Автор: Joseph Cornell
Название: Standard Catalog of Winchester Firearms
Издательство: Gun Digest Books
Год: 2007
ISBN: 9780896895355
Серия: Standard Catalog
Язык: English
Формат: epub
Размер: 16,6 mb
Страниц: 288
Winchester's "The Gun that Won the West" is among the most collectible guns in today's secondary market. Winchester enthusiasts of all interests will benefit from the expertly analyzed prices, 500 superb color photos and technical details features in this one-volume reference.
Standard Catalog of Winchester Firearms includes:
– Five grades of pricing for Winchester rifles and shotguns manufactured between 1866 and the present
– Technical details
– Trend reports for popular models
With this guide, you can immerse yourself in years of Winchester history and performance details.