Автор:Irene Mueller
Название: Easy to make Christmas ornaments
Издательство: Amos Press, Inc.
Год: 2004
Формат: JPG
Размер: 15МВ
Страниц: 76
Язык: Английский
Рождественские украшения. Несложные поделки к Новому году и Рождеству. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Is The summer over?!? Wow, did it fly by or what? What with all the BBQ's. weekend events, family gatherings. and vacations, it all seems a blur And. for those of us living in the Midwest, what a roller coaster of temperature changes we had - wed go from gathering round the outdoor fire pit to scurrying back inside to huddle around the fireplace. And. of course, now that the school year has started, we've hit the ground running. Like a snowball effect, the months seem to pick up speed and before you know it, Christmas is upon us.