Аквариум №1-6 2010

Автор: solspol от 10-11-2016, 21:51, Коментариев: 0


Аквариум №1-6 2010

Название: Аквариум
Год / месяц: 2010
Номер: 1-6
Формат: PDF
Размер: 192,3 МВ
Язык: русский

Журнал для тех, кто увлекается аквариумистикой. В подборку включены все номера журнала, изданные в 2010 году.

Атомный эксперт №8 (октябрь 2016)

Автор: Romanych от 9-11-2016, 00:10, Коментариев: 0


Атомный эксперт №8 (октябрь 2016)

Название: Атомный эксперт №8 (октябрь 2016)
Страниц: 70
Формат: PDF
Качество: хорошее
Размер файла: 52,42 MB
Язык: Русский

«Атомный эксперт» – ежемесячное печатное информационно-аналитическое издание. Издается совместно с редакцией журнала «Атомная энергия». Журнал «Атомный эксперт» – это актуальные отраслевые новости, рассказы о событиях, тенденциях и трендах в сфере атомной энергетики, интервью экспертов и топ-менеджеров компаний, анализ проблем и поиск вариантов их решения.

Nature Magazine – 1 September 2016

Автор: harun54 от 7-11-2016, 13:39, Коментариев: 0


Nature Magazine – 1 September 2016Название: Nature Magazine
Номер: 1 September
Год : 2016
Страниц: 330
Формат: PDF
Размер: 172,6 MB
Язык: Английский / English

Nature is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Research scientists are the primary audience for the journal, but summaries and accompanying articles are intended to make many of the most important papers understandable to scientists in other fields and the educated public. Towards the front of each issue are editorials, news and feature articles on issues of general interest to scientists, including current affairs, science funding, business, scientific ethics and research breakthroughs. There are also sections on books and arts. The remainder of the journal consists mostly of research papers (articles or letters), which are often dense and highly technical. Because of strict limits on the length of papers, often the printed text is actually a summary of the work in question with many details relegated to accompanying supplementary material on the journal's website.

Nature Magazine – 23 June 2016

Автор: harun54 от 7-11-2016, 13:31, Коментариев: 0


Nature Magazine – 23 June 2016
Название: Nature Magazine
Номер: 23 June
Год : 2016
Страниц: 330
Формат: PDF
Размер: 171,7 MB
Язык: Английский / English

Nature is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Research scientists are the primary audience for the journal, but summaries and accompanying articles are intended to make many of the most important papers understandable to scientists in other fields and the educated public. Towards the front of each issue are editorials, news and feature articles on issues of general interest to scientists, including current affairs, science funding, business, scientific ethics and research breakthroughs. There are also sections on books and arts. The remainder of the journal consists mostly of research papers (articles or letters), which are often dense and highly technical. Because of strict limits on the length of papers, often the printed text is actually a summary of the work in question with many details relegated to accompanying supplementary material on the journal's website.

Nature Magazine – 26 May 2016

Автор: harun54 от 7-11-2016, 13:22, Коментариев: 0


Nature Magazine – 26 May 2016Название: Nature Magazine
Номер: 26 May
Год : 2016
Страниц: 330
Формат: PDF
Размер: 107 MB
Язык: Английский / English

Nature is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Research scientists are the primary audience for the journal, but summaries and accompanying articles are intended to make many of the most important papers understandable to scientists in other fields and the educated public. Towards the front of each issue are editorials, news and feature articles on issues of general interest to scientists, including current affairs, science funding, business, scientific ethics and research breakthroughs. There are also sections on books and arts. The remainder of the journal consists mostly of research papers (articles or letters), which are often dense and highly technical. Because of strict limits on the length of papers, often the printed text is actually a summary of the work in question with many details relegated to accompanying supplementary material on the journal's website.

Nature Magazine – 21 July 2016

Автор: harun54 от 7-11-2016, 13:18, Коментариев: 0


Nature Magazine – 21 July 2016
Название: Nature Magazine
Номер: 21 July
Год : 2016
Страниц: 330
Формат: PDF
Размер: 107,4 MB
Язык: Английский / English

Nature is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Research scientists are the primary audience for the journal, but summaries and accompanying articles are intended to make many of the most important papers understandable to scientists in other fields and the educated public. Towards the front of each issue are editorials, news and feature articles on issues of general interest to scientists, including current affairs, science funding, business, scientific ethics and research breakthroughs. There are also sections on books and arts. The remainder of the journal consists mostly of research papers (articles or letters), which are often dense and highly technical. Because of strict limits on the length of papers, often the printed text is actually a summary of the work in question with many details relegated to accompanying supplementary material on the journal's website.

Nature Magazine – 14 July 2016

Автор: harun54 от 7-11-2016, 13:16, Коментариев: 0


Nature Magazine – 14 July 2016Название: Nature Magazine
Номер: 14 July
Год : 2016
Страниц: 290
Формат: PDF
Размер: 101,3 MB
Язык: Английский / English

Nature is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Research scientists are the primary audience for the journal, but summaries and accompanying articles are intended to make many of the most important papers understandable to scientists in other fields and the educated public. Towards the front of each issue are editorials, news and feature articles on issues of general interest to scientists, including current affairs, science funding, business, scientific ethics and research breakthroughs. There are also sections on books and arts. The remainder of the journal consists mostly of research papers (articles or letters), which are often dense and highly technical. Because of strict limits on the length of papers, often the printed text is actually a summary of the work in question with many details relegated to accompanying supplementary material on the journal's website.

Nature Magazine – 7 July 2016

Автор: harun54 от 7-11-2016, 13:12, Коментариев: 0


Nature Magazine – 7 July 2016Название: Nature Magazine
Номер: 7 July
Год : 2016
Страниц: 350
Формат: PDF
Размер: 129,2 MB
Язык: Английский / English

Nature is a British interdisciplinary scientific journal. Research scientists are the primary audience for the journal, but summaries and accompanying articles are intended to make many of the most important papers understandable to scientists in other fields and the educated public. Towards the front of each issue are editorials, news and feature articles on issues of general interest to scientists, including current affairs, science funding, business, scientific ethics and research breakthroughs. There are also sections on books and arts. The remainder of the journal consists mostly of research papers (articles or letters), which are often dense and highly technical. Because of strict limits on the length of papers, often the printed text is actually a summary of the work in question with many details relegated to accompanying supplementary material on the journal's website.

Аквариум №1-6 2009

Автор: kran70 от 6-11-2016, 21:14, Коментариев: 0


Аквариум №1-6 2009
Название: Аквариум
Год / месяц: 2009/1-12
Номер: 1-6
Формат: PDF
Размер: 196 Мб

Журнал "Аквариум" – специализированный научно-популярный иллюстрированный журнал о содержании и разведении аквариумных рыб


Машины и механизмы №12 2010

Автор: Гната от 5-11-2016, 03:28, Коментариев: 0


Машины и механизмы №12 2010
Автор: Коллектив
Название: Машины и механизмы
Год / месяц: 2010/декабрь
Номер: 12
Страниц: 106
Формат: Pdf в RAR
Размер: 59,91 Мб

«Машины и механизмы» - журнал для всех, кто интересуется устройством современного мира. Издание не ограничивается обзорами передовых технологий и последних изобретений. В сферу интересов «ММ» входят вопросы развития общества, новейшие социальные и даже геополитические тенденции. «ММ» отличается от прочих профильных изданий глубиной подачи материала, так как пытается досконально разобраться в сущности того или иного актуального явления.