Courage and Conflict: Forgotten Stories of the Irish at War

Автор: Avtolik от 1-08-2021, 11:36, Коментариев: 0


Название: Courage and Conflict: Forgotten Stories of the Irish at War
Автор(ы): Kenneally Ian
Издательство: The Collins Press
Год: 2009
Страниц: 384
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 3,63 MB

Dispossessed and oppressed for so long, it is no surprise many Irish ended up fighting in other people's wars. For many men a career as a soldier was the last hope for a better life and the great armies have always been a home to those on the bottom rungs of society. Courage and Conflict tells of extraordinary people and events, revolutionaries, inventors, soldiers, sailors, and mutineers. These stories provide a glimpse of Irish history intersecting with that of other peoples and countries. As much of the warfare conducted by the Irish has been fought abroad, these stories are also American, British, Mexican, Italian, Native American, African, and Indian. Courage and Conflict is an exciting and eclectic mix. ""This wonderful book tells of Irish brains, bravery, and boldness.

Bibliography of Intelligence Literature: A Critical and Annotated Bibliography of Open-Source Literature

Автор: Avtolik от 1-08-2021, 11:35, Коментариев: 0


Название: Bibliography of Intelligence Literature: A Critical and Annotated Bibliography of Open-Source Literature
Издательство: Washington: Defense Intelligence School
Год: 1981, Seventh Edition
Страниц: 66
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 5,74 MB

Bibliography of Intelligence Literature. A Critical and Annotated Bibliography of Open-Source Literature

Strategy in the Contemporary World: An Introduction to Strategic Studies

Автор: Avtolik от 1-08-2021, 11:32, Коментариев: 0


Название: Strategy in the Contemporary World: An Introduction to Strategic Studies
Автор(ы): Baylis John, Wirtz James, Gray Colin (eds.)
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Год: 2019
Страниц: 477
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 5,07 MB

Strategy in the Contemporary World focuses on the traditional and contemporary uses of organized force for political ends. It brings together major scholars in the field and deals with both the theory and practice of strategy. Highlighting the continuing relevance of both traditional and new thinking about strategy, the text helps to clarify the complex issues of war and peace at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The editors' introduction emphasizes the central unifying theme of the book: the historical and continuing role of military power in support of political ends. Four broad sections cover: the evolution of strategic thought; the theory and practice of land, sea, and air power; a range of new and adapted theories about peace and security that were developed during the Cold War; and developments in strategic thinking and practice that have taken place since the end of the Cold War, including Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA), Information (Cyber) Warfare, and Space Warfare. Strategy in the Contemporary World concludes with a return to some of the themes identified in the introduction and a discussion of the future direction of strategic studies. This carefully edited textbook offers an accessible and engaging introduction to strategic studies for all students of politics and international relations.

Arrested Histories: Tibet, the CIA, and Memories of a Forgotten War

Автор: Avtolik от 1-08-2021, 11:29, Коментариев: 0


Название: Arrested Histories: Tibet, the CIA, and Memories of a Forgotten War
Автор(ы): McGranahan Carole
Издательство: Duke University Press
Год: 2010
Страниц: 325
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 67,08 MB

In the 1950s, thousands of ordinary Tibetans rose up to defend their country and religion against Chinese troops. Their citizen army fought through 1974 with covert support from the Tibetan exile government and the governments of India, Nepal, and the United States. Decades later, the story of this resistance is only beginning to be told and has not yet entered the annals of Tibetan national history. In Arrested Histories, the anthropologist and historian Carole McGranahan shows how and why histories of this resistance army are “arrested” and explains the ensuing repercussions for the Tibetan refugee community. Drawing on rich ethnographic and historical research, McGranahan tells the story of the Tibetan resistance and the social processes through which this history is made and unmade, and lived and forgotten in the present. Fulfillment of veterans’ desire for recognition hinges on the Dalai Lama and “historical arrest,” a practice in which the telling of certain pasts is suspended until an undetermined time in the future. In this analysis, struggles over history emerge as a profound pain of belonging. Tibetan cultural politics, regional identities, and religious commitments cannot be disentangled from imperial histories, contemporary geopolitics, and romanticized representations of Tibet. Moving deftly from armed struggle to nonviolent hunger strikes, and from diplomatic offices to refugee camps, Arrested Histories provides powerful insights into the stakes of political engagement and the cultural contradictions of everyday life.

