Автор: Livia Capponi
Название: Augustan Egypt: The Creation of a Roman Province
Издательство: Routledge
Год: 2005
Серия: Studies in Classics
ISBN: 0415972175
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,2 mb
Страниц: 322
Text examines the impact of the Roman conquest on Egypt's administrative and fiscal structure. The evidence from other parts of the Roman world, e.g. from the kingdom of Galatia, but also from Asia or Bithynia yields information about the process whereby a Hellenistic kingdom that was in Rome’s sphere of interest fell under the Roman tutela as an allied kingdom, and was subsequently annexed, often by bequest, as a Roman province.
This work takes into consideration the evidence from Egypt, and does not attempt to compare systematically the Egyptian administrative and taxation systems with their counterparts in other Roman provinces. Although the present research is founded on the belief that the Egyptian evidence may illuminate aspects of the Roman empire at large, on many occasions it has been preferable merely to note parallelisms rather than to postulate derivations of Roman practices from Egypt or vice versa.