Шифры цивилизации: Коды, секретные послания и тайные знаки в истории человечества

Автор: tatanavip от 28-06-2024, 22:12, Коментариев: 0


Название: Шифры цивилизации: Коды, секретные послания и тайные знаки в истории человечества
Автор: Синклер Маккей
Издательство: Альпина паблишер
Год: 2023
Формат: fb2, rtf
Размер: 11 Мб
Качество: Хорошее
Язык: Русский

С древних времен человек пытался изобрести шифры, которые невозможно взломать. Скрывающие связь влюбленные, секретные сообщества и церковные ордена, разведчики, дипломаты и военные – лишь небольшая часть тех, кто стремился любой ценой сохранить свои тайны.
Католические священники, сопровождавшие конкистадоров, были решительно настроены уничтожить все разнообразие письменных текстов, которое они нашли в городах туземцев. Так они поступали, по-видимому, потому, что считали своим долгом искоренить язычество в колониях.

Tableau for Salesforce: Visualise data and generate insights with the leading platforms for data analytics

Автор: literator от 28-06-2024, 21:16, Коментариев: 0

Категория: КНИГИ » ОС И БД

Название: Tableau for Salesforce: Visualise data and generate insights with the leading platforms for data analytics
Автор: Damiana Spadafora, Lars Malmqvist
Издательство: BPB Publications
Год: 2024
Страниц: 266
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 23.5 MB

Connect, analyze, decide: Seamless integration of Tableau and Salesforce. Cloud data architectures are a valuable tool for organizations that want to use data to make better decisions. By Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool, and Salesforce CRM is the most successful customer relationship management software. Companies often use these two tools to analyze data and create visualizations. The book starts with an introduction to both Tableau and Salesforce CRM. It then goes on to show how you can connect Tableau with Salesforce CRM and link the two tools. Then, it walks through some of the key features of this connection that allow for seamless data analysis and visualization. It then moves on to advanced use cases, combining Salesforce and Tableau for advanced analytics and decision-making. The Tableau software ecosystem contains a number of different elements that together provide an unparalleled data analytics experience. Tableau Desktop is a drag-and-drop analytics and data visualization software that allows you to connect to a wide range of data sources, create ad hoc analyses, build cohesive dashboards, and share views with others. Tableau Public, a free version of Tableau Desktop, is suitable for non-proprietary data analysis and allows users to connect to limited data sources like Microsoft Excel. Tableau Server is a central repository managed by organizations that store all published workbooks, shared data sources, and/or Tableau Prep workflows. In this book, we will focus mainly on Tableau Desktop to do the analysis of Salesforce data. After reading this book, the reader will have the knowledge to start using both tools to analyze real-world CRM data and create CRM analytical dashboards that generate value for their companies. This book is targeted at people who are interested in Tableau and Salesforce. This includes Tableau Desktop users in organizations with Salesforce CRM and Salesforce consultants or administrators.

Blockchain: the Chain for the Changing Marketing Sphere

Автор: literator от 28-06-2024, 20:31, Коментариев: 0


Название: Blockchain: the Chain for the Changing Marketing Sphere
Автор: Amandeep Singh, Sandhir Sharma, Amrinder Singh, Geetika Madaan
Издательство: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Год: 2024
Страниц: 162
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 12.0 MB

Marketing has changed a lot in the past decade, but it is about to go through another revolution, thanks in large part to the blockchain. Yes, while most of us associate digital marketing with things like AI and analytics, blockchain may be the most disruptive technology yet to hit marketers in every industry. Blockchain is changing digital marketing, and you may be surprised who will benefit. Blockchain has brought a drastic change to the technology in the last few years and it is referred to as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), making the historical backdrop of any computerized resource unalterable and straightforward using decentralization and cryptographic hashing. This book will be useful to all who are involved in using Blockchain technology along with Researchers and policymakers. No doubt, the intermediary of Blockchain technology and its marketers are also be benefited from going through the book. It is assumed that the book will provide proper insights into Blockchain technology to the students and creates a topical interest. Blockchain gained its fame through bitcoin cryptocurrency at the beginning stages. But nowadays blockchain is not only used in digital currencies. It is a decentralized ledger for recording, sharing, and confidential maintenance of transactions that cannot be changed or disrupted. The data are stored digitally in blocks i.e., the customers’ data are stored in digital format, which cannot be altered by any common person.

Dolia: The Containers That Made Rome an Empire of Wine

Автор: Indulis79 от 28-06-2024, 20:23, Коментариев: 0

Категория: КНИГИ » ИСТОРИЯ

Название: Dolia: The Containers That Made Rome an Empire of Wine
Автор: Caroline Cheung
Издательство: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 069124300X
Год: 2024
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 345
Размер: 84,9 МБ
Язык: Английский

The story of the Roman Empire’s enormous wine industry told through the remarkable ceramic storage and shipping containers that made it possible. The average resident of ancient Rome drank two-hundred-and-fifty liters of wine a year, almost a bottle a day, and the total annual volume of wine consumed in the imperial capital would have overflowed the Pantheon.


