Немецкие подводные лодки в Северном Ледовитом океане

Автор: mtmkhl от 27-06-2021, 06:44, Коментариев: 0


Название: Немецкие подводные лодки в Северном Ледовитом океане
Автор: под ред. Подерни
Издательство: Пг. Тип. мор. мин-ва
Год: 1917
Размер: 78.13MB
Язык: русский

Перевод книги «Немецкие подводные лодки в Северном Ледовитом океане», дающий яркое представление об условиях жизни на подводных лодках во время больших океанских переходов, редакция, по мотивам изложенным ниже, считает своим долгом обратить благосклонное внимание читателя на то, что условия жизни на всех лодках, вне зависимости от их национальности, конечно, между собою совершенно одинаковы, а примеров «безграничного мужества, энергии и предприимчивости», — проявляемых, по словам автора, личным составом немецких лодок, — и среди русских и английских подводников было достаточно.


Blanke Waffen

Автор: mtmkhl от 27-06-2021, 06:20, Коментариев: 0


Название: Blanke Waffen
Автор: Emil Vollmer Werlag.
Издательство: Wiesbaden
Год: 2001
Размер: 96.18MB
Язык: немецкий

Blanke Waffen
Холодное оружие


Война 1877 и 1878 гг. Вып.1

Автор: mtmkhl от 27-06-2021, 05:48, Коментариев: 0


Название: Война 1877 и 1878 гг. Вып.1
Автор: Зыкова С.П.
Издательство: Типография Товарищества "Общественная Польза" (СПб)
Год: 1879
Размер:131.94 MB
Язык: русский

Популярно изложенная, иллюстрированная история Русско-турецкой войны 1877-1878 гг. состоит из шести выпусков: Переправа у Галаца и Зимницы; Взятие Никополя и Забалканский набег; Пять месяцев под Плевной; Шипкинское сидение; Семь месяцев на Ломе и на Янтре; Забалканский поход и конец войны.

The Irregulars: Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington

Автор: Avtolik от 27-06-2021, 03:51, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Irregulars: Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington
Автор(ы): Conant Jennet
Издательство: Simon and Schuster
Год: 2009
Страниц: 393
Язык: English
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 1,67 MB

When Roald Dahl, a dashing young wounded RAF pilot, took up his post at the British Embassy in Washington in 1942, his assignment was to use his good looks, wit, and considerable charm to gain access to the most powerful figures in American political life. A patriot eager to do his part to save his country from a Nazi invasion, he invaded the upper reaches of the U.S. government and Georgetown society, winning over First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and her husband, Franklin; befriending wartime leaders from Henry Wallace to Henry Morgenthau; and seducing the glamorous freshman congresswoman Clare Boothe Luce. Dahl would soon be caught up in a complex web of deception masterminded by William Stephenson, aka Intrepid, Churchill's legendary spy chief, who, with President Roosevelt's tacit permission, mounted a secret campaign of propaganda and political subversion to weaken American isolationist forces, bring the country into the war against Germany, and influence U.S. policy in favor of England. Known as the British Security Coordination (BSC) — though the initiated preferred to think of themselves as the Baker Street Irregulars in honor of the amateurs who aided Sherlock Holmes — these audacious agents planted British propaganda in American newspapers and radio programs, covertly influenced leading journalists — including Drew Pearson, Walter Winchell, and Walter Lippmann — harassed prominent isolationists and anti-New Dealers, and plotted against American corporations that did business with the Third Reich. In an account better than spy fiction, Jennet Conant shows Dahl progressing from reluctant diplomat to sly man-about-town, parlaying his morale-boosting wartime propaganda work into a successful career as an author, which leads to his entrée into the Roosevelt White House and Hyde Park and initiation into British intelligence's elite dirty tricks squad, all in less than three years. He and his colorful coconspirators — David Ogilvy, Ian Fleming, and Ivar Bryce, recruited more for their imagination and dramatic flair than any experience in the spy business — gossiped, bugged, and often hilariously bungled their way across Washington, doing their best to carry out their cloak-and-dagger assignments, support the fledgling American intelligence agency (the OSS), and see that Roosevelt was elected to an unprecedented fourth term. It is an extraordinary tale of deceit, double-dealing, and moral ambiguity — all in the name of victory. Richly detailed and meticulously researched, Conant's compelling narrative draws on never-before-seen wartime letters, diaries, and interviews and provides a rare, and remarkably candid, insider's view of the counterintelligence game during the tumultuous days of World War II.

Military Strategy: Principles, Practices, and Historical Perspectives

Автор: Avtolik от 27-06-2021, 03:48, Коментариев: 0


Название: Military Strategy: Principles, Practices, and Historical Perspectives
Автор(ы): Collins John M.
Издательство: Potomac Books
Год: 2001
Страниц: 350
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 7,69 MB

John M. Collins has distilled the wisdom of history’s great military minds to tutor readers on the necessary intellectual skills to win not only battles but also wars. He illuminates practices that worked well or poorly in the past, together with reasons why. He discusses national security interests, strategic building blocks, military strategies across the conflict spectrum, methods for developing talent and strategic acumen, and recent case studies that put principles into practice. Collins never tells readers what to think, but in Military Strategy he provides them with the intellectual tools to think for themselves. Written in a clear, straightforward style, this book will appeal to officers, policy-makers, students, and the public.

