Автор: Claudia Alves
Издательство: Mem Inc
Год: 2021
Страниц: 259
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub, mobi
Размер: 10.18 MB
Rust is a statically and strongly typed systems programming language. statically means that all types are known at compile-time, strongly means that these types are designed to make it harder to write incorrect programs. A successful compilation means you have a much better guarantee of correctness than with a cowboy language like C. systems means generating the best possible machine code with full control of memory use. So the uses are pretty hardcore: operating systems, device drivers and embedded systems that might not even have an operating system. However, it's actually a very pleasant language to write normal application code in as well. The big difference from C and C++ is that Rust is safe by default; all memory accesses are checked. It is not possible to corrupt memory by accident.
The unifying principles behind Rust are:
- strictly enforcing safe borrowing of data
- functions, methods and closures to operate on data
- tuples, structs and enums to aggregate data
- pattern matching to select and destructure data
- traits to define behaviour on data
Скачать Rust Programming language: A comprehensive beginner's guide to Rust, 3nd Edition