Автор: Scott J. Henderson
Название: The Dark Visitor
Издательство: Scott Henderson
Год: 2007
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11,6 mb
Страниц: 149
With the onslaught of hackers from other nations breaching the firewalls with impunity, how can we retain imcontested ownership? One method is to rely on the cooperation of other nations to mutually assist in the enforcement of laws related to Internet crime. What if. on the other hand, the nation in question provides tacit, if not active support of these attacks? What recourse is then available to combat these assaults? The Chinese hacker network presents just such a dilemma and can easily be viewed as a threat to US infrastructure, security, information, economics, and individual citizens.
The organization of Chinese hackers is often referred to as the Honker Union of China by most open-source reporting to include the Chinese themselves. One of the unique aspects of it is their nationalism, which is in stark contrast to the loner/anarchist culture many associate with the stereotypical Western hacker. They are especially active during periods of political conflict with other nations and until very recently have maintained a strict code of never hacking inside China.
This book try to answer the questions: What type of relationship/affiliation if any it has with the government? Is it an officially authorized apparatus of the state or is it merely used as a surrogate to enforce Beijing's political view? Are there two groups working inside China, one a civilian organization and the other a branch of the People’s Liberation Army? Is it possible that they work in conjunction with one another or does the civilian organization serve as a cover to disguise military operations?