Ferdinand, Elefant (Wydawnictwo Militaria 187)

Автор: Avtolik от 15-07-2021, 20:01, Коментариев: 0


Название: Ferdinand, Elefant
Автор(ы): Janusz Ledwoch
Издательство: Wydawnictwo Militaria
Серия: Wydawnictwo Militaria 187
Год: 2003
Страниц: 110
Язык: English / Polish
Формат: PDF
Размер: 50,22 MB

Kazde wydanie dotyczy konkretnego pojazdu bojowego lub bitwy z II wojny swiatowej i uzywanych pojazdow. Ksiazeczki zachwycaja wieloma oryginalnymi zdjeciami i wieloma rysunkami w skali (przewaznie 1:35). Kazda broszura zawiera rowniez kilka kolorowych stron z licznymi profilami kolorystycznymi o doskonalej jakosci.

Pojazdy zdobyczne w armii sowieckiej 1941 - 1945 (Wydawnictwo Militaria 181)

Автор: Avtolik от 15-07-2021, 20:01, Коментариев: 0


Название: Pojazdy zdobyczne w armii sowieckiej 1941 - 1945
Автор(ы): Kolomyjec M., Moszczanski I.
Издательство: Wydawnictwo Militaria
Серия: Wydawnictwo Militaria 181
Год: 2003
Страниц: 92
Язык: Polish
Формат: PDF
Размер: 26,24 MB

Kazde wydanie dotyczy konkretnego pojazdu bojowego lub bitwy z II wojny swiatowej i uzywanych pojazdow. Ksiazeczki zachwycaja wieloma oryginalnymi zdjeciami i wieloma rysunkami w skali (przewaznie 1:35). Kazda broszura zawiera rowniez kilka kolorowych stron z licznymi profilami kolorystycznymi o doskonalej jakosci.

Charlie Company’s Journey Home (Osprey General Military)

Автор: Dimas от 15-07-2021, 17:58, Коментариев: 0


Название: Charlie Company’s Journey Home (Osprey General Military)
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Год: 2018
Формат: EPUB, PDF (Conv)
Страниц: 400
Размер: 45 Mb
Язык: English

Charlie Company’s Journey Home (Osprey General Military)

The Flatpack Bombers

Автор: Dimas от 15-07-2021, 17:08, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Flatpack Bombers
Издательство: Pen & Sword
Год: 2009
Формат: EPUB, PDF (Conv)
Страниц: 224
Размер: 11 Mb
Язык: English

The Flatpack Bombers

Ржев. Битва. 1942-1943

Автор: Igor1977 от 15-07-2021, 15:13, Коментариев: 0


Название: Ржев. Битва. 1942-1943
Автор: Герасимова С.А.
Издательство: М.: Индрик
Год: 2020
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 400
Размер: 18 mb
Язык: Русский

Основу настоящего издания составляет исследование известного военного историка С.А. Герасимовой, воссоздающее все этапы боевых действий на Ржевском выступе. В книге предложена авторская периодизация событий, основанная на детальном исследовании российских архивных источников, а также документов вермахта, опубликованных за рубежом.

Поликарпов И-16 Тип 5

Автор: aviatik от 15-07-2021, 13:09, Коментариев: 0


Название: Поликарпов И-16 Тип 5
Автор: Dale Volkov
Издательство: «Уголок неба»
Год: 2019
Формат: pdf в zip-архиве OCR
Страниц: 39
Размер: 66,08 mb
Язык: Русский

Поликарпов И-16 Тип 5. Серийный выпуск самолета, начатый в 1934 году, по-настоящему развернулся только на следующий год. Даже те И-16, которые были выпущены и засчитаны в производственный план 1934 года, продолжали доводиться и в 1935 году. Тогда же появилась возможность устанавливать на самолет двигатели М-25, являющиеся советской копией американского «Райт-Циклон» Ф-3. Производство этих двигателей развернули на вновь построенном авиазаводе № 19 в городе Пермь, на Урале. За 1935 год, используя зачастую американские детали, завод выпустил 660 двигателей М-25. Часть этих двигателей предназначалась для ...

