Название: Stereophile
Издательство: The Enthusiast Network Magazines, LLC
Год / месяц: April 2016
Номер: Vol.39 No.4
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 43.04 MB
Страниц: 188
Stereophile - авторитетный американский журнал, посвященный аудиотехнике классов HI-FI и HI-END: обзоры и статьи, рейтинги. В каждом номере - усилители, проигрыватели дисков и винила, аудиоколонки, стойки для аппаратуры, аксессуары.
Every month Stereophile magazine offers authoritative reviews, informed recommendations, helpful advice, and controversial opinions, all stemming from the revolutionary idea that audio components should be judged on how they reproduce music.
Содержание номера:
- Aura Note V2 CD receiver
- Great analog playback gear from Abis, Jasmine, M?rch, Reed, SME, and TechDAS
- A US-premier review of the AR-M2 hi-rez portable player from one of the great names in hi-fi, Acoustic Research, now under new ownership
- A high-end server from Aurender is put through its paces
- An interview with blues-ish singer/guitarist, Bonnie Raitt
- And kicking off this bumper 188-page issue, a report that "The Kids Are Alright!"