Автор:Mary Ross, Barbara Scheu
Название: Delightful Quilt in Bloom (Цветочный квилтинг)
Издательство:American Quilter's Society
ISBN: 978-1574329490
Размер: 17МВ
Широкоформатные схемы, с изображёнными на них, цветами. Множество свежих, интересных идей.
Easy enough for a novice yet appealing enough for the expert, these fanciful baskets and flowers will entice all applique lovers! Complete patterns are provided for a full-sized, twelve-block quilt including lattice sashing, a meandering vine border, and quilting design suggestions. Perfectly suited to the block-of-the-month format, these flower-filled patterns can also be used individually or in smaller groupings. Instructions on applique basics and a no-fail miter ensure wonderful results. Directions for several small projects are given including a pillowcase, pillows, table runners, and wallhangings. In addition to the delightfully drawn baskets, containers such as a watering can, birdhouse, barrel, picket fence, coal bucket, and butter churn all are waiting to be filled with colorful bouquets.