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Mathematical Foundations of Data Science

Автор: literator от 15-03-2023, 05:37, Коментариев: 0


Mathematical Foundations of Data ScienceНазвание: Mathematical Foundations of Data Science
Автор: Tomas Hrycej, Bernhard Bermeitinger, Matthias Cetto, Siegfried Handschuh
Издательство: Springer
Серия: Texts in Computer Science
Год: 2023
Страниц: 219
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

This textbook aims to point out the most important principles of data analysis from the mathematical point of view. Specifically, it selected these questions for exploring: Which are the principles necessary to understand the implications of an application, and which are necessary to understand the conditions for the success of methods used? Theory is presented only to the degree necessary to apply it properly, striving for the balance between excessive complexity and oversimplification. Its primary focus is on principles crucial for application success. Although this core textbook aims directly at students of Computer Science and/or Data Science, it will be of real appeal, too, to researchers in the field who want to gain a proper understanding of the mathematical foundations “beyond” the sole computing experience. This book is appropriate for advanced undergraduate or master’s students in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, statistics or related quantitative subjects, as well as people from other disciplines who want to solve Data Science tasks.

The Mathematical Representation of Physical Reality

Автор: literator от 15-03-2023, 05:20, Коментариев: 0


The Mathematical Representation of Physical RealityНазвание: The Mathematical Representation of Physical Reality
Автор: Shahen Hacyan
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 157
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

This book deals with the rise of mathematics in physical sciences, beginning with Galileo and Newton and extending to the present day. The book is divided into two parts. The first part gives a brief history of how mathematics was introduced into physics—despite its "unreasonable effectiveness" as famously pointed out by a distinguished physicist—and the criticisms it received from earlier thinkers. The second part takes a more philosophical approach and is intended to shed some light on that mysterious effectiveness. For this purpose, the author reviews the debate between classical philosophers on the existence of innate ideas that allow us to understand the world and also the philosophically based arguments for and against the use of mathematics in physical sciences. In this context, Schopenhauer’s conceptions of causality and matter are very pertinent, and their validity is revisited in light of modern physics. The final question addressed is whether the effectiveness of mathematics can be explained by its “existence” in an independent platonic realm, as Godel believed. Mathematics has been impressively successful in describing a wide variety of phenomena in Nature.

Essentials of Compilation: An Incremental Approach in Racket

Автор: literator от 15-03-2023, 05:01, Коментариев: 0


Essentials of Compilation: An Incremental Approach in RacketНазвание: Essentials of Compilation: An Incremental Approach in Racket
Автор: Jeremy G. Siek
Издательство: The MIT Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 240
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 16.6 MB

A hands-on approach to understanding and building compilers. Compilers are notoriously some of the most difficult programs to teach and understand. Most books about compilers dedicate one chapter to each progressive stage, a structure that hides how language features motivate design choices. By contrast, this innovative textbook provides an incremental approach that allows students to write every single line of code themselves. Essentials of Compilation guides the reader in constructing their own compiler for a small but powerful programming language, adding complex language features as the book progresses. Jeremy Siek explains the essential concepts, algorithms, and data structures that underlie modern compilers and lays the groundwork for future study of advanced topics. Already in wide use by students and professionals alike, this rigorous but accessible book invites readers to learn by doing. We use the Racket language both for the implementation of the compiler and for the input language, so the reader should be proficient with Racket or Scheme.

Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity Management and Applications

Автор: literator от 15-03-2023, 04:45, Коментариев: 0


Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity Management and ApplicationsНазвание: Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity Management and Applications
Автор: Yassine Maleh, Mamoun Alazab, Soufyane Mounir
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 249
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 11.4 MB

As cyberattacks continue to grow in complexity and number, Computational Intelligence is helping under-resourced security analysts stay one step ahead of threats. Drawing on threat intelligence from millions of studies, blogs, and news articles, Computational Intelligence techniques such as Machine Learning and automatic natural language processing (NLP) quickly provide the means to identify real threats and dramatically reduce response times. Computational Intelligence for Cybersecurity Management and Applications collects and reports on recent high-quality research addressing different cybersecurity challenges. This book discusses the current state of the art and practical solutions for the following cybersecurity and privacy issues using Artificial Intelligence techniques and cutting-edge technology. Readers interested in learning more about Computational Intelligence techniques for cybersecurity applications and management will find this book invaluable. They will get insight into potential avenues for future study on these topics and be able to prioritize their efforts better.

Smart Distributed Embedded Systems for Healthcare Applications

Автор: literator от 15-03-2023, 04:33, Коментариев: 0


Smart Distributed Embedded Systems for Healthcare ApplicationsНазвание: Smart Distributed Embedded Systems for Healthcare Applications
Автор: Preeti Nagrath, Jafar A. Alzubi, Bhawna Singla
Издательство: CRC Press
Серия: Explainable AI (XAI) for Engineering Applications
Год: 2023
Страниц: 199
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 17.7 MB

This book discusses the applications and optimization of emerging smart technologies in the field of healthcare. It further explains different modeling scenarios of the latest technologies in the healthcare system and compares the results to better understand the nature and progress of diseases in the human body, which would ultimately lead to early diagnosis and better treatment and cure of diseases with the help of distributed technology. Embedded systems is the smart integration of hardware and software, which has many applications. Initially, embedded systems were introduced in the field of healthcare to cater to medical issues. Now, the amalgamation of smart distributed embedded systems with digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing, IOT, NLP, augmented reality, virtual reality, and fog computing are used, and they prove to be a boon in the field of health and medicine. The new features offered by smart distributed technologies have accelerated the growth in the health industry.

