Автор: Krasimir Tsonev
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2022
Страниц: 129
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub
Размер: 11.3 MB
The 50 stories in this book are a collection of the most interesting and important features, concepts, and patterns in jаvascript. From topics like destructing, iterables, and generators through helpful browser APIs, you will level up your jаvascript skills. The book covers concepts like higher-order functions, memoization, currying, and state machines. You will learn the fundamentals of Flux and Redux and see how patterns like singleton and publisher/subscriber work. Every single topic comes with a profound explanation, code samples, and illustration. The author spent a year crafting each of the chapters to make your learning experience smooth and enjoyable. The book is for developers that already have experience with the language. Happy jаvascripting and remember - I can’t teach you anything, I can only make you think.
About the author:
Krasimir is writing for more then 10 years. Mostly code but also articles and books. You'll find him speaking on jаvascript related topics. Last couple of yeas he is using React and its ecosystem extensively at Antidote.me. Where he and his team mates are trying to help patients reaching clinical trials.
1. Basics
1.1 Strict equality
1.2 Comma operator
1.3 Spread operator
1.4 Destructing
1.5 Optional chaining
1.6 By reference or by value
1.7 Reducing
1.8 Async/await
1.9 Iterable protocol
1.10 Generators
2. Browser APIs
2.1 Printing JSON
2.2 Object.assign
2.3 Capture groups
2.4 Tagged template literal
2.5 Media query list
2.6 Event delegation
2.7 Error handling
2.8 Blast from the past
3. Implementations
3.1 Asynchronous Immediately Invoked Function Expression
3.2 Asynchronous queue
3.3 jаvascript module system as a singleton
3.4 Call-to-action widgets script tag replacement
3.5 Removing fields from objects
3.6 A must have function argument
3.7 Loading jаvascript file dynamically
4. Popular concepts
4.1 Readability
4.2 The return statement is not the end
4.3 Always get a value
4.4 This
4.5 Scope
4.6 Manually creating block scope
4.7 Call, apply and bind
4.8 Chaining
4.9 Recursion
4.10 Higher order functions
4.11 Memoization
4.12 Partial application
4.13 Currying
4.14 Dependency injection
4.15 State machines
4.16 Reducers
4.17 Flux architecture
4.18 Redux
4.19 Communicating sequential processes
5. Design patterns
5.1 Singleton
5.2 Factory pattern
5.3 Module revealing pattern
5.4 Publisher/Subscriber pattern
5.5 Mixins
5.6 Command pattern done with generators
Скачать 50 shades of jаvascript: 50 of the most interesting features, concepts, and patterns in jаvascript