Автор: Leonardo Giordani
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2023-05-09
Страниц: 153
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 10.2 MB
Чистая архитектура - это противоположность спагетти-коду, где все переплетено и нет отдельных элементов, которые можно легко отделить от остальных и заменить без разрушения всей системы. Суть чистой архитектуры заключается в том, чтобы четко определить "что где находится и почему", и это должно быть вашей первоочередной задачей при проектировании и внедрении программной системы, какой бы архитектуры или методологии разработки вы ни хотели придерживаться. Чтобы в полной мере оценить книгу, вам необходимо знать Python и быть знакомым с TDD, в частности с модульным тестированием и моками. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к серии статей "TDD в Python с pytest", опубликованной в моем блоге, если вам нужно освежить свои знания по этим темам.
The clean architecture is the opposite of spaghetti code, where everything is interlaced and there are no single elements that can be easily detached from the rest and replaced without the whole system collapsing. The main point of the clean architecture is to make clear "what is where and why", and this should be your first concern while you design and implement a software system, whatever architecture or development methodology you want to follow.
To fully appreciate the book you need to know Python and be familiar with TDD, in particular with unit testing and mocks. Please refer to the series TDD in Python with pytest published on my blog if you need to refresh your knowledge about these topics.
After the two introductory parts that you are reading, chapter 1 goes through a 10,000 feet overview of a system designed with a clean architecture, while chapter 2 briefly discusses the components and the ideas behind this software architecture. Chapter 3 runs through a concrete example of clean architecture and chapter 4 expands the example adding a web application on top of it. Chapter 5 discusses error management and improvements to the Python code developed in the previous chapters. Chapters 6 and 7 show how to plug different database systems to the web service created previously, and chapter 8 wraps up the example showing how to run the application with a production-ready configuration.
Why Python? I have been working with Python for 20 years, along with other languages, but I came to love its simplicity and power and so I ended up using it on many projects. When I was first introduced to the clean architecture I was working on a Python application that was meant to glue together the steps of a processing chain for satellite imagery, so my journey with the concepts I will explain started with this language. I will therefore speak of Python in this book, but the main concepts are valid for any other language, especially object-oriented ones. I will not introduce Python here, so a minimal knowledge of the language syntax is needed to understand the examples and the project I will discuss. The clean architecture concepts are