Название: Model Engineers Workshop
Номер: 103
Издательство: MyHobbyStore Ltd
Год: 2005
Страниц: 68
Формат: PDF
Размер: 51.4 Мб
Язык: English
This superb magazine deals with machines, materials, processes and techniques for precision metalwork. It's a must read for the serious model engineering hobbyists.
11. On the Editor's Bench
Dave Fenner's commentary
12. Wood in the metalworking workshop
An insight into selection, working and finishing
17. A High Speed Tailstock Drilling Attachment for the ML7
19. Small drills are best run fast
Next issue
20. Floating Toolholder
For tapping, reaming etc even with an inaccurate tailstock
25. An Alternative Method Of Making Tee Bolts And Studs
With a large element of recycling
26. Retrofitting the X3 Milling Machine (2)
Mechanical modification fcr GKC operation
32. VMC Slow Speeds
26 rpm and ultra low cost
34. The Beginner's Guide to Jigs, Lash-ups and Bodges
A practical approach from down under
36. Trade Counter
New items from suppliers
38. Accessories for a Taiwanese Lathe (2)
Gadgets for dividing
42. DIY Air-Turbines for PCB's. Engraving and Internal Grinding etc.
Alternative approach to high cutter speeds
46. Abrasive cutting discs in the home workshop
49. Towards precision grinding, without a grinder
50. The Midlands Model Engineering Exhibitic
A brief overview of workshop equipment
52. Scribe a Line
Reader to reader
53. Link Up
Readers sales and wants
54. Mex Entry Form
for the 74th Model Engineer Exhibition