Пирография или искусство выжигания по дереву

Автор: SCART56 от 28-06-2024, 20:10, Коментариев: 0


Название: Пирография или искусство выжигания по дереву
Автор: Сью Уолтерс
Издательство: Феникс
Год: 2006
Страниц: 222
Формат: PDF
Размер: 131 Mб
Язык: русский

Пирография означает "рисование огнем", а попросту - выжигание. Это многостороннее искусство, которое возвращает нас к викторианской эпохе и в то же время продолжает процветать сегодня. Пирография - замечательное ремесло, которое подарит вам бесконечные часы приятного времяпрепровождения.

Randomness Revisited Using the V Programming Language

Автор: literator от 28-06-2024, 19:48, Коментариев: 0


Название: Randomness Revisited Using the V Programming Language
Автор: Soubhik Chakraborty, Subhomoy Haldar
Издательство: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Год: 2024
Страниц: 142
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 15.7 MB

This book aims to educate the practitioner on pseudo-randomness in particular and discusses a few modern algorithms for random number generation. We attempt to describe what it means for a phenomenon to be random, discuss an approach to quantifying the amount of randomness and testing for statistical quality. A software testing suite is introduced to measure the performance and quality of arbitrary pseudo-random number generators, which are implemented in the V programming language. V, also known as vlang, is a new general-purpose programming language inspired by Google’s Go Programming Language that is easy to use, fast, and simple to instrument. Alex Medvednikov, the author of V, graciously responded to our inquiry about the motivation behind creating the language. It was publicly introduced in 2019, although work on it began in 2017, in private, when Medvednikov was frustrated with the low performance of C interoperability in Go. Crashes in C libraries are also hard to debug in Go. The canonical backend for V is the C backend, which transpiles V source code to human readable C code. The C code is then compiled with either the bundled TCC compiler or the system’s own compiler. V is a good option for users who are not familiar with C, but do not want to compromise on performance for ease-of-use. Bundling TCC allows users who have no prior experience with C to be able to use V immediately without having to install a C compiler first. This also makes it useful for Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines. V is at least 6 times faster than Python (often it is 1-2 orders of magnitude faster). This makes it great for prototyping and then polishing that code for production use. The reader is encouraged to test this claim themselves by implementing a suitable algorithm (without optimisations) in V and the language of their choice.

Мистецтво досягати бажаного - Девiд Дж. Шварц

Автор: Tetyanka_ от 28-06-2024, 19:45, Коментариев: 0


Название: Мистецтво досягати бажаного
Автор: Девiд Дж. Шварц
Изд-во: Vivat
Год: 2020
К-во стр.:272
Язык: українська
Формат: pdf/djvu
Размер: 20,10 Мб

Краще розуміння власної мотивації дає можливість визначити, як спроектувати життя так, щоб воно стало приємнішим і довершеним. Хай то спорт, бізнес, політика, акторство, письменництво, освіта тощо — підґрунтям успіху в будь-якій справі є стимул досягати бажаного.
Провідний експерт і професор з питань мотивації Девід Шварц розповідає, як заробити більше грошей, мати значний вплив і стати щасливішим, позитивно сприймаючи життя та творчо його плануючи.

Lonely Planet Best Road Trips Canada (Road Trips Guide), 3rd Edition

Автор: Indulis79 от 28-06-2024, 19:35, Коментариев: 0

Категория: КНИГИ » РАЗНОЕ

Название: Lonely Planet Best Road Trips Canada (Road Trips Guide), 3rd Edition
Автор: John Lee, Ray Bartlett, Oliver Berry
Издательство: Lonely Planet
ISBN: 183869708X
Год: 2024
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 240
Размер: 60,0 МБ
Язык: Английский

Discover the freedom of the open road with Lonely Planet's Canada's Best Road Trips. This trusted travel companion features 32 amazing drives, from 2-day escapes to 2-week adventures. Marvel at the Niagara Falls, spot whales in Newfoundland and sample wine on the Okanagan Valley Wine trail. Get to Canada, rent a car, and hit the road!


Cool Reading: The Fly Who Wanted to Have a Tail

Автор: Tetyanka_ от 28-06-2024, 18:59, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Fly Who Wanted to Have a Tail. Beginner level
Автор: Гладка І.А.
Серия: Cool Reading: "Stories for Reading"
Изд-во: Х.: ВД "Торсінг+"
Год: 2007
Стр.: 48
Формат: pdf
Размер: 33.93 MB
Язык: англ./укр.

Серія "Cool reading" представляє собою адаптовані казки та оповідання, які розраховані на чотири рівні складності вивчення англійської мови: Starter, Beginner, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate. Ця градація допоможе як учням, так і вчителям обрати той чи інший рівень тексів для читання та вправ до них. Посібник призначений для учнів молодших класів загальноосвітніх шкіл (другий-третій рік навчання)

Lonely Planet France's Best Trips (Road Trips Guide), 4th Edition

Автор: Indulis79 от 28-06-2024, 18:42, Коментариев: 0

Категория: КНИГИ » РАЗНОЕ

Название: Lonely Planet France's Best Trips (Road Trips Guide), 4th Edition
Автор: Tasmin Waby, Alexis Averbuck, Joel Balsam
Издательство: Lonely Planet
ISBN: 1838697810
Год: 2024
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 272
Размер: 62,1 МБ
Язык: Английский

Discover the freedom of the open road with Lonely Planet's France's Best Road Trips. This trusted travel companion features 38 amazing drives, from 2-day escapes to 2-week adventures. See Britanny's stunning coastline, explore medieval Burgundy, and trawl through Provence's markets. Get to France, rent a car, and hit the road!