Winged Brothers: Naval Aviation as Lived by Ernest and Macon Snowden

Автор: Indulis79 от 15-07-2021, 13:09, Коментариев: 0


Название: Winged Brothers: Naval Aviation as Lived by Ernest and Macon Snowden
Автор: Ernest Snowden
Издательство: Naval Institute Press
ISBN: 1682472965
Год: 2018
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 288
Размер: 5,1 МБ
Язык: Английский

Winged Brothers recounts the service exploits of two brothers through more than forty years of naval aviation history in both peace and war. They were deeply committed to each other and to advancing their chosen profession, but due to the vast difference in their ages and the fourteen years between their respective graduations from the U.S. Naval Academy, they experienced carrier aviation from very different perspectives.


Spin Wars and Spy Games: Global Media and Intelligence Gathering

Автор: Avtolik от 15-07-2021, 12:34, Коментариев: 0


Название: Spin Wars and Spy Games: Global Media and Intelligence Gathering
Автор(ы): Kounalakis Markos
Издательство: Hoover Institution Press
Год: 2018
Страниц: 248
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 6,68 MB

As most long-standing news outlets have shuttered their foreign bureaus and print operations, the role of GNNs as information collectors and policy influencers has changed in tandem. Western GNNs are honored for being untethered to government entities and their ability to produce accurate yet critical situational analyses. However, with the emergence of non-Western GNNs and their direct relationships to the state, the independent nature of our global news cycle has been vastly manipulated. In Spin Wars and Spy Games, Kounalakis uses his interviews with an expansive and diverse set of GNN professionals to deliver a vivid depiction of the momentous sea change in mass media production. He traces the evolution of global news networks from the twentieth century to now, revealing today’s drastically altered news business model that places precedence on networks leveraging global power. This eye-opening narrative transforms our understanding of why countries like Russia and China invest heavily in their news media, and how the GNN framework operates in conjunction with state strategy and diplomatic sensitivity. Profoundly meticulous and insightful, this seminal work on the current state of transnational journalism gives readers a first-hand look at how global media powers shape policy and morph the public’s consumption of information.

The 1971 Indo-Pak War. A Soldier's Narrative

Автор: Avtolik от 15-07-2021, 12:33, Коментариев: 0


Название: The 1971 Indo-Pak War. A Soldier's Narrative
Автор(ы): Qureshi Hakeem Arshad
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Год: 2003
Страниц: 350
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 42,55 MB

This is an eyewitness account of the political and military upheaval in East Pakistan in 1971, which was in the grip of Bangla nationalism. The book covers the period from general elections in December 1970 to the break up of Pakistan in December 1971. Its main focus is on the 1970 elections and the subsequent developments, the civil disobedience movement and its transformation into insurgency, Pakistan's efforts to cope with the insurgency, India's intervention and the full-fledged invasion, the war and the aftermath. General Qureshi's book forces us to look objectively at the part of our past that we have ignored and tried to forget and I think he has done the Army and the Nation a great service by using his experience to interpret the great tragedy of 1971. The book, in my opinion, should be compulsory reading for all students of military history.

The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century

Автор: Avtolik от 15-07-2021, 12:32, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century
Автор(ы): Knightley Phillip
Издательство: London: Pimlico
Год: 2003
Страниц: 516
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 37,00 MB

The first full history of spies, spying, and the intelligence bureaucracy, from the author of The Philby Conspiracy. In 1909, the business of spying was hoisted from the domain of a few European descendents to the highest reaches of British government with the formation of Britain's SIS. Acting in response to a totally fraudulent fear-the German spy scare that preceded World War I-the British soon had a lot of company as Germany, Russia, France, and other powers large and small joined the mad rush toward information and espionage. Not far behind came the biggest of them all, first with the OSS and then with the CIA, fueled by paranoia and by more money than any new bureaucracy had ever seen. "Bigger than State by '48," was the CIA's slogan on its founding in 1947. And it was. Now intelligence is a very big business with a very rich history, told here with a depth and verve never before brought to the subject, by a master historian. All of the legends and their immensely readable stories and here-Sorge, Donovan, Philby, Mata Hari, Golitsyn, Angleton, Penkovsky-and behind them a large question: did any act of these spies and their masters make any difference at all in the course of history?