Автор: Randy Shih
Название: AutoCAD 2016 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals
Издательство: SDC Publications
Год: 2015
ISBN: 978-1585039593
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер: 126 mb
Страниц: 450
This textbook contains a series of eleven tutorial style lessons designed to introduce beginning Computer Aided Design users to AutoCAD 2016. It takes a hands-on, exercise-intensive approach to all the important 2D CAD techniques and concepts. This text is also helpful to AutoCAD users upgrading from a previous release of the software. The new improvements and key enhancements of the software are incorporated into the lessons. The 2D-CAD techniques and concepts discussed in this text are also designed to serve as the foundation to the more advanced parametric feature-based CAD packages such as Autodesk Inventor.
The basic premise of this book is that the more designs you create using AutoCAD 2016, the better you learn the software. With this in mind, each lesson introduces a new set of commands and concepts, building on previous lessons. This book is intended to help readers establish a good basis for exploring and growing in the exciting field of Computer Aided Engineering.
AutoCAD 2016 Certified User Examination
The content of AutoCAD 2016 Tutorial First Level 2D Fundamentals covers the performance tasks that have been identified by Autodesk as being included on the AutoCAD 2016 Certified User Examination. Special reference guides show students where the performance tasks are covered in the book.
If you are teaching an introductory level AutoCAD course and you want to prepare your students for the AutoCAD 2016 Certified User Examination this is the only book that you need. If your students are not interested in the AutoCAD 2016 Certified User Examination they will still be studying the most important tools and techniques of AutoCAD as identified by Autodesk.