Автоматический пистолет Браунинга. 1-го образца 1900 года, калибра 7,65 мм

Автор: Avtolik от 5-08-2021, 18:36, Коментариев: 0


Название: Автоматический пистолет Браунинга. 1-го образца 1900 года, калибра 7,65 мм
Издательство: СПб.: Товарищество Художественной печати
Страниц: 16
Язык: Русский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 4,61 MB

Устройство, разборка, сборка и уход за пистолетом

The Purpose of the First World War: War Aims and Military Strategies

Автор: Avtolik от 5-08-2021, 18:33, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Purpose of the First World War: War Aims and Military Strategies
Автор(ы): Afflerbach Holger
Издательство: Walter de Gruyter
Год: 2015
Страниц: 268
Язык: English
Формат): DJVU
Размер: 2,47 MB

Nearly fourteen million people died during the First World War. But why, and for what reason? Already many contemporaries saw the Great War as a "pointless carnage" (Pope Benedict XV, 1917). Was there a point, at least in the eyes of the political and military decision makers? How did they justify the losses, and why did they not try to end the war earlier? In this volume twelve international specialists analyses and compares the hopes and expectations of the political and military leaders of the main belligerent countries and of their respective societies. It shows that the war aims adopted during the First World War were not, for the most part, the cause of the conflict, but a reaction to it, an attempt to give the tragedy a purpose - even if the consequence was to oblige the belligerents to go on fighting until victory. The volume tries to explain why - and for what - the contemporaries thought that they had to fight the Great War.

Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US: Historiography Since 1945

Автор: Avtolik от 5-08-2021, 18:29, Коментариев: 0


Название: Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US: Historiography Since 1945
Автор(ы): Moran Christopher R., Murphy Christopher J. (eds.).
Издательство: Edinburgh University Press
Год: 2013
Страниц: 337
Язык: English
Формат): PDF
Размер: 3,02 MB

From memoirs and academic texts to conspiracy-laden exposes and spy novels, the intelligence services' secrecy has never stopped people from writing about espionage. Now, this is the first introduction to these official and unofficial histories. Each chapter showcases new archival material, looking at a particular book or series of books and considering issues of production, censorship, representation and reception. Contributors include: Richard Aldrich, intelligence historian; Nicholas Dujmovic, CIA Staff Historian; Matthew Jones, novelist; Jo Wippl, Former CIA operations officer; Keith Jeffery, author of the first official history of MI6 and Chapman Pincher, journalist.

Defeat is an Orphan: How Pakistan Lost the Great South Asian War

Автор: Avtolik от 5-08-2021, 18:27, Коментариев: 0


Название: Defeat is an Orphan: How Pakistan Lost the Great South Asian War
Автор(ы): MacDonald Myra
Издательство: Hurst
Год: 2017
Страниц: 320
Язык: English
Формат): EPUB
Размер: 385,88 КБ

When India and Pakistan held nuclear tests in 1998, they restarted the clock on a competition that had begun half a century earlier. Nuclear weapons restored strategic parity, erasing the advantage of India's much larger size and conventional military superiority. Yet in the years that followed Pakistan went on to lose decisively to India. It lost any ability to stake a serious claim to Kashmir, a region it called its jugular vein. Its ability to influence events in Afghanistan diminished. While India's growing economy won it recognition as a rising world power, Pakistan became known as a failing state. Pakistan had lost to India before but the setbacks since 1998 made this defeat irreversible. Defeat is an Orphan follows the rollercoaster ride through post-nuclear India-Pakistan, from bitter conflict in the mountains to military confrontation in the plains, from the hijacking of an Indian plane to the assault on Mumbai. Nuclear weapons proved to be Pakistan's undoing. They encouraged a reckless reliance on militant proxies even as the jihadis spun out of control outside and inside Pakistan. By shielding it from retaliation, the nuclear weapons also sealed it into its own dysfunction -- so much so that the Great South Asian War, fought on-and-off since 1947, was not so much won by India as lost by Pakistan.

Cognitive Bias in Intelligence Analysis: Testing the Analysis of Competing Hypotheses Method

Автор: Avtolik от 5-08-2021, 18:26, Коментариев: 0


Название: Cognitive Bias in Intelligence Analysis: Testing the Analysis of Competing Hypotheses Method
Автор(ы): Whitesmith Martha
Издательство: Edinburgh University Press
Год: 2020
Страниц: 304
Язык: English
Формат: DJVU
Размер: 2,50 MB

Tests whether the analysis of competing hypotheses reduces cognitive bias, and proposes a more effective approach Reveals that a key element of current training provided to the UK and US intelligence communities (and likely all 5-EYES and several European agencies) does not have a proven ability to mitigate cognitive biases Demonstrates that judging the credibility of information from human sources means that intelligence analysis faces greater complexity and cognitive strain than non-intelligence analysis Explains the underlying causes cognitive biases, based on meta-analyses of existing research Shows that identifying the ideal conditions for intelligence analysis is a more effective way of reducing the risk of cognitive bias than the use of ACH Recent high-profile intelligence failures - from 9/11 to the 2003 Iraq war - prove that cognitive bias in intelligence analysis can have catastrophic consequences. This book critiques the reliance of Western intelligence agencies on the use of a method for intelligence analysis developed by the CIA in the 1990s, the Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH). The author puts ACH to the test in an experimental setting against two key cognitive biases with unique empirical research facilitated by UK's Professional Heads of Intelligence Analysis unit at the Cabinet Office, and finds that the theoretical basis of the ACH method is significantly flawed. Combining the insight of a practitioner with over 11 years of experience in intelligence with both philosophical theory and experimental research, the author proposes an alternative approach to mitigating cognitive bias that focuses on creating the optimum environment for analysis, challenging current leading theories.

