Военный парад в честь 75-летия КНА. Фотоальбом

Автор: Igor1977 от 21-02-2023, 08:10, Коментариев: 0


Название: Военный парад в честь 75-летия КНА. Фотоальбом
Автор: Рим Ок
Издательство: Пхеньян: Издательство литературы на иностранных языках
Год: 2023
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 98
Размер: 18 mb
Язык: русский

8 февраля 112 г. чучхе (2023) в Пхеньяне – столице КНДР, на Площади им. Ким Ир Сена в присутствии уважаемого Ким Чен Ына проходил торжественный военный парад, посвященный 75-летней годовщине со дня основания Корейской Народной Армии.
Юбилейный военный парад был не просто демонстрацией военной мощи.
На нем в комплексном порядке были продемонстрированы идейно-политические качества, военно-техническое могущество и свойственный регулярным войскам облик КНА. К ее укреплению и развитию привели военная мысль ТПК о самообороне и ее мудрое руководство. Парад также ознаменовал собой большой военно-политический фестиваль, показывающий славную историю и традиции КНА – надежного стража социалистической Родины и народа.

Cloud Computing Tricks And Tips - 13th Edition, 2023

Автор: literator от 21-02-2023, 08:03, Коментариев: 0


Cloud Computing Tricks And Tips - 13th Edition, 2023Название: Cloud Computing Tricks And Tips - 13th Edition, 2023
Автор: Papercut Ltd
Издательство: Papercut Ltd
Год: 2023
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 37.0 MB

Cloud Computing Tricks and Tips is the perfect digital publication for the user that wants to take their skill set to the next level. Do you want to enhance your user experience? Or wish to gain insider knowledge? Do you want to learn directly from experts in their field? Learn the numerous short cuts that the professionals use? Over the pages of the new advanced user guide you will learn everything you will need to know to become a more confident, better skilled and experienced owner. A user that will make the absolute most of their storage use and ultimately the cloud itself. An achievement you can earn by simply enabling us to exclusively help and teach you the abilities we have gained over our decades of experience.

macOS Monterey Tricks and Tips - 6th Edition 2023

Автор: literator от 21-02-2023, 07:46, Коментариев: 0

Категория: КНИГИ » ОС И БД

macOS Monterey Tricks and Tips - 6th Edition 2023Название: macOS Monterey Tricks and Tips - 6th Edition 2023
Автор: Papercut Ltd
Издательство: Papercut Ltd
Год: 2023
Страниц: 122
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 63.1 MB

macOS Monterey Tricks and Tips is the perfect digital publication for the user that wants to take their skill set to the next level. Do you want to enhance your user experience? Or wish to gain insider knowledge? Do you want to learn directly from experts in their field? Learn the numerous short cuts that the professionals use? Over the pages of the new advanced user guide you will learn everything you will need to know to become a more confident, better skilled and experienced owner. A user that will make the absolute most of their macOS use and ultimately your Mac or MacBook itself. An achievement you can earn by simply enabling us to exclusively help and teach you the abilities we have gained over our decades of experience.

Code a Minecraft Mod in JavaScript Step by Step

Автор: literator от 21-02-2023, 07:29, Коментариев: 0


Code a Minecraft Mod in JavaScript Step by StepНазвание: Code a Minecraft Mod in jаvascript Step by Step
Автор: Joshua Romphf
Издательство: The Rosen Publishing Group
Серия: Coding Projects for All
Год: 2020
Страниц: 144
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 18.2 MB

Minecraft is a global phenomenon, adored by millions of gamers, but what if Minecraft could teach vital computer literacy and programming skills? Simply put: It can. This engaging and informative resource is designed to guide coders on a journey to enjoy their favorite game while they learn the basics of jаvascript, which is one of the world's most popular programming languages. Starting off with brainteasers and working up to real coding, these fun and exciting activities will teach everything needed to know how to write a brand new mod. The first section will mostly contain pen-and-paper or pseudocode exercises, covering the more language-agnostic concepts we’ll be using throughout the book. Woah, woah, I know throwing around phrases like “language-agnostic” this early is kind of scary. What that means, really, is that these concepts can be applied to many different programming languages — not just jаvascript. I’m a firm believer that the fundamentals of programming are useful no matter what language (or languages!) you learn.

Басмаческое движение в Средней Азии (1918-1934): общие черты и региональные особенности

Автор: Igor1977 от 21-02-2023, 07:28, Коментариев: 0

Категория: КНИГИ » ИСТОРИЯ

Название: Басмаческое движение в Средней Азии (1918-1934): общие черты и региональные особенности
Автор: Пылёв А.И.
Издательство: СПбГУ. — СПб.
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 175
Размер: 14 mb
Язык: русский

В связи с поставленной по-новому научной проблемой басмаческого движения мы выдвигаем основную цель диссертационной работы - в комплексном плане изучить эволюцию среднеазиатского басмачества в 20-е - начале 30-х годов XX в., его глубинные истоки и причины, рассмотреть и проанализировать особенности дальнейшего подъема басмачества, его общих черт и региональной специфики. Таким образом, общий результат исследования - формирование современной, научной концепции истории басмаческого движения в Средней Азии, без "привязки" к каким-либо политико-идеологическим ориентирам; для достижения указанной цели автором привлекался более широкий круг источников, архивных материалов, малоизвестных отечественной науке.

