The Gloster & AW Meteor: A Comprehensive Guide for the Modeller (SAM Modellers Datafile 8)

Автор: Gerza от 31-08-2016, 15:29, Коментариев: 0


The Gloster & AW Meteor: A Comprehensive Guide for the Modeller (SAM Modellers Datafile 8)
Название: The Gloster & AW Meteor: A Comprehensive Guide for the Modeller
Автор(ы): Richard J. Caruana, Richard A. Franks
Издательство: SAM Publications
Серия: SAM Modellers Datafile 8
Год: 2004
ISBN: 0953346587
Страниц: 138
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 83 MB

В книге описана история британского самолета "Метеор". Представлено 40 цветных профилей, 17 страниц технического описания самолета, 14 страниц с цветными фотографиями различных деталей самолета, отдельная глава отведена камуфляжу. В заключительной части книги рассмотрены вопросы постройки модели самолета, приведены его чертежи и множество другой информации.

The Bedford Boys: One American Town's Ultimate D-Day Sacrifice

Автор: bakerman от 31-08-2016, 13:53, Коментариев: 0


The Bedford Boys: One American Town's Ultimate D-Day Sacrifice
Автор: Alex Kershaw
Название: The Bedford Boys: One American Town's Ultimate D-Day Sacrifice
Издательство: Da Capo Press
Год: 2003
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 326
Язык: English
Размер: 53 MB

On June 6, 1944, nineteen boys from Bedford, Virginia–population 3,000–died in the first bloody minutes of D-Day when their landing craft dropped them in shallow water off Omaha Beach. They were part of the first wave of American soldiers to hit the sands of Normandy. Later that day, two more soldiers from the same small town died of gunshot wounds. Twenty-one sons of Bedford killed–no other town in America suffered a greater one-day loss. It is a story that one cannot easily forget–and one that the families of Bedford will never forget. It was, and still is, Bedford's longest day.The Bedford Boys is the intimate true story of these young men and their friends and families in Bedford. It portrays a neighborhood of soldiers before and during the war–from the girlfriends they left behind to the buddies they made in basic training, from anxious barracks in England to the bloody beaches of Normandy. Based on extensive interviews with survivors and relatives as well as on diaries and letters, Alex Kershaw's book focuses on several remarkable individuals and families to tell one of the most poignant stories of World War II–the story of one small American town that went to war and died on Omaha Beach.

Scroll Saw Military Designs: Patterns for All Branches of the U.S. Military

Автор: bakerman от 31-08-2016, 11:52, Коментариев: 0


Scroll Saw Military Designs: Patterns for All Branches of the U.S. Military
Автор: Mike Lewis, Vicky Lewis
Название: Scroll Saw Military Designs: Patterns for All Branches of the U.S. Military
Издательство: Fox Chapel Publishing Company
Год: 2000
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 68
Язык: English
Размер: 18 MB

Scroll Saw Military Designs: Patterns for All Branches of the U.S. Military

Medieval Armies and Weapons in Western Europe: An Illustrated History

Автор: Gerza от 31-08-2016, 10:31, Коментариев: 0


Medieval Armies and Weapons in Western Europe: An Illustrated History
Название: Medieval Armies and Weapons in Western Europe: An Illustrated History
Автор(ы): Jean-Denis G. G. Lepage
Издательство: McFarland & Co.
Год: 2005
ISBN: 0786417722
Страниц: 288
Язык: English
Формат: PDF OCR
Размер: 50 MB

This study combines both a broad introduction to medieval warfare and detailed studies of warriors and weaponry throughout the Middle Ages. Packed full of wonderful black and white illustrations, Lepage begins with the late Roman army, the Huns, Germans, Franks and Vikings, before moving on to the age of feudalism, knights, chivalry and crusading, and warfare of the High Middle Ages. Descriptions of weaponry, armour and tactics, are accompanied by detailed discussion of, for example, the nature of pitched battles, siege tactics, naval warfare, the wounded and the dead, religious military orders, mercenaries and the advent of gunpowder and firearms. A great, well-rounded account of the subject.

Крестовые походы (История. Открытие)

Автор: Gerza от 31-08-2016, 09:59, Коментариев: 0


Название: Крестовые походы
Автор(ы): Жорж Тат
Издательство: Олимп, АСТ, Астрель
Серия: История. Открытие
Год: 2003
ISBN: 5-17-013244-1
Страниц: 192
Язык: Русский
Формат: PDF HQ
Размер: 208 MB

Призыв папы Урбана II в 1096 г. мобилизует весь христианский мир. В течение двух веков, начиная со времени правления Готфрида Бульонского и кончая периодом царствования Людовика Святого, европейцы различных социальных слоев вставали под знамена Церкви, чтобы отбить у неприятеля или защитить Святую землю.
Что ими двигало: религиозные чувства или политический расчет? Во имя Христа они убивали неверных, захватывали их города - Никею, Антиохию, Тир, Иерусалим, основав Латинскую империю. Для мусульман же этот религиозный подъем христиан был не более чем агрессией варваров. Эмир Зенги и Hyp ад-Дин, его сын и преемник, объявили христианам джихад, или священную войну. Миф о непобедимости франков был развеян. Саладин, султан Египта и Сирии, нанес европейцам последний удар: они были окончательно изгнаны со Святой земли в 1291 г. Книга Жоржа Тата познакомит вас с основными этапами этих кровавых столкновений между двумя мирами - христианским и мусульманским.

