Программирование компьютерного зрения с Raspberry Pi, 2 изд.

Автор: Vlad-312 от 23-03-2023, 17:44, Коментариев: 0


Название: Программирование компьютерного зрения с Raspberry Pi, 2 изд.
Автор: Паджанкар Э.
Издательство: Самиздат
Год: 2020
Страниц: 288
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12 Mб
Язык: Русский

Здесь представлен перевод книги Pajankar А. - Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming Second Edition. Компьютерное зрение и обработка изображений превратились из области нишевых исследований в повседневное использование.

Изучаем Arduino: инструменты и методы технического волшебства

Автор: umkaS от 23-03-2023, 12:02, Коментариев: 0


Название: Изучаем Arduino: инструменты и методы технического волшебства
Автор: Джереми Блум
Издательство: СПб.: БХВ-Петербург
Год: 2015
Страниц: 336
Формат: pdf (ocr)
Размер: 53 Mб

Книга посвящена проектированию электронных устройств на основе микроконтроллерной платформы Arduino. Приведены основные сведения об аппаратном и программном обеспечении Arduino. Изложены принципы программирования в интегрированной среде Arduino IDE. Показано, как анализировать электрические схемы, читать технические описания, выбирать подходящие детали для собственных проектов. Приведены примеры использования и описание различных датчиков, электродвигателей, сервоприводов, индикаторов, проводных и беспроводных интерфейсов передачи данных.

3D Make & Print - 17th Edition, 2023

Автор: literator от 23-03-2023, 05:14, Коментариев: 0


3D Make & Print - 17th Edition, 2023Название: 3D Make & Print - 17th Edition, 2023
Автор: Gavin Thomas (Editor)
Издательство: Future Publishing
Год: 2023
Страниц: 148
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 100.2 MB

3D Make & Print is a comprehensive, inspiring manual for one of the most exciting fields of modern technology – 3D printing. With this stunning new publication from the makers of 3D Artist, you'll learn how to pick and prepare a new 3D printer, how to use and maintain it, and how to create your own 3D models that are perfect for printing. You'll make models with moving parts, realistic replicas of film and game props, you'll master the best finishing techniques for your prints and learn all about the kinds of filaments you can print with. Not only that, you'll also get a free library of ready-made prints with this publication so you can start printing today! Featuring: Get Started With 3D Printing – Everything you need to know about modelling and printing in 3D 12 Ways 3D Printing Changed The World – Discover how it's shaping the world's biggest industries Make A Wearable Sci-Fi Mask – Learn to make the ultimate cosplay accessories 3D-Print From Scanned Photos – Make lifelike models and print out real people.

Cognitive Sensors: Intelligent sensing, sensor data analysis and applications (Volume 1)

Автор: literator от 22-03-2023, 21:21, Коментариев: 0


Cognitive Sensors: Intelligent sensing, sensor data analysis and applications (Volume 1)Название: Cognitive Sensors: Intelligent sensing, sensor data analysis and applications (Volume 1)
Автор: G.R. Sinha, Varun Bajaj
Издательство: IOP Publishing
Серия: IOP Series in Sensors and Sensor Systems
Год: 2023
Страниц: 278
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 44.0 MB

Cognitive sensors and associated Artificial Intelligence (AI) and algorithms are most important components of cognitive science research and studies. This book provides a critical review of the emerging themes of cognitive sensors, how it functions and its applications in a range of disciplines. Volume I includes Sensor Physics, Imaging, Modalities, Pre-processing of images, Problems and Issues in Cognitive Sensing techniques, Cognitive Sensors and IoTs, Psychological, Philosophical and Linguistic Studies of Cognitive Science; Humanoid robots, Industrial Robots and intelligence, Cognitive Sensor Network and applications. This book presents a brilliant introduction to Cognitive Sensors for industrial and academic researchers in sensor science and technology, smart systems, Internet of Things, and biomedical engineering. Part of IOP Series in Sensors and Sensor Systems. Cognitive sensors have become essential parts of a number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and modern gadgets. In fact, the sensors which behave and act smartly in all modern applications are cognitive sensors. Sensors that have the ability to understand and interpret the data they sense, with the help of signal processing and Machine Learning techniques, are known as cognitive sensors. Cognitive sensors are heavily used in healthcare applications, smart city smart transport, smart manufacturing, smart automobiles, and a number of other such applications in which automation is achieved using sensor-based data and the analysis of sensor-based data using Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based approaches.

MIT App Inventor Projects: 50+ Apps with Raspberry Pi, ESP32 and Arduino

Автор: literator от 22-03-2023, 20:05, Коментариев: 0


MIT App Inventor Projects: 50+ Apps with Raspberry Pi, ESP32 and ArduinoНазвание: MIT App Inventor Projects: 50+ Apps with Raspberry Pi, ESP32 and Arduino
Автор: Dogan Ibrahim
Издательство: Elektor
Год: 2020
Страниц: 334
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 42.4 MB

This book is about developing apps for Android compatible mobile devices using the MIT App Inventor online development environment. MIT App Inventor projects can be in either standalone mode or use an external processor. In standalone mode, the developed application runs only on the mobile device. In external processor-based applications, the mobile device communicates with an external microcontroller-based processor, such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, etc. In this book, many tested and fully working projects are given both in standalone mode and using an external processor. Full design steps, block programs, circuit diagrams, QR codes and full program listings are given for all projects. All projects presented in this book have been developed using the MIT App Inventor visual programming language. MIT App Inventor is GUI based and is similar to Scratch and StarLogo, where developers drag and drop and join visual blocks to create an application.


