—1898 годах заведующий военно-морским ученым отделом, а с 1898 года командир крейсера «Память Азова» эскадры Тихого океана. В 1899—1900 совершил переход из Порт-Артура в Кронштадт. В 1900 году командовал 12-м флотским экипажем. С 1901 года — командир эскадренного броненосца «Бородино» и одновременно командир 18-го флотского экипажа в Петербурге.
В 1902 году произведен в контр-адмиралы и назначен начальником штаба при главном командире Кронштадтского порта. С 1903 года помощник начальника, а с 1905 по 1906 год и. о. начальника Главного морского штаба. Член Совета государственной обороны (СГО).
С 1906 года член Конференции Николаевской Морской академии. С 1907 года председатель Комитета Добровольного флота. В 1908 году уволен с чином вице-адмирала. 14 мая 1905 года в бою у острова Цусима погиб его единственный сын — вахтенный начальник эскадренного броненосца «Ослябя» лейтенант Владимир фон Нидермиллер 2-й (1882—1905).

Мишуткина командировка

Автор: Natali26 от 26-07-2021, 21:35, Коментариев: 0


Название: Мишуткина командировка
Автор: Яковлев Юрий Яковлевич
Издательство: Детгиз
Год: 1963
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 60
Размер: 25,74 Мб
Язык: русский

Повесть о маленьком Мишутке, который поехал "в командировку" к бабушке.


Приключения барона Мюнхаузена (1958)

Автор: Natali26 от 26-07-2021, 21:27, Коментариев: 0


Название: Приключения барона Мюнхаузена
Автор: Распэ Рудольф Эрих
Издательство: Детгиз
Год: 1958
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 98
Размер: 10,94 Мб
Язык: русский

В основу фантастических "Приключений барона Мюнхаузена" положены рассказы действительно жившего в XVIII веке в Германии барона Мюнхаузена. Он был военным, некоторое время служил в России и воевал с турками. Вернувшись в своё поместье в Германии, Мюнхаузен вскоре стал известен как остроумный рассказчик, выдумывавший самые невероятные приключения.


The Secret Twenties: British Intelligence, the Russians and the Jazz Age

Автор: Avtolik от 26-07-2021, 21:23, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Secret Twenties: British Intelligence, the Russians and the Jazz Age
Автор(ы): Phillips Timothy
Издательство: Granta Books
Год: 2017
Страниц: 320
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 3,86 MB

Espionage and counter-espionage between the Soviets and the British during London's Roaring Twenties. At the height of the hedonistic Jazz Age, many in British society became convinced that they were under attack from the new Soviet state. Still reeling from the Russian revolution of 1917, disturbed by the development of militant workers movements at home, and deeply paranoid about the recent wave of Russian immigration to the UK, the British government tasked the intelligence services to look for evidence of espionage. Over the next decade, as the political pressure mounted, the spooks began to cast their net of suspicion wider, to include not only suspect Russians, but British aristocrats, Bloomsbury artists, ordinary workers, and even members of parliament. It was the biggest spying operation in British Intelligence's peacetime history to date, undertaken with enthusiastic support from anti-Red crusaders like Winston Churchill, and its ramifications were profound. On the strength of the evidence uncovered, Britain deported hundreds of Russians and broke off diplomatic links with Moscow for more than two years. This was the first Cold War, and it not only set the rules of engagement for Russia and Britain for decades to come, but also sent shockwaves through the British establishment, bringing down a government and ending careers. Drawing on a wealth of recently declassified and previously unseen material, Timothy Phillips uncovers a world of suspicion and extremism, bureaucracy and betrayal set against the sparkling backdrop of cocktail-era London. The Secret Twenties shines fresh light on a glamorous decade, and offers a gripping account of the lives of the first Soviet spies, the British Secret Services that pursued them and the double agents in their midst.

Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness, a Soviet Spymaster

Автор: Avtolik от 26-07-2021, 21:21, Коментариев: 0


Название: Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness, a Soviet Spymaster
Автор(ы): Sudoplatov Pavel, Sudoplatov Anatoli
Издательство: Little, Brown and Company
Год: 1994
Страниц: 543
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 34.4 MB

According to KGB archives, general Pavel Sudoplatov directed the secretive Administration for Special Tasks. This department was responsible for kidnapping, assassination, sabotage, and guerrilla warfare during World War II, it also set up illegal networks in the United States and Western Europe, and, most crucially, carried out atomic espionage in the United States, Great Britain, and Canada. Sudoplatov served the KGB for over fifty years, at one point controlling more than twenty thousand guerrillas, moles, and spies. But his involvement with the most nefarious Soviet activities-- and the rulers who ordered them-- made Sudoplatov an unwanted witness, and he was arrested in 1953 after Beria's fall. Despite torture and solitary confinement he refused to "confess", disavowing any criminal actions. He spent fifteen years in prison, then struggled two decades more for rehabilitation. "Special Tasks" is an astonishing memoir and a singular historical document of a man who knew and did too much for the Soviet empire.