Осада и сдача крепости Порт-Артур. Мои впечатления

Автор: knigavelesa от 30-08-2016, 23:08, Коментариев: 0


Осада и сдача крепости Порт-Артур. Мои впечатленияНазвание: Осада и сдача крепости Порт-Артур. Мои впечатления
Автор: Костенко М.И.
Место издания: Киев
Издательство: типография Окружного штаба
Год: 1906
Страниц: 288
Формат: pdf
Размер: 52.19 MB

Достаточно откровенные и водержательные мемуары генерала, одного из командиров в осажденном Порт-Артуре. Много живых подробностей, деталей быта и нравов. Поразительно, что сразу же после войны генералы на действительной службе не стеснялись издавать книги, в которых реалистически описывались ужасы войны и откровенно говорилось о недостатках в деятельности военного ведомства.

Hawker Sea Fury (Warbird Tech Series 37)

Автор: Gerza от 30-08-2016, 19:08, Коментариев: 0


Hawker Sea Fury (Warbird Tech Series 37)
Название: Hawker Sea Fury
Автор(ы): Kev Darling
Издательство: Specialty Press
Серия: Warbird Tech Series - Volume 37
Год: 2002
ISBN: 1580070639
Страниц: 108
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 96 MB

The Hawker Sea Fury is a bit of a mystery to most aircraft enthusiasts. If they're familiar with Hawker and Sydney Camm's designs, this plane - the Royal Navy's last prop-driven fighter - is known to them, though not with much detail. Reno racing fanatics also know the Fury and the Sea Fury, but to air racing fans the Hawker design is just an airframe on which to hang the most powerful piston engine and biggest propeller possible. Warbird Tech Volume 37.

Boeing Aircraft Since 1916 (Putnam Aviation Series)

Автор: Gerza от 30-08-2016, 18:53, Коментариев: 0


Boeing Aircraft Since 1916 (Putnam Aviation Series)
Название: Boeing Aircraft Since 1916
Автор(ы): Peter M. Bowers
Издательство: Naval Institute Press
Серия: Putnam Aviation Series
Год: 1989
ISBN: 0870210378
Страниц: 668
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 152 MB

BOEING AIRCRAFT SINCE 1916 was first published in 1966 and an updated edition followed in 1968. At that time only a few Boeing 737s had been produced, the Model 747 had yet to fly and the company was awaiting to go-ahead to build its supersonic airliner. Since that time the supersonic airliner has been cancelled, Model 737s have been produced in large numbers as numerous versions, and the Model 747 has revolutionized air transport with nearly a thousand ordered and well over 700 in service. Nearly fifty-five of the later Model 757s and 767s are in airline service. To cover this enormous growth in Boeing activities this book has been virtually rewritten and greatly expanded. New information has been included in the pre-jet sections and the Model 707 and 727 sections have been updated. The full development histories of the 737, 747, 757, and 767 are included and there are full production lists of well over 6,000 Boeing jet liners. All the new types are fully illustrated by a superb selection of photos and the opportunity has been taken to include numerous new views of the older Boeing types--a surprise to many will be the photos of B-47 jet bombers with U.S. Navy markings. In addition to the hundreds of photos this book includes a large number of three-view general arrangement drawings.

Belgian Military Aviation 1945-1977

Автор: Gerza от 30-08-2016, 18:40, Коментариев: 0


Belgian Military Aviation 1945-1977
Название: Belgian Military Aviation 1945-1977
Автор(ы): Paul A. Jackson
Издательство: Midland Counties Publications
Год: 1977
Страниц: 116
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 60 MB

В книге описывается авиационная техника и структура бельгийских ВВС.

The Turret Fighters: Defiant and Roc (Crowood Aviation)

Автор: Gerza от 30-08-2016, 18:33, Коментариев: 0


The Turret Fighters: Defiant and Roc (Crowood Aviation)
Название: The Turret Fighters: Defiant and Roc
Автор(ы): Alec Brew
Издательство: The Crowood Press Ltd.
Серия: Crowood Aviation
Год: 2002
ISBN: 1861264976
Страниц: 160
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 70 MB

The turret fighter was predicted by many before World War II to be the only effective way of dealing with the new threat of the heavy bomber. In the event, a two-man fighter with its armament concentrated in a power-operated turret did not turn out to be the answer. The Boulton Paul Defiant and the Blackburn Roc were only two examples of the concept to enter service and only the Defiant was able to claim any success in combat. From the archives of Boulton Paul Aircraft, the company which built every single Defiant and Roc, come a host of photographs and testaments to the Defiant from those who built them and those who flew them.