Название: Nuclear Physics. An Introduction, second edition
Автор: S B Patel
Издательство: New Age International
Год: 2010
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 371
Размер: 100,77 МБ
Язык: english
For the past two decades, this book has received an excellent response from both, students and teachers of Nuclear Physics. Many of its readers have always missed a chapter on the fascinating world of Elementary Particles”. 1 am very happy to include in this Second Edition, Chapter 10, Elementary Particles . This meets a long standing demand from the readers and attempts to give a flavour of the spectacular progress made in the field of High Energy Physics. This is particularly relevant today as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) goes on stream at CERN, Geneva. Topics like, anti-particles and anti-matter, fundamental forces of nature, conservation laws, strangeness, isospin, the Quark Model, the QCD and the standard model are included in the discussion. Use of Feynman Diagrams is underlined whenever advantageous to the discussion. It is hoped that, inclusion of the new chapter would make this book more useful to both, students and teachers of the subject.