Semut: The Untold Story of a Secret Australian Operation in WWII Borneo

Автор: Avtolik от 26-07-2021, 21:19, Коментариев: 0


Название: Semut: The Untold Story of a Secret Australian Operation in WWII Borneo
Автор(ы): Helliwell Christine
Издательство: Penguin Books
Год: 2021
Страниц: 557
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 4,23 MB

March 1945. A handful of young Allied operatives are parachuted into the remote jungled heart of the Japanese-occupied island of Borneo, east of Singapore, there to recruit the island’s indigenous Dayak peoples to fight the Japanese. Yet most have barely encountered Asian or indigenous people before, speak next to no Borneo languages, and know little about Dayaks, other than that they have been – and may still be – headhunters. They fear that on arrival the Dayaks will kill them or hand them over to the Japanese. For their part, some Dayaks have never before seen a white face. So begins the story of Operation Semut, an Australian secret operation launched by the organisation codenamed Services Reconnaissance Department – popularly known as Z Special Unit – in the final months of WWII. Anthropologist Christine Helliwell has called on her years of first-hand knowledge of Borneo, interviewed more than one hundred Dayak people and all the remaining Semut operatives, and consulted thousands of military and other documents to piece together this astonishing story. Focusing on the operation's activities along two of Borneo’s great rivers – the Baram and Rejang – the book provides a detailed military history of Semut II’s and Semut III’s brutal guerrilla campaign against the Japanese, and reveals the decisive but long-overlooked Dayak role in the operation. But this is no ordinary history. Helliwell captures vividly the sounds, smells and tastes of the jungles into which the operatives are plunged, an environment so terrifying that many are unsure whether jungle or Japanese is the greater enemy. And she takes us into the lives and cavernous longhouses of the Dayaks on whom their survival depends. The result is a truly unique account of the encounter between two very different cultures amidst the savagery of the Pacific War.

Samolot Po-2: konstrukcja i technika pilotazu

Автор: Avtolik от 26-07-2021, 21:16, Коментариев: 0

Категория: КНИГИ » ТЕХНИКА

Название: Samolot Po-2: konstrukcja i technika pilotazu
Автор(ы): Karelin Konstantin
Издательство: Warszawa: Wojskowy Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy
Год: 1946
Страниц: 147
Язык: Polish
Формат: PDF
Размер: 47,15 MB

Samolot Po-2: konstrukcja i technika pilotazu

Rickover: The Struggle for Excellence

Автор: Avtolik от 26-07-2021, 21:13, Коментариев: 0


Название: Rickover: The Struggle for Excellence
Автор(ы): Duncan Francis
Издательство: Plunkett Lake Press
Год: 2001
Страниц: 364
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 4,58 MB

As the father of the nuclear powered Navy, Admiral Hyman G. Rickover was a pivotal figure in twentieth-century American history. While many books have been written about various aspects of his career, this is the first biography to have access to private papers, family and close friends. It not only deals with the admiral's controversial naval career but with phases of his personal life that made him what he was, including his youth as a Jewish immigrant who embraced America and the opportunities it offered. The author, Francis Duncan, worked with Rickover from 1969, when he was assigned to write a history of the nuclear propulsion program, until the admiral's death in 1986. Shortly before he died, Rickover turned over his files to Duncan, including letters to his first wife that give a vivid picture of the Navy from 1929 to 1945. Rickover's second wife allowed Duncan access to letters covering important events later in his career. The author was also granted interviews with the admiral's son and sister and with individuals from the Naval Reactors, an organization headed by Rickover whose members mostly had refused to talk to other biographers. A witness to the admiral's daily activities and the programs he directed, Duncan also drew on his own considerable knowledge to present a portrait of the man that gives new insights into Rickover's genius and short-comings. The book does not go into technical detail but focuses on the admiral's fights to build and extend the nuclear fleet and the often-difficult relationships that developed in the pursuit of the goal. He shows that Rickover's efforts had a profound effect on the postwar world, that the excellence and responsibility he demanded are qualities that reach beyond the Navy, and that his influence continues to be felt today.

Семь колен Рода

Автор: literator от 26-07-2021, 21:13, Коментариев: 0


Семь колен РодаНазвание: Семь колен Рода
Автор: Наталия Ладини
Издательство: Наталия Ладини
Год: 2017
Страниц: 138
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10.2 MB

Тема рода, родовых жизненных сценариев, родовых отработок является актуальной всегда. Ведь то, что наша душа приходит именно в этот род, со всеми его особенностями, не случайно и обусловлено нашими задачами и уроками в этой жизни, нашей кармой, и конечно, связано с нашим прошлым опытом. То есть рождаясь в том или ином роду, наша душа несет свою индивидуальную карму, так и карму своего рода. И поэтому так важно, чтобы те родовые энергии наших предков, носителями которых мы являемся, были диагностированы, исцелены и гармонизированы.

Learning the Lessons of Modern War

Автор: Avtolik от 26-07-2021, 21:10, Коментариев: 0


Название: Learning the Lessons of Modern War
Автор(ы): Mahnken T.G. (ed.)
Издательство: Stanford University Press
Год: 2020
Страниц: 332
Язык: English
Формат: PDF / DJVU
Размер: 2,28 / 2,79 MB

Learning the Lessons of Modern Waruses the study of the recent past to illuminate the future. More specifically, it examines the lessons of recent wars as a way of understanding continuity and change in the character and conduct of war.The volume brings together contributions from a group of well-known scholars and practitioners from across the world to examine the conduct of recent wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Middle East, South America, and Asia. The book's first section consists of chapters that explore the value of a contemporary approach to history and reflect on the value of learning lessons from the past. Its second section focuses on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Chapters on Iraq discuss the lessons of the Iraq War, the British perspective on the conflict, and the war as seen through the lens of Saddam Hussein's military. Chapters on Afghanistan discuss counterinsurgency operations during the war, Britain's experience in Afghanistan, raising and training Afghan forces, and U.S. interagency performance. The book's third section examines the lessons of wars involving Russia, Israel, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Georgia, and Colombia. It concludes by exploring overarching themes associated with the conduct of recent wars.Containing a foreword by former National Security Advisor Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster,Learning the Lessons of Modern Waris an indispensable resource for international relations and security studies scholars, policymakers, and military professionals.