Outsourcing the Global War on Terrorism: Private Military Companies and American Intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan

Автор: Avtolik от 27-06-2021, 03:46, Коментариев: 0


Название: Outsourcing the Global War on Terrorism: Private Military Companies and American Intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan
Автор(ы): Lovewine George C.
Издательство: Palgrave Macmillan
Год: 2014
Страниц: 242
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 1,32 MB

The US military strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan made use of private military and private security companies on an unprecedented scale. In this environment, actions and operations can greatly affect the efficacy of the US military - creating unintended diplomatic and tactical consequences. Lovewine combines an insider's perspective on the use of Private Military Companies in Department of Defense contingency operations with rigorous research. Exploring the involvement of contractors from Iraq to Afghanistan and from intelligence collection to security services, Outsourcing the Global War on Terrorism shows why Private Military Companies have a major impact on the success or failure of US military operations and policies.

Biological and toxin weapons: research, development, and use from the Middle Ages to 1945

Автор: Avtolik от 27-06-2021, 03:44, Коментариев: 0


Название: Biological and toxin weapons: research, development, and use from the Middle Ages to 1945
Автор(ы): Geissler E., Courtland Moon John Ellis van
Издательство: Oxford: Oxford University Press
Год: 2003
Страниц: 300
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 39,94 MB

This interdisciplinary volume is a history and comparative examination of major biological warfare programmes up to 1945. It analyses the origins of biological warfare planning and preparation up to the end of World War II. During World War II several countries developed major biological warfare programmes. Their relevance to contemporary concerns is addressed. The argument is made that the verification protocol to strengthen the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, now being negotiated, ought to be adopted.

Alexander the Great and Hernan Cortes: Ambiguous Legacies of Leadership

Автор: Avtolik от 27-06-2021, 03:43, Коментариев: 0


Название: Alexander the Great and Hernan Cortes: Ambiguous Legacies of Leadership
Автор(ы): Lyons Justin D.
Издательство: Lexington Books
Год: 2015
Страниц: 255
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 2,67 MB

This is a biographical pairing of two of the greatest conquerors in human history, drawing its inspiration from Plutarch's Parallel Lives. Like Plutarch, the purpose of the pairing is not primarily historical. While Plutarch covers the history of each of the lives he chronicles, he also emphasizes questions of character and the larger lessons of politics to be derived from the deeds he recounts. The book provides a narrative account both of Alexander's conquest of the Persian Empire and Cortes's conquest of the Aztec Empire while reflecting on the larger questions that emerge from each. The campaign narratives are followed by essays devoted to leadership and command that seek to recover the treasures of the Plutarchian approach shaped by moral and political philosophy. Analysis of leadership style and abilities is joined with assessment of character. Special emphasis is given to the speeches provided in historical sources and meditation on rhetorical successes and failures in maintaining the morale and willing service of their men.

Russian Cyber Operations: Coding the Boundaries of Conflict

Автор: Avtolik от 27-06-2021, 03:39, Коментариев: 0


Название: Russian Cyber Operations: Coding the Boundaries of Conflict
Автор(ы): Jasper Scott
Издательство: Georgetown University Press
Год: 2020
Страниц: 232
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 2,18 MB

Russia has deployed cyber operations to interfere in foreign elections, launch disinformation campaigns, and cripple neighboring states ― all while maintaining a thin veneer of deniability and avoiding strikes that cross the line into acts of war. How should a targeted nation respond? In Russian Cyber Operations, Scott Jasper dives into the legal and technical maneuvers of Russian cyber strategies, proposing that nations develop solutions for resilience to withstand future attacks. Jasper examines the place of cyber operations within Russia's asymmetric arsenal and its use of hybrid and information warfare, considering examples from recent French and US presidential elections and the 2017 Not Petya mock ransomware attack, among others. Jasper shows the international effort to counter these operations through sanctions and indictments has done little to alter Moscow's behavior and instead proposes that nations use data correlation technologies in an integrated security platform to establish a more resilient defense. Russian Cyber Operations provides a critical framework for determining whether Russian cyber campaigns and incidents rise to the level of armed conflict or operate at a lower level as a component of competition. Jasper's work offers the national security community a robust plan of action critical to effectively mounting a durable defense against Russian cyber campaigns.

Firearms in American History

Автор: Avtolik от 27-06-2021, 03:37, Коментариев: 0


Название: Firearms in American History
Автор(ы): Berger Michael L.
Издательство: Franklin Watts
Год: 1979
Страниц: 64
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 14,31 MB

Highlights the history of firearms from their appearance in Europe in the 14th century through the settling of America and the Civil War. Discusses firearms in sport and competition and the art of gunsmithing.