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Surviving Other People's APIs

Автор: literator от 8-10-2024, 02:32, Коментариев: 0


Название: Surviving Other People's APIs
Автор: Phil Sturgeon, Mike Bifulco
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2023-04-17
Страниц: 173
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 15.9 MB

"Just pull that from the API" they said. "It'll be easy!" they said. How can you build the best web/mobile/client-side application, when the APIs you need to work with are poorly documented, struggle with sketchy performance, or generally make you feel like you're on a dangerous expidition into an ancient tomb, with hidden booby traps, doors operated by archaic runes, where one wrong move triggers swinging battering rambs to wreck your day into a wall of spikes. This whole premise of an API client-server relationship is inherently fraught with danger, because going over the network for anything can lead to unexpected errors, unexpected change, connection problems... hell a rat could have chewed through a cable. This book aims to help you not just react to these problems, but ideally prempt them and build an application that laughs in the face of danger. Just like with Build APIs You Won’t Hate, this book will take a non-academic, easy-to-read approach to some pretty complex topics around HTTP interactions, versioning, client-caching, state management, differences between how you interact with RPC, REST and GraphQL, using JSON Schema for local validation, and all sorts of other awesome stuff that nobody ever bothered to mention to you.

Hands-On Prescriptive Analytics (Early Release)

Автор: literator от 8-10-2024, 01:54, Коментариев: 0


Название: Hands-On Prescriptive Analytics: Optimizing Your Decisions with Python (Early Release)
Автор: Walter R. Paczkowski
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2024-10-04
Страниц: 300
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 16.2 MB

Business decisions in any context—operational, tactical, or strategic—can have considerable consequences. Whether the outcome is positive and rewarding or negative and damaging to the business, its employees, and stakeholders is unknown when action is approved. These decisions are usually made under the proverbial cloud of uncertainty. With this practical guide, data analysts, data scientists, and business analysts will learn why and how maximizing positive consequences and minimizing negative ones requires three forms of rich information: Descriptive analytics explores the results from an action—what has already happened. Predictive analytics focuses on what could happen. The third, prescriptive analytics, informs us what should happen in the future. While all three are important for decision-makers, the primary focus of this book is on the third: prescriptive analytics. This book is intended for people involved in demand measurement and forecasting; predictive modeling; pricing analytics including elasticity estimation; customer satisfaction assessment; market and advertisement research; new product development and research; capital investment decisions; and any place where these analyses are input into major decisions at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels. This book will provide background for Prescriptive Analytics by explaining the intuition underlying analytic concepts; developing the necessary mathematical and statistical analytic principles; demonstrating concepts using Python in JupyterLab notebooks; and illustrating analytical concepts with use-cases.

Build APIs You Won't Hate : Everyone and their dog wants an API, so you should probably learn how to build them

Автор: literator от 8-10-2024, 01:20, Коментариев: 0


Название: Build APIs You Won't Hate : Everyone and their dog wants an API, so you should probably learn how to build them
Автор: Phil Sturgeon
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2016-03-30
Страниц: 194
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub + Extras
Размер: 10.1 MB

Tasked with building an API for your company but don't have a clue where to start? Taken over an existing API and hate it? Built your own API and still hate it? This book is for you. API development is becoming increasingly common for server-side developers thanks to the rise of front-end jаvascript frameworks, iPhone applications, and API-centric architectures. It might seem like grabbing stuff from a data source and shoving it out as JSON would be easy, but surviving changes in business logic, database schema updates, new features, or deprecated endpoints can be a nightmare. By passing on some best practices and general good advice you can hit the ground running with API development, combined with some horror stories and how they were overcome/avoided/averted. This book will discuss the theory of designing and building APIs in any language or framework, with this theory applied in PHP-based examples. This book will discuss the theory of designing and building APIs in any language or framework. This theory will be applied in examples built mostly in PHP, with some Ruby and Python too. The book will not be too code-heavy regardless, since reading code is no fun. By the end of this book, you will have built an API that can create, read, update, delete things, handle searching, and do everything else a good Hypermedia API needs to do.

Ponto Cruz Flores - Outubro 2024

Автор: magnum от 8-10-2024, 00:00, Коментариев: 0


Ponto Cruz Flores - Outubro 2024Название: Ponto Cruz
Издательство: Circulo
Год / месяц: Outubro 2024
Номер: Flores
Страниц: 30
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 33,4 MB
Язык: португальский

Журнал для рукодельниц Ponto Cruz предлагает проекты для тех, кто увлекается вышивкой. В издании представлено множество великолепных, интересных проектов цветочных орнаментов. Все схемы просты и доступны в исполнении.
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