Название: All About History Book of Vikings Second Edition
Автор: Aaron Asadi (editor)
Издательство: Imagine Publishing Ltd.
Год: 2015
Формат: PDF
Размер: 43.53 MB
Язык: Английский
Страниц: 164
Легенда о викингах окутана тайной. В этой книге мы раскрываем правду о викингах, от своих истоков в Скандинавии до своих экспедиций через моря.
The legend of the Vikings is one that is shrouded in mystery. In this book, we uncover the truth about the Vikings, from their origins in Scandinavia to their expeditions across the seas. Known to be ruthless raiders and fearless fighters, discover how the Vikings expanded their empire and conquered new lands. Featuring: Origins of the Vikings - Find out how the Vikings came to be, and where they set up home Raiding & Trading - See how the Vikings made a name for themselves as fearless warrirors End of the Viking age - Read about the Viking legacy, and what caused the Vikings to die out Exhibits - A collection of rare artefacts, detailing the history of the Vikings.