Автор: Pepin J.
Издательство: Black Dog & Leventhal
Жанр: кулинария
Год издания: 2012
Страниц: 736
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: хорошее
Размер: 593 Мб
Жак Пепен универсально провозглашен профессиональными шеф-поварами и домашними поварами как гроссмейстер приготовления навыков и методов. Теперь, его классическая оригинальная работа, Полные Методы Жака Пепена, полностью пересмотрена и обновлена больше чем с 1,000 цветных фотографий и 30%-х новых методов.
Jacques Pepin is universally hailed by professional chefs and home cooks as the grand master of cooking skills and methods. Now, his classic seminal work, Jacques Pepin’s Complete Techniques, is completely revised and updated with more than 1,000 color photographs and 30% new techniques.
Based on Pepin’s 1978 and 1979 archetypal works La Methode and La Technique, Jacques Pepin's Complete Techniques has become a cookbook classic in its own right, selling more than 140,000 copies. Comprehensive and authoritative, New Complete Techniques includes more than 600 techniques and methods and 160 recipes that are demonstrated by Pepin in thousands of step-by-step photographs. It is a culinary course on every aspect of classic cooking, from the basics (how to sharpen a knife or peel an onion) and the practical (how to properly bone a chicken) to the whimsical (how to make decorative swans and flowers out of fruits and vegetables) and the complex (how to use an old refrigerator as a smoker for trout).