Admiral Arleigh (31-Knot) Burke: The Story of a Fighting Sailor

Автор: Avtolik от 1-08-2021, 11:28, Коментариев: 0


Название: Admiral Arleigh (31-Knot) Burke: The Story of a Fighting Sailor
Автор(ы): Jones Ken, Kelley Hubert
Издательство: Naval Institute Press
Год: 2014
Страниц: 230
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 2,54 MB

Written by two World War II veterans who later became well-known war correspondents, this biography records the inspiring life of one of America's great naval heroes. Popularly referred to as "31-Knot" Burke, Admiral Arleigh Burke fought savage battles at sea and won every decoration a grateful nation could bestow, yet his service to his country was not in combat alone. This book is at once a stirring testament to Burke's World War II record as a combat leader and to his talents as a diplomat at the armistice table in Korea and as a politician in Washington. It details his legendary victories with DESRON 23 in the Pacific and his development of high-speed night tactics for destroyers that resulted in what many call the perfect naval engagement at the Battle of Cape St. George. Burke's most enduring contributions occurred during his unprecedented three terms as chief of naval operations when he directed the Navy's technical development during its revolutionary change from steam and gunpowder to nuclear concepts in ships, weaponry, strategy, and tactics. Published soon after Burke's retirement from the Navy in 1961, the book has remained a standard reference for four decades.

Blue Ghost Memoirs: USS Lexington CV-16, 1943-1945

Автор: Avtolik от 1-08-2021, 11:26, Коментариев: 0


Название: Blue Ghost Memoirs: USS Lexington CV-16, 1943-1945
Автор(ы): Romanelli Otto C.
Издательство: Turner Publishing
Год: 2003
Страниц: 96
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 2,31 MB

Author Otto C. Romanelli, Lt. Cdr. USNR Ret., recounts his naval experiences during 1943–1945 aboard the carrier USS Lexington, "The Blue Ghost." Through numerous photographs, charts, and maps, his exciting journey comes to life. A wonderful personal account story.

Atlas des plans, légendes et tableaux d'organisation de l'Histoire militaire de la campagne de Russie en 1812

Автор: mtmkhl от 1-08-2021, 10:10, Коментариев: 0


Название: Atlas des plans, légendes et tableaux d'organisation de l'Histoire militaire de la campagne de Russie en 1812
Автор: Бутурлин Д. П.
Издательство: Paris, Saint-Petersbourg
Год: 1824
Размер: 119.18МВ
Язык: французский

Атлас планов, легенд и организационных схем военной истории русского похода 1812 г.


Русская армия в век императрицы Екатерины II

Автор: mtmkhl от 1-08-2021, 06:48, Коментариев: 0


Название: Русская армия в век императрицы Екатерины II
Автор: Богданович М.
Издательство: СПб.: тип. Департамента уделов
Год: 1873
Размер: 32.3MB

В брошюре М. Богдановича подробно описываются все мероприятия правительства Екатерины II по части модернизации русской вооруженной силы, успех которой на полях сражений превзошел все ожидания ее реформаторов.

Советские тяжелые самоходные артиллерийские установки 1941-1945

Автор: mtmkhl от 1-08-2021, 06:27, Коментариев: 0


Название: Советские тяжелые самоходные артиллерийские установки 1941-1945
Автор: Солянкин А. и др.
Издательство: М.: ООО "Издательский центр "Экспринт"
Год: 2005
Язык: русский

В ноябре 1941 г. наркоматом танковой промышленности было дано задание УЗТМ спроектировать и изготовить совместно с Кировским заводом в Челябинске САУ, вооруженную тремя артиллерийскими орудиями, одно из которых имело калибр 76,2 мм, а два других - 45 мм. Необходимость создания САУ, предназначавшейся для сопровождения танков в наступлении, была вызвана настоятельными просьбами приходившими в НКТП с фронта от командиров танковых войск разного ранга.
Артиллерийские орудия согласно заданию должны были быть смонтированы в едином блоке. Предполагалось, что одна машина, вооруженная тремя пушками, сможет более эффективно обеспечить поражение различных целей при сопровождении танков.

Общедоступная военно-историческая хрестоматия

Автор: mtmkhl от 1-08-2021, 06:26, Коментариев: 0


Название: Общедоступная военно-историческая хрестоматия
Автор: Абаза К.К., сост.
Издательство: СПб.: тип. М.М. Стасюлевича
Год: 1887

Абаза (Константин Константинович) -- писатель и педагог, род. в 1841 г. Служа в артиллерии, обратил на себя внимание благодаря успехам его учеников-солдат в усвоении грамотности и специальных познаний. Преподавал в "Центральной Чучуевской школе" для нижних чинов, потом долго был инспектором в с.-петербургском пехотном юнкерском училище. Неоднократно читал лекции для воспитанников военных учебных заведений и офицеров по методике началъного обучения грамоте.