Автор: Richard Ward
Название: Luftwaffe Bomber Camouflage & Markings 1940: Heinkel He 111, Junkers Ju 88, Dornier Do 17
Издательство: Osprey
Год: 1969
ISBN: 1-85045-074-8
Серия: Aircam Aviation Series No. S10 (Vol.1)
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер: 14,3 mb
Страниц: 48
The midsummer of 1940 found the German Luftwaffe about to launch an all-out air offensive against the British Isles, for which purpose it had at its disposal three substantial Luftflotten (Air Fleets) at airfields along the whole western seaboard of Europe. Major equipment of Luftflotten comprised Heinkel He 111H and P, Dornier Do 17Z and Junkers Ju 88A twin-motor bombers, Junkers Ju 87A and В single-engined dive-bombers, Messerschmitt Bf 109E and Bf 110C single- and twin-engined lighters.
The Junkers machine was a later design, intended to a large extent to combine the roles of the other two aircraft, but to offer a better performance than either. In this it succeeded, becoming one of the truly classic aircraft of World War II; faster, and with greater range than the Domier, it came close to the Heinkel in bomb-carrying capacity, and also incorporated full provision for dive-bombing. It was also manoeuvrable, a fact attested to by its later use as a coastal and night fighter, and intruder.