Автор: umkaS от 22-03-2023, 10:37, Коментариев: 0


Название: Металлоискатели
Автор: Адаменко М.В.
Издательство: ДMK
Год издания: 2006
Формат: PDF, DjVu
Размер: 18 мб
Язык: русский

Книга предназначена для радиолюбителей, интересующихся вопросами поиска различных металлических предметов с помощью специального оборудования, к которому, в первую очередь, относятся металлоискатели. В соответствующих разделах приведены принципиальные схемы и рисунки печатных плат как простых, так и более сложных конструкций. Даны рекомендации по самостоятельному изготовлению и настройке металлоискателей, а так же советы по их практическому применению.

Artificial Intelligence and Hardware Accelerators

Автор: literator от 22-03-2023, 03:42, Коментариев: 0


Artificial Intelligence and Hardware AcceleratorsНазвание: Artificial Intelligence and Hardware Accelerators
Автор: Ashutosh Mishra, Jaekwang Cha, Hyunbin Park
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 358
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 17.1 MB

This book explores new methods, architectures, tools, and algorithms for Artificial Intelligence Hardware Accelerators. The authors have structured the material to simplify readers’ journey toward understanding the aspects of designing hardware accelerators, complex AI algorithms, and their computational requirements, along with the multifaceted applications. Coverage focuses broadly on the hardware aspects of training, inference, mobile devices, and autonomous vehicles (AVs) based AI accelerators. Smart technologies and an intelligent society are the demand of this era. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms are playing a vital role to cater these demands to meet the expectations of the smart world and intelligent systems. Increased computing power, sensor data, and improved AI algorithms are driving the trend toward Machine Learning (ML) in cloud-based and edge-based intelligence. Both are applicable through intelligent devices, wearable electronics, smartphones, automobiles, robots, drones, etc. However, efficient hardware can solely accomplish the required performance of implementing these algorithms. Therefore, AI accelerators are the state-of-the-art research area for circuits and systems designers and academicians. AI accelerators are needed to cater to the insatiable demands of compute-intensive AI applications.

Speeding-Up Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuit Sizing with Neural Networks

Автор: literator от 22-03-2023, 02:04, Коментариев: 0


Speeding-Up Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuit Sizing with Neural NetworksНазвание: Speeding-Up Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuit Sizing with Neural Networks
Автор: Joao L.C.P. Domingues, Pedro J.C.D.C. Vaz, Antonio P.L. Gusmao
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 115
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 18.2 MB

In this book, innovative research using artificial neural networks (ANNs) is conducted to automate the sizing task of RF IC design, which is used in two different steps of the automatic design process. The advances in telecommunications, such as the 5th generation broadband or 5G for short, open doors to advances in areas such as health care, education, resource management, transportation, agriculture and many other areas. Consequently, there is high pressure in today’s market for significant communication rates, extensive bandwidths and ultralow-power consumption. This is where radiofrequency (RF) integrated circuits (ICs) come in hand, playing a crucial role. This demand stresses out the problem which resides in the remarkable difficulty of RF IC design in deep nanometric integration technologies due to their high complexity and stringent performances. Given the economic pressure for high quality yet cheap electronics and challenging time-to-market constraints, there is an urgent need for electronic design automation (EDA) tools to increase the RF designers’ productivity and improve the quality of resulting ICs. In the last years, the automatic sizing of RF IC blocks in deep nanometer technologies has moved toward process, voltage and temperature (PVT)-inclusive optimizations to ensure their robustness. Each sizing solution is exhaustively simulated in a set of PVT corners, thus pushing modern workstations’ capabilities to their limits.

MEMS and Microfluidics in Healthcare: Devices and Applications Perspectives

Автор: literator от 20-03-2023, 19:28, Коментариев: 0


MEMS and Microfluidics in Healthcare: Devices and Applications PerspectivesНазвание: MEMS and Microfluidics in Healthcare: Devices and Applications Perspectives
Автор: Koushik Guha, Gorachand Dutta, Arindam Biswas, K. Srinivasa Rao
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 251
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 45.6 MB

The book introduces the research significance of biomedical instrumentation and discusses micro-fabrication techniques utilized for biomedical devices. This book primarily focuses on the reader enlightenment on MEMS medical devices by introducing all the diagnostic devices and treatment tools at one place. The book covers in-depth technical works and general introductions to the devices such that the book can reach technical as well as non-technical readers. The significance of medical MEMS is increasing exponentially from past two decades. There exist numerous MEMS diagnostic devices for detection of blood pressure, glucose, TB, Hepatitis, etc. This is possible due to the multi-disciplinary fields fusing together to make a potent solution for the existing problems. MEMS has proven to be capable of paving bridge between medicine and engineering field, which helps in developing medical instruments. The controllability of sample volume, response time, and size of these devices is satisfactory. The research on the biomaterials to realize such medical devices has a huge scope in future. Furthermore, the book is aimed to study different microfluidic devices.

Основы вычислительной техники (2018)

Автор: umkaS от 20-03-2023, 07:52, Коментариев: 0


Название: Основы вычислительной техники
Автор: Куль Т. П.
Издательство: РИПО
Год: 2018
Cтраниц: 244 с. : ил., табл., схем.
Формат: pdf (ocr)
Размер: 21 мб
Язык: русский

Учебное пособие охватывает широкий круг вопросов в области основ вычислительной техники, информационных технологий, архитектуры ЭВМ и информатики. Приведены теоретические материалы, примеры, контрольные вопросы и задания, выделены основные понятия и определения.