Автор: Gerd Carling (Editor)
Издательство: Mouton De Gruyter
Год: 2019
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 758
Размер: 30.2 Mb
Язык: English
Historical linguistics is a growing field, and so is the notion of the role of cultural aspects as involved in language diversity. However, a collective work on the current stand within this field is lacking, in particular for little researched areas such as the Amazon.Computational methods, as well as new technologies for geographic mapping and data base management have opened new possibilities for looking at history of language and culture, based on earlier theories. These methods are used as complementary to established methods, such as comparative method, areal method, and relative and absolute chronology.The current atlas will focus on the following topics: 1. language spread and diversity in relation to ecology, subsistence, and cultural contact, 2. functionality in culture, as expressed in cultural vocabulary, 3. indications of contact by means of borrowings of cultural vocabulary and linguistic typology.The book will be based on a rich new data (from about 400 languages), which will be available open source via a geographic database. The volume will be of relevance for students and researchers of linguistics, cultural anthropology, human ecology, archaeology, and adjacent disciplines. In collaboration with Acherdan Abregov, Elnur Aliyev, Leila Avidzba, Chundra Cathcart, Merab Chukhua, Sandra Cronhamn, Robert Farren, Johan Frid, Anne Goergens, Josine Greidanus, Teimuraz Gvantseladze, Harald Hammarstr?m, Arthur Holmer, Niklas Johansson, Madzhid Khalilov, Edin Kuckovic, Filip Larsson, Tamar Lomadze, Mikael Nov?n, Ante Petrovic, Erich Round, Revaz Tchantouria, Maka Tetradze, Larisa Tuptsokova, Karina Vamling, Briana Van Epps, Rob Verhoeven, Ola Wikander, Astrid Zimmermann. DiACL - Diachronic Atlas of Comparative Linguistics