Бутерброды для детей

Автор: kotmatros255 от 2-10-2021, 08:13, Коментариев: 0


Название: Бутерброды для детей
Автор: Ксения Любомирова
Издательство: Рипол Классик
Год: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-386-06044-2
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 17
Размер: 14 Мб
Язык: русский

С помощью нехитрых приемов, представленных в этой книге, вы не только сможете быстро, вкусно и без траты времени на уговоры накормить своих капризных детишек, но и развить их творческие способности, расширить кругозор, разнообразить трапезу, превратив ее в настоящее действо.

Заготовки из брусники, черники и клюквы

Автор: kotmatros255 от 2-10-2021, 07:25, Коментариев: 0


Название: Заготовки из брусники, черники и клюквы
Автор: Ксения Любомирова
Издательство: Рипол Классик
Год: 2014
ISBN: 978-5-386-06977-3
Серия: Азбука домашнего консервирования
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 19
Размер: 12,8 Мб
Язык: Русский

Благодаря этой книге даже начинающая хозяйка без проблем освоит столь технологически сложный и трудоемкий процесс, как заготовка ягод на зиму, и сумеет приготовить как классические варенья и конфитюры, так и такую «экзотику» как маринованная черника или клюквенная пастила, рецепты которых собраны в данном издании.

Take One Fish: The New School of Scale-to-Tail Cooking and Eating

Автор: harun54 от 1-10-2021, 13:44, Коментариев: 0


Название: Take One Fish: The New School of Scale-to-Tail Cooking and Eating
Автор: Josh Niland
Издательство: Hardie Grant
Год: 2021
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 124 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Forget everything you thought you knew about cooking fish with Take One Fish. There are no rules when it comes to fish according to James Beard award winning chef Josh Niland, only an endless world of possibilities. With 60 mind-blowing recipes from just 15 global varieties of fish, this cookbook will take you on a gustatory journey – from elaborate to easy, small to large and – always – scale to tail. With flair, color, and flavor, Take One Fish unpacks each of Josh's 15 fish to reveal their true culinary potential, from swordfish cotoletta to pot au feu, to tuna mapo tofu to an ethereal raw flounder.

Janella's Wholefood Kitchen

Автор: harun54 от 1-10-2021, 13:20, Коментариев: 0


Название: Janella's Wholefood Kitchen
Автор: Janella Purcell
Издательство: Allen & Unwin
Год: 2013
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 30 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Good health starts in your kitchen and Janella Purcell, Gourmand-awarded nutritionist, naturopath and cook, shows you how - easily and deliciously. Janella Purcell is passionate about healthy eating, about eating food that is as close to the way nature created it as possible, and - most importantly - about making wholefoods easy, enticing and lick-your-fingers delicious. 'My passion comes from knowing how much better you feel eating wholefoods, and subsequently how much easier life is when your body is working well. And it's simple to eat and cook in this way.' In Janella's Wholefood Kitchen, Janella shares 130 tempting recipes that make healthy wholefoods the star of your table. With each recipe clearly marked as vegetarian, vegan, raw, dairy free or gluten free, from soups to main courses, party foods to salads and desserts, this is a cookbook that will start you on the path, or continue your journey, to a healthy lifestyle.

Cook Like an Indian Guru Cookbook: 60 Delicious Indian Dishes That will Make Your Mouth Water in Delight!

Автор: Indulis79 от 1-10-2021, 13:03, Коментариев: 0


Название: Cook Like an Indian Guru Cookbook: 60 Delicious Indian Dishes That will Make Your Mouth Water in Delight!
Автор: Keanu Wood
Издательство: Keanu Wood
Год: 2021
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 158
Размер: 27,3 МБ
Язык: Английский

The first thing to enjoy about Indian cuisine is COLORS!
Indians love colorful things, and this is so evident in everything they do, to include their cuisine especially!
From kheer, laddu, rasgulla, aloo ke gutke, chutneys, idli, etc., colorful doesn’t begin to define the cuisine it is!


Mouthwatering Curry Recipes: An Illustrated Cookbook of Great Curry Dish Ideas!

Автор: Indulis79 от 1-10-2021, 12:49, Коментариев: 0


Название: Mouthwatering Curry Recipes: An Illustrated Cookbook of Great Curry Dish Ideas!
Автор: Rose Rivera
Издательство: Rose Rivera
Год: 2021
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 76
Размер: 12,9 МБ
Язык: Английский

Are curries all spicy or can you make them with a milder taste?
In British and Anglo-Indian cuisine, curries are dishes seasoned using spices. Many are hot and include ingredients spices like ginger, coriander, chili pepper, cumin, and turmeric. Indian curries sometimes include curry tree leaves.


The Disney Villains Unofficial Cookbook: Tasty Recipes Inspired by the Villains from the Disney World

Автор: Indulis79 от 1-10-2021, 12:37, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Disney Villains Unofficial Cookbook: Tasty Recipes Inspired by the Villains from the Disney World
Автор: Clare Smitham
Издательство: Clare Smitham
Год: 2021
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 73
Размер: 12,3 МБ
Язык: Английский

Disney is a leader in the cartoon character world all around the globe. Children like to watch cartoons that Disney makes. Sir Walt Disney founded it on 16th October 1923. Disney has been the home of many characters in the cartoon world. The most famous character of Disney is Mickey Mouse. Numerous villains are famous just because of the Disney Company.

The Very Retro Recipes: How Our Ancestors Used to Eat

Автор: Indulis79 от 1-10-2021, 12:25, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Very Retro Recipes: How Our Ancestors Used to Eat
Автор: Stephanie Sharp
Издательство: Stephanie Sharp
Год: 2021
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 104
Размер: 15,6 МБ
Язык: Английский

Cooking is like love but remember recipes have no soul. Retro recipes are quite nutritious, delicious, and easy to prepare.
Everyone cooks for him/herself but the real joy is in cooking for others. In this book, we have tried covering the recipes that our grandparents used to prepare for us.


Scrumptious Homemade Peanut Butter Brownie Recipes: The Brownie Cookbook for The Peanut Butter Lovers in All of Us

Автор: Indulis79 от 1-10-2021, 12:11, Коментариев: 0


Название: Scrumptious Homemade Peanut Butter Brownie Recipes: The Brownie Cookbook for The Peanut Butter Lovers in All of Us
Автор: Christina Tosch
Издательство: Christina Tosch
Год: 2021
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 51
Размер: 10,7 МБ
Язык: Английский

Have you ever considered making homemade brownies, specifically the delicious peanut butter variety? Still, it seemed like too much work with way too many ingredients?
Even if you never made a homemade brownie before, you can start at any time. It is not that difficult to make brownies from scratch. They will be so much more delicious with different ingredients and varieties than anything you can buy in a boxed cake mix.


Always Eat Deliciously: 17 Easy Recipes For You & Your Family

Автор: Indulis79 от 1-10-2021, 11:53, Коментариев: 0


Название: Always Eat Deliciously: 17 Easy Recipes For You & Your Family
Автор: Edie-Marie High
Издательство: Edie-Marie High
Год: 2021
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 39
Размер: 77,3 МБ
Язык: Английский

Easy, fun and tasty recipes for the everyday home cook!
Are you tired of over complicated recipes? Do you wish looking through cookbooks wasn't so overwhelming? Always Eat Deliciously provides 17 easy to follow recipes making cooking fun and less intimidating! It's time you start to enjoy cooking and indulging in delicious meals. Now you can impress your family and friends and create delectable meals that will have them grabbing for seconds and thirds!