Автор: Editors of Fine Woodworking Magazine
Год: 2007
Формат: ISO (образ диска)
Качество: оригинальное
Размер: 1.4 Гб
Язык: English
Коллекционный диск The Best Of Fine Woodworking 2nd edition DVD-ROM включает в себя более 1000 статей посвящённых деревообработке, более 2000 советов по работе, собранных за 30 лет публикации журнала "Fine Woodworking", а также бонусный видеоматериал.

chosen from among the 30 years worth of content published in Fine Woodworking magazine,
the leading authority on all topics related to furniture making and cabinetmaking. We also
have a website, FineWoodworking.com, where you can find additional Information, including
project plans, tool-buying tips, and videos.
The Taunton Press has for 30 years published magazines, books, and videos that will help
you improve your skills and expand your horizons. The editors and staff of The Taunton Press
are fellow enthusiasts who understand the value of in-depth, reliable information. Our goal is
to satisfy every person who turns to us for inspiration, so that the books and magazines of
The Taunton Press become a trusted resource - for life.
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