Professional CMake: A Practical Guide, 14th Edition

Автор: literator от 15-03-2023, 04:14, Коментариев: 0


Professional CMake: A Practical Guide, 14th EditionНазвание: Professional CMake: A Practical Guide, 14th Edition
Автор: Craig Scott
Издательство: Crascit Pty Ltd
Год: 2023
Страниц: 664
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.06 MB

Professional CMake: A Practical Guide is the handbook for every CMake user, from beginner to seasoned veteran. It contains hundreds of pages of real-world advice, best practices and insights gained from production projects and interaction with the CMake community. Topics cover the complete software pipeline, from the very initial setup of a project through to testing, packaging and integration with other projects. Important more advanced topics like improving build performance are also covered. Each chapter focuses on a particular theme or fundamental concept. Read them in order as a structured CMake tutorial, or jump to specific chapters to focus on a particular topic or solve a specific problem. Every chapter ends with a Recommended Practices section highlighting the most important points.

Чудо-поварЁшка № 7 2021

Автор: Tetyanka_ от 15-03-2023, 02:07, Коментариев: 0


Название: Чудо-поварЁшка
Номер/дата выпуска: № 7 (34) июль 2021
Изд-во: ООО «Юнілайн-Україна»
Страниц: 36
Формат: PDF
Размер: 39,2 Мб
Язык: русский

Наши блюда хороши, мы готовим от души!
Кулинарное издание для тех, кто любит и приготовить, и посмаковать: оригинальные и экзотические, вкусные простые и доступные каждому рецепты на все случаи жизни от повара Ёшки и шеф-повара Марины Видаковой. "Чудо-поварёшка" - источник приятного времяпрепровождения за столом. Ищите "свои" интересные рецепты для своего кулинарного блокнота, чтобы удивить родных и близких своими кулинарными достижениями.
Издание наполнено рецептами и авторскими фотографиями каждого представленного блюда, временем приготовления, а также полезными советами.
Среди рецептов: Буженина в кастрюле, салат с плавленным сыром, стейки из цветной капусты с рыбой, гороховый суп с грибами, Капустняк, минтай в хлебной шубе, скумбрия в овощном маринаде, клубочки с печенью и овощами, баранина с булгуром и овощами, конфитюр из черешни,

Искусство взрывать. Цикл из 2 книг

Автор: martin от 15-03-2023, 00:27, Коментариев: 0


Название: Искусство взрывать. Цикл из 2 книг
Автор: Антон Емельянов, Сергей Савинов
Издательство: Самиздат
Жанр: Попаданцы, Бояръ-Аниме, Городское фэнтези
Год: 2023
Язык: Русский
Формат: fb2
Размер файла: 11.6 Мб

Это мир, где большую политику вершат аристократы, где торговым корпорациям служат супергерои, а ночью на улицы выходят банды в масках и с техно-артефактами.
Это история про парня, который попал в другой мир и стал героем-артефактором. Вот только его сила заключается не в том, чтобы создавать крутые вещи, от которых будут сходить с ума местные аристократы и красотки. Единственное, что у него получается хорошо – это ломать то, что сделали другие. Идеально – взрывать.
Впрочем, возможно, именно этого не хватало империи, чтобы начать новый поход в области Тьмы.

Божья коровка. Цикл из 2 книг

Автор: martin от 15-03-2023, 00:15, Коментариев: 0


Название: Божья коровка. Цикл из 2 книг
Автор: Анатолий Дроздов
Издательство: Самиздат
Жанр: Попаданцы во времени, Альтернативная история
Год: 2022-2023
Язык: Русский
Формат: fb2
Размер файла: 10.5 Мб

Гибель на войне - дело рядовое. Взрыв ракеты за спиной - и нет командира роты. Только смерть отчего-то пролетела стороной. Ты очнулся в молодом и сильном теле, полном позабытых ощущений. Только вот беда: это тело юного дебила, у него и справка соответствующая есть. Да еще на календаре год 1967-й...
P.S. Комментарии закрыты, потому что часть читателей устроила здесь политический срач, хотя автор убедительно просил их не делать этого. Открыты для друзей.

Тяжелый танк Т-35А, 1939г. (Modelik 2/2008)

Автор: freees771 от 15-03-2023, 00:00, Коментариев: 0


Название: Т-35А
Издательство: Modelik
Формат: JPG, А3/А4
Масштаб: 1x25
Размер: 232 мб
Листов: 128
Язык: польский

Журнал для любителей моделирования из картона.
Распечатай, вырежи и склей.
Бумажнокартонная модель-копия советского тяжелого танка второй мировой войны.
Два варианта формата для печати.
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