Домашние соусы. Кетчуп, аджика и другие

Автор: Natali26 от 22-08-2021, 17:31, Коментариев: 0


Название: Домашние соусы. Кетчуп, аджика и другие
Автор: Доброва Елена
Издательство: РИПОЛ классик
Год: 2014
Страниц: 170, цв. ил.
Язык: Русский
Формат: rtf, fb2
Размер: 22,4 Mб

Представленное издание расскажет о технологии приготовления различных консервированных соусов, в том числе томатных, кетчупов и аджики, а также ткемали, лютеницы, цицибели, хариссы и матбухи. Благодаря этой книге вы узнаете секреты рецептуры соусов-паст, соусов-заправок и соусов-приправ. Отдельная ее глава содержит рецепты соусов национальных кухонь мира: итальянской, греческой, испанской, английской, мексиканской, японской и французской.

The Honey Connoisseur Selecting

Автор: koticvvik от 22-08-2021, 13:02, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Honey Connoisseur Selecting, Tasting, and Pairing Honey, With a Guide to More Than 30 Varietals
Автор: C. Marina Marchese, Kim Flottum
Издательство: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
Год: 2013
Формат: PDF, EPUB
Страниц: 270
Размер: 28,3 МБ
Язык: English

From honey experts C. Marina Marchese, founder of Red Bee ® Honey and Kim Flottum, editor of Bee Culture Magazine comes this comprehensive introduction to the origin, flavor, and culinary uses of more than 30 varietals of honey, from ubiquitous clover to tangy star thistle to rich, smoky buckwheat.
Like wine, cheese, coffee, and chocolate, honey has emerged as an artisanal obsession. Its popularity at farmers' markets and specialty food stores has soared as retailers are capitalizing on the trend.

Professional cake decorating. Second Edition

Автор: koticvvik от 22-08-2021, 13:02, Коментариев: 0


Название: Professional cake decorating. Second Edition
Автор: Toba M. Garrett
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2012
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 418
Размер: 24,8 МБ
Язык: English

Professional Cake Decorating is a must-have resource for professional and aspiring cake artists, baking and pastry students, and cake decorating hobbyists, drawing on years of experience from master cake designer and IACP Award nominee Toba Garrett. This Second Edition has been completely revamped with gorgeous new photography and a fresh new design. The New Skills have been re-organized into a user-friendly, step-by-step format, and line art and photos throughout the book provide a visual reference for each new technique. The book begins with an introductory chapter on all the fundamentals of the cake designers art, from covering a cake board to assembling and icing a layered cake to stacking cake tiers with pillars or columns.

Great Cake Decorating: Sweet Designs for Cakes & Cupcakes

Автор: koticvvik от 22-08-2021, 13:01, Коментариев: 0


Название: Great Cake Decorating: Sweet designs for Cakes & Cupcakes, Hundreds of Creative Ideas, Tips & Techniques
Автор: Erin Gardner
Издательство: Taunton Press
Год: 2014
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 226
Размер: 28,3 МБ
Язык: English

Yes, you can be a cake-baking superstar! Whether you are a bride on a budget, a mom baking for a birthday, or a cook who needs to control ingredients, Great Cake Decorating has something for you. Author Erin Gardner provides you with a complete guide for making the delicious cake, to fillings, frostings, and, of course, decorative designs that are a whole lot more than the icing on cake!

Perfectly Pleasing Pastry Recipes: An Illustrated Cookbook of Sweet & Savory Pastry Ideas!

Автор: Indulis79 от 22-08-2021, 12:57, Коментариев: 0


Название: Perfectly Pleasing Pastry Recipes: An Illustrated Cookbook of Sweet & Savory Pastry Ideas!
Автор: Julia Chiles
Издательство: Julia Chiles
Год: 2020
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 73
Размер: 6,2 МБ
Язык: Английский

There are as many techniques and recipes for pastry as there are people who make pies, tarts, and other dishes. When experienced cooks have a bazillion different ways to make pastry dough, it can seem like rocket science. But it doesn’t have to be.


