Автор: Jacob Abbott, John S. C. Abbott
Название: Makers of History Series (32 books)
Издательство: n\a
Год: 1901-1910
Серия: Makers of History
Язык: English
Формат: epub, rtf
Размер: 102,9 mb
Страниц: >2000
22 of the 32 volumes were by Jacob Abbott; the remainder were by his brother John S. C. Abbott (though some reprints incorrectly show Jacob Abbott's name on the title page of all volumes). Although the publication dates of John Abbott's volumes suggest they were interspersed throughout the series, they are here listed separetely.
The series order varies in different ads. The order for the Jacob Abbott titles is taken from Carl J. Weber's A Bibliography of Jacob Abbott. Listings in some ads appear to organize the titles chronologically by subject: Several began with Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes, Alexander the Great, Romulus, Hannibal, Pyrrhus, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Nero, before diverging with later rulers. As one advertisement noted, "The successive volumes of the series, though they each contain the life of a single individual, and constitute thus a distinct and independent work, follow each other in the main, in regular historical order, and each one continues the general narrative of history down to the period at which the next volume takes up the story; so that the whole series presents to the reader a connected narrative of the line of general history from the present age back to the remotest times."
Later ads also subdivided the series into smaller sets. One included three such sets:
English Series: Alfred, William the Conqueror, Richard I, Mary, Elizabeth, Charles I, Charles II
Ancient Series: Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes, Alexander, Romulus, Hannibal, Pyrrhus, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Nero
General: Hernando, Christopher Columbus [by John S. C. Abbott, but not considered part of the regular 32-volume series], Maria Antoinette, Mme Roland, Henry IV, King Philip
More frequently, however, the series was divided into six boxed sets: Founders of Empires, Heroes of Roman History, Earlier British Kings and Queens, Later British Kings and Queens, Queens and Heroines, Rulers of Later Times.