Всегда война. Часть 9

Автор: tatanavip от 21-02-2023, 07:15, Коментариев: 0


Название: Всегда война. Часть 9
Автор: Станислав Сергеев
Издательство: СИ
Год: 2023
Формат: fb2, rtf
Размер: 10 Мб
Качество: Хорошее
Язык: Русский

Продолжение цикла «Всегда война (Достойны ли мы отцов и дедов)»... Все чего мы боялись, произошло. Гражданская война, атомные бомбардировки, ядерная зима. В небольшом бункере, выжили несколько семей офицеров российской армии. Благодаря попавшим им в руки результатам секретных разработок, используя последние резервы, удалось пробить туннель в прошлое. Но на том конце туннеля тоже идет война. Снова бомбят города и уничтожают мирных жителей. Там страшный 41-й год.

Philosophy through Computer Science: An Introduction

Автор: literator от 21-02-2023, 06:10, Коментариев: 0


Philosophy through Computer Science: An IntroductionНазвание: Philosophy through Computer Science: An Introduction
Автор: Daniel Lim
Издательство: Routledge
Год: 2023
Страниц: 287
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

What do philosophy and computer science have in common? It turns out, quite a lot! In providing an introduction to Computer Science (using Python), Daniel Lim presents in this book key philosophical issues, ranging from external world skepticism to the existence of God to the problem of induction. These issues, and others, are introduced through the use of critical computational concepts, ranging from image manipulation to recursive programming to elementary machine learning techniques. In illuminating some of the overlapping conceptual spaces of computer science and philosophy, Lim teaches readers fundamental programming skills and allows them to develop the critical thinking skills essential for examining some of the enduring questions of philosophy. In this book, we will be using the Python programming language to introduce computer programming. The hope is that you will develop a sense for how to deal with and program computers—a transferrable skill that can be deployed through the application of any other programming language.

Windows 11 User Guide: Perfect and Detailed Step by Step Guide on the Use of Window 11

Автор: literator от 21-02-2023, 05:14, Коментариев: 0

Категория: КНИГИ » ОС И БД

Windows 11 User Guide: Perfect and Detailed Step by Step Guide on the Use of Window 11Название: Windows 11 User Guide: Perfect and Detailed Step by Step Guide on the Use of Window 11
Автор: Golden McPherson
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2023
Страниц: 377
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 17.4 MB

In-depth information about Microsoft Windows 11, including new features, system requirements, and more, is provided in this thorough guide. Windows 11 is made to help you get nearer to the things you enjoy. More than one billion people use Windows to connect, learn, play, and work today. Windows 11 improves crucial features like security and dependability while bringing you nearer to the people and things you care about. Additionally, it stimulates creativity and increases productivity. This book contains information on the planned, phased release of Windows 11, as well as instructions on how to get the upgrade once your device is ready. Use this well-illustrated, simple-to-follow blueprint to Microsoft Windows 11 to get the most out of your computer. The important manual for individuals who want to understand the principles of Microsoft Windows 11 which this book is all about.

Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch, Book 1-4

Автор: literator от 21-02-2023, 04:51, Коментариев: 0


Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch, Book 1-4Название: Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch, Book 1-4
Автор: Phil Bagge
Издательство: University of Buckingham Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 82+124+116+154
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 84.5 MB

These books, classroom-tested and perfected by Phil Bagge through his website code-it.co.uk and published in conjunction with Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service (HIAS), aid teachers in providing Key Stage 2 pupils with an exciting and challenging Computer Science curriculum. They can be used to supplement existing programming modules or as a complete KS2 Computer Science program of study. They contain a series of programming projects that gradually introduce pupils to algorithm design and evaluation, generalisation and decomposition. Pupils will learn how to use sequence, repetition, selection and variables through becoming creators of a wide variety of programming projects. Maths, literacy, humanities, gaming, music and control skills are all put to the test. There are four pupil workbooks to provide structure, resources and home learning links. These are designed to work in conjunction with the teacher book. In addition, there are also two home learning books that have been devised for children to learn programming outside of school. The Scratch programming language, widely recognised in schools, is freely accessible online or as a download and is the ideal place to begin programming.

140 Actual Questions & Sample Answers for IELTS Writing Task 2 (Jan - Dec 2022)

Автор: literator от 21-02-2023, 04:00, Коментариев: 0


140 Actual Questions & Sample Answers for IELTS Writing Task 2 (Jan - Dec 2022)Название: 140 Actual Questions & Sample Answers for IELTS Writing Task 2 (Jan - Dec 2022)
Автор: Mount2 Education
Издательство: Mount2Lib/Leanpub
Год: 2023-02-11
Страниц: 169
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 16.6 MB

What this ebook has to offer: - 140 IELTS Writing Task 2 questions that appeared in real exams from January to December 2022; - 140 sample answers with a band score of 7.5 - 8.5; - A variety of topics and essay types