Автор: Christian Mancas
Издательство: Apple Academic Press
ISBN: 1771881240
Год: 2015
Язык: английский
Страниц: 698
Формат: pdf
Размер: 112.76 MB
Эта новая книга призвана обеспечить как новичков, так и экспертов полностью алгоритмическим подходом к анализу данных и концептуальному моделированию, проектированию баз данных, внедрению и настройке, начиная от неопределенных и неполных запросов клиентов и заканчивая программным обеспечением на основе IBM DB/2, Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server или Access.
This new book aims to provide both beginners and experts with a completely algorithmic approach to data analysis and conceptual modeling, database design, implementation, and tuning, starting from vague and incomplete customer requests and ending with IBM DB/2, Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server, or Access based software applications. A rich panoply of solutions to actual useful data sub-universes (e.g. business, university, public and home library, geography, history, etc.) is provided, constituting a powerful library of examples.
Four data models are presented and used: the graphical Entity-Relationship, the mathematical EMDM, the physical Relational, and the logical deterministic deductive Datalog ones. For each one of them, best practice rules, algorithms, and the theory beneath are clearly separated. Four case studies, from a simple public library example, to a complex geographical study are fully presented, on all needed levels.
Several dozens of real-life exercises are proposed, out of which at least one per chapter is completely solved. Both major historical and up-to-date references are provided for each of the four data models considered.
The book provides a library of useful solutions to real-life problems and provides valuable knowledge on data analysis and modeling, database design, implementation, and fine tuning.
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