Автор:Carol Phillipson
Название:Making Miniature Chinese Rugs & Carpets
Издательство:Guild Of Master Craftsmen
ISBN: 1-86108-254-1
Формат: jpeg
Размер: 15МВ
Страниц: 81
Изготовление миниатюрных китайских ковриков. When it comes to dollhouse furnishings, the rule is: the more authentic-looking the better. That's because dollhouses done in accurate period decor are the most treasured. 25 original dollhouse patterns for making your own Chinese rugs and carpets help you turn an enjoyable hobby into an elegant investment. The simple needlework instructions come with color charts, ordinary equipment, materials, stitching and finishing techniques. An introduction to the cultural and historical backgrounds of oriental carpets and rugs will help you pick your favorites from choices that include the Tree of Life Carpet, Pillar Rugs, Silk and Wool Dragon Carpets, Saddle Rug, East Turkestan and Khotan Prayer Rugs, Medallion Carpets, and the Destiny Knot Carpet. A Selection of Crafter's Choice Book Club.
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