Автор: Simon Weber
Издательство: Amazon.com Services LLC
Год: 2019
Страниц: 107
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub
Размер: 10.2 MB
This book assumes no programming knowledge at the start, so we’ll be teaching you from the ground up. After all, you can’t really teach kids effectively what you don’t know yourself!
This book contains helpful tutorials, and actual programming (not Sketch or a similar non-industry kind of programming). Programming languages come and go, which is why this book includes sample tutorials in most of the world’s most common entry-level languages such as Java, Ruby, and Python.
The first thing you (as well as kids) probably think of when someone mentions programming is most likely video games - we came prepared. In this book, we describe how video games are made, as well as a fun exercise in video game making (albeit it’s nothing complicated).
Скачать Coding for Kids: Beginners Guide with Fun and Easy Activities to Learn Coding Step by Step