Составители: Braichenko O., Hrymych M., Lylo I., Reznichenko V.
ISBN: 978-966-97882-2-1
Изд-во: Kyiv: O.Braichenko
Год: 2020
К-во стр.: 286
Формат: pdf
Размер: 41,62 Мб
Язык: English
This book tells the story of Ukrainian cuisine by placing it in its cultural context and presenting Ukrainian cooking as part of the intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine. The publication also explores the potential of cultural diplomacy and includes recipes that will make you fall in love with Ukraine.
Ukrainian cuisine is becoming recognised across the world, both in high-end restaurants and as part of home cooking traditions. The rapidly developing restaurant industry and artisan food production in Ukraine have attracted international food tourists and foreign investors. Nonetheless, all too often some of the most popular dishes known all over the world are not seen as part of Ukrainian cooking, national culinary traditions and Ukrainian cuisine as a brand. We have produced a publication which both tells the story of modern Ukrainian cuisine and serves as a guide to national culinary practices and regional specialities and flavours.
From the history of Ukrainian cuisine // З історії української кухні
Ukrainian traditions of hospitality // Українські традиції гостинності
Seasonal Cooking // Сезонне приготування їжі
Sweet treats // Солодкі частування
Ceremonial cuisine // Церемоніальна кухня
Culinary diplomacy // Кулінарна дипломатія
Acknowledgements // Подяка
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