An Analysis of Soviet Military Writing on United States Reentry Vehicle Technology, 1965-1983

Автор: Avtolik от 5-08-2021, 18:25, Коментариев: 0


Название: An Analysis of Soviet Military Writing on United States Reentry Vehicle Technology, 1965-1983
Автор(ы): Checkel Jeffrey
Издательство: MIT Press
Год: 1986
Страниц: 87
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 3,33 MB

This report reviews Soviet military writing on U.S. reentry vehicle technology and analyzes this literature in light of what it reveals concerning the Soviet militarys technology assessment process. A review of over 40 Soviet military books and journal articles produced the following conclusions 1 The militarys assessments consistently -- over various technology areas and over the course of 20 years -- focused on explaining how a given RV technology worked. 2 A direct correlation existed between the Soviet militarys threat perception regarding a given RV technology and how extensively that technology was assessed. 3 Assessments of U.S. reentry vehicle inertial guidance technology were anomalous. 4 Assessments correlated well with the actual state of U.S. RV programs -- Changes in the direction of these programs were accurately portrayed in the Soviet military literature. 5 The quality and technical proficiency of the assessments improved considerably over time. 6 The technology assessment process, however, changed little over the 20 year course of this study -- The process has been and remains oriented to providing the Soviet military with the information needed to minimize its response time to U.S. reentry vehicle technological innovation. The great majority of Soviet military writing on any particular U.S. RV technology attempted to explain how that technology worked. Surprisingly few sought to analyze in any detail the military significance of the various technological innovations.

Пляска смерти. Воспоминания унтерштурмфюрера СС. 1941-1945

Автор: kotmatros255 от 5-08-2021, 18:23, Коментариев: 0


Название: Пляска смерти. Воспоминания унтерштурмфюрера СС. 1941-1945
Автор: Керн Э.
Издательство: Центрполиграф
Год: 2008
ISBN: 978-5-9524-3841-5
Серия: За линией фронта. Мемуары
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 258
Размер: 30,1 Mb
Язык: Русский

Эта книга — взгляд «с той стороны» на Великую Отечественную. Эрих Керн вошел на территорию СССР вместе с дивизией «Лейбштандарт Адольф Гитлер» уже на третий день гитлеровского нашествия и принимал активное участие в боевых действиях на протяжении всей войны, вплоть до своего пленения союзниками.

Tunisia's National Intelligence: Why Rogue Elephants Fail to Reform

Автор: Avtolik от 5-08-2021, 18:22, Коментариев: 0


Название: Tunisia's National Intelligence: Why Rogue Elephants Fail to Reform
Автор(ы): Jebnoun Noureddine
Издательство: New Academia Publishing
Год: 2017
Страниц: 182
Язык: English
Формат: 12,63
Размер: PDF MB

Drawing on extensive fieldwork and original data, this book examines the political and security evolution of Tunisia’s national intelligence in the post-independence era. It investigates the sophistication of the intelligence complex under Bin ʿAlī and its central role in entrenching his authoritarian rule. The increased politicization of intelligence services contributed to the consolidation of power and the abuse of Tunisian citizens through the pervasive securitization of the public and private spheres and the intrusive penetration of society. The wide-range of illegal activities by Tunisia’s intelligence services contributed to the establishment of a police security state. However, these services played a critical role in its weakening through their lack of professionalism, their opacity, and their systematic use of intelligence for repression and oppression purposes. The post-uprising era created a new dilemma for intelligence organs in terms of their adjustment to the new socio-political context. The absence of appropriate political vision for the role of intelligence within an emerging democracy, the rise of insecurity in the country and across the region, and the legacy of authoritarianism are hindering any effort to introduce an appropriate “reform.” The difficult transition of the intelligence apparatus’ habits of state-centric security, which has been associated with the regime’s security, to the human-citizen security approach, is likely a major impediment to such reform. Thus, rather than a reform that entails democratic control, accountability, and oversight of the intelligence sector, the country’s secret apparatus experienced a mending process seeking mainly to improve its operational capabilities driven by the discourse of technicalities.

Breda 1625: El Duelo Final entre Spinola y Nassau (Guerreros y Battallas 37)

Автор: Dimas от 5-08-2021, 17:40, Коментариев: 0


Название: Breda 1625: El Duelo Final entre Spinola y Nassau (Guerreros y Battallas 37)
Издательство: Almena Ediciones
Год: 2007
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 82
Размер: 70 Mb
Язык: Spanish

Breda 1625: El Duelo Final entre Spinola y Nassau (Guerreros y Battallas 37)

German Artillery at War 1939-1945 Vol.2 (Concord 7063)

Автор: Dimas от 5-08-2021, 17:02, Коментариев: 0


Название: German Artillery at War 1939-1945 Vol.2 (Concord 7063)
Издательство: Concord Publications
Год: 2008
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 74
Размер: 53 Mb
Язык: English

German Artillery at War 1939-1945 Vol.2