Providence & Rhode Island Chef's Table: Extraordinary Recipes From The Ocean State

Автор: Indulis79 от 22-08-2021, 12:33, Коментариев: 0


Название: Providence & Rhode Island Chef's Table: Extraordinary Recipes From The Ocean State
Автор: Linda Beaulieu
Издательство: Globe Pequot
ISBN: 0762796626
Год: 2014
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 256
Размер: 47,5 МБ
Язык: Английский

The state of Rhode Island is so small, its more like a city-state with just about everything within easy driving distance. Rhode Island really is like one big city where you can drive thirty minutes in any direction and find a restaurant worthy of your time and money.


Delicious Plant-Based Recipes: Eat Organically, Eat Healthily, Eat Lovely

Автор: Indulis79 от 22-08-2021, 12:21, Коментариев: 0


Название: Delicious Plant-Based Recipes: Eat Organically, Eat Healthily, Eat Lovely
Автор: April Blomgren
Издательство: April Blomgren
Год: 2020
Формат: PDF (conv)
Страниц: 76
Размер: 6,5 МБ
Язык: Английский

Living healthy means eating right and practicing other healthy practices like exercising. Most often, we are challenged with the demands of society to trade healthy ingredients for unhealthy ones while in the course of filling our tummies daily and keeping to convenience.


The Vegan Cookie Connoisseur: Over 140 Simply Delicious Recipes That Treat the Eyes and Taste Buds

Автор: Indulis79 от 22-08-2021, 12:09, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Vegan Cookie Connoisseur: Over 140 Simply Delicious Recipes That Treat the Eyes and Taste Buds
Автор: Kelly Peloza
Издательство: Skyhorse
ISBN: 161608121X
Год: 2010
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 288
Размер: 36,6 МБ
Язык: Английский

Kelly Peloza started experimenting with vegan baking as a high school student, blogging about her vegan adventures all the while.

Tastes Like Home Cookbook

Автор: Natali26 от 22-08-2021, 10:54, Коментариев: 0


Название: Tastes Like Home Cookbook
Автор: Gooseberry Patch
Издательство: Gooseberry Patch
Год: 2016
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 439
Размер: 28,91 Мб
Язык: английский

Treat family & friends to Chicken Meatballs, Guiltless Queso Dip and No-Bake Raspberry Lemon Bars. Easy-to-follow directions and familiar ingredients mean every dish will be a success. You'll find plenty of handy tips for serving up nutritious homestyle meals too. So tie on your apron and...join us in the kitchen!

Літоўская гаспадыня. Першая беларуская гаспадарча-кулінарная энцыклапедыя

Автор: mtmkhl от 22-08-2021, 10:40, Коментариев: 0


Название: Літоўская гаспадыня. Першая беларуская гаспадарча-кулінарная энцыклапедыя
Автор: Пер. З польскай мовы П.Р. Казлоўскага, В.В. Нядзецкай. Прадмова А.І. Мальдзіса
Издательство: Мiнск. «Беларусь»
Год: 2017

Гэта кніга - своеасаблівая энцыклапедыя і каштоўная крыніца звестак аб тым, як вялі гаспадарку беларускія жанчыны (беларусы аж да пачатку XX стагоддзя называліся літвінамі). Утрымлівае шмат надзвычай цікавых і карысных парад і рэкамендацый: як зберагчы ў залежным стане дом, як захоўваць, сушыць, саліць, маранаваць гародніну і садавіну, як варыць варэнне, як улічваць даходы і расходы ў гаспадарцы, як засцерагчыся ад пажару, як заставацца прывабнай...
Перавыдавалася ў Вільні на польскай мове неаднойчы. Першы раз пабачыла свет у 1848 годзе. На беларускай мове ўпершыню выходзіла ў 1993 годзе.