Britain at War 2016-08

Автор: Gerza от 30-09-2016, 13:20, Коментариев: 0


Britain at War 2016-09
Название: Britain at War Magazine
Издательство: Key Publishing Ltd
Год / месяц: August 2016
Страниц: 116
Язык: English
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 60 МВ

Britain at War Magazine – A History of Conflict Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Aviation Publisher.

Classic Military Vehicle 2016-10

Автор: Gerza от 30-09-2016, 11:44, Коментариев: 0


Classic Military Vehicle 2016-10
Название: Classic Military Vehicle
Издательство: Key Publishing
Год / месяц: October 2016 (185)
Страниц: 84
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 37 MB

Classic Military Vehicle is the best selling publication in the UK dedicated to the coverage of all historic military vehicles.

Combat Aircraft Monthly 2016-10

Автор: Gerza от 30-09-2016, 11:31, Коментариев: 0


Combat Aircraft Monthly 2016-10
Название: Combat Aircraft Monthly Magazine
Издательство: Key Publishing
Год / месяц: October 2016
Страниц: 116
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 25 MB

Renowned as the world’s top military aviation magazine, Combat Aircraft Monthly is the magazine of choice for modern military aviation. Covering subjects from around the world, from combat accounts from the cockpit over Afghanistan to air force overviews and emerging aerospace industry stories, Combat Aircraft Monthly delivers all the latest news, with added value from expert analysis, opinion and views from the front line. Combat Aircraft Monthly is the military aviation magazine that sets the pace, often with world exclusives, the best and most authoritative features every month, and all supported by imagery from the world’s leading aviation photographers.

Classic Arms & Militaria 2016-10/11

Автор: Gerza от 30-09-2016, 10:36, Коментариев: 0


Classic Arms & Militaria 2016-10/11
Название: Classic Arms & Militaria
Издательство: Warners Group Publications
Год / месяц: October/November 2016
Страниц: 56
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 МВ

Classic Arms & Militaria is a specialist journal published every two months. It features many interesting articles and pictures, on topics covering rifles, pistols, swords, uniforms and aboriginal arms. Written by a knowledgeable team of expert contributors, it tells some unusual medieval tales, concentrating mainly on pre-first world war stories taking us from Sudan to Japan, from India to Russia and the rest of the world.

Classic Arms & Militaria 2016-08/09

Автор: Gerza от 30-09-2016, 10:08, Коментариев: 0


Classic Arms & Militaria 2016-08/09
Название: Classic Arms & Militaria
Издательство: Warners Group Publications
Год / месяц: August/September 2016
Страниц: 56
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 17 МВ

Classic Arms & Militaria is a specialist journal published every two months. It features many interesting articles and pictures, on topics covering rifles, pistols, swords, uniforms and aboriginal arms. Written by a knowledgeable team of expert contributors, it tells some unusual medieval tales, concentrating mainly on pre-first world war stories taking us from Sudan to Japan, from India to Russia and the rest of the world.

Classic Arms & Militaria 2016-06/07

Автор: Gerza от 30-09-2016, 09:56, Коментариев: 0


Classic Arms & Militaria 2016-06/07
Название: Classic Arms & Militaria
Издательство: Warners Group Publications
Год / месяц: June/July 2016
Страниц: 56
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 17 МВ

Classic Arms & Militaria is a specialist journal published every two months. It features many interesting articles and pictures, on topics covering rifles, pistols, swords, uniforms and aboriginal arms. Written by a knowledgeable team of expert contributors, it tells some unusual medieval tales, concentrating mainly on pre-first world war stories taking us from Sudan to Japan, from India to Russia and the rest of the world.

FlyPast 2016-11

Автор: Gerza от 30-09-2016, 08:39, Коментариев: 0


FlyPast 2016-11
Название: FlyPast Magazine
Издательство: Key Publishing
Год / месяц: November 2016
Страниц: 124
Язык: English
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 77 МВ

Established in 1981, FlyPast is internationally regarded for its comprehensive coverage of aviation history and heritage. Published monthly, FlyPast magazine is packed with first-person aircrew memories, expertly researched features from 1914 into the 1960s, airshow news, product reviews, museum visits, restoration projects, in-detail surveys of famous aircraft as well as comprehensive and authoritative news and stunning photography from around the globe. Subjects regularly profiled include British and American aircraft type histories, as well as those of squadrons and units from the Second World War to the Cold War.

Красная звезда №109 от 30.09.2016

Автор: kran70 от 30-09-2016, 04:42, Коментариев: 0


Красная звезда №109 от 30.09.2016
Название: Красная звезда
Год / месяц: 2016/9
Номер: 109 (26999)
Страниц: 8
Формат:  PDF
Размер: 1 Мб

Газета Министерства обороны Российской Федерации

The Story of the Normans (BBC History UK)

Автор: Dimas от 30-09-2016, 03:07, Коментариев: 0


The Story of the Normans (BBC History UK)
Название: The Story of the Normans (BBC History UK)
Год / месяц: 2016
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 116
Размер: 35 Mb
Язык: English

BBC History magazine is an authoritative and informed history publication examining and re-examining key historical events, turning points in history, wider trends within history, and different eras as a whole. It publishes articles written by experts in their field on all periods of history, whether that’s Ancient Egypt, Tudor England, or the Second World War, and brings cutting-edge historical research and new theories to a wider audience in an accessible, engaging format.

Танк T-34 № 119

Автор: Vitautus от 30-09-2016, 00:58, Коментариев: 0


Танк T-34 № 119
Название: Танк T-34 № 119
Год выпуска: 2016
Издательство: Eaglemoss Collection
ISSN: 2306-5745
Формат: PDF
Размер: 60.8 Mb
Качество: Отсканированные страницы, OCR, хорошее
Количество страниц: 16
Язык: Русский

Т-34 – легендарный танк Красной армии. Он был самым массово производимым танком своего времени, сочетал в себе высокую скорость, подвижность и повышенную огневую мощь. Т-34 вел бои против новых немецких средних танков и способствовал оттеснению войск вермахта в сторону Германии.

• В выпусках «Танк T-34» вы найдете всю необходимую информацию для сборки модели.
• На 16 богато иллюстрированных страницах вас ждет подробная информация
• разработке русских танков и истории создания Т-34-85.
• В каждом номере вы сможете прочесть увлекательные очерки о людях, которые проектировали и строили Т-34-85, сражались на нем, а также о великих битвах, в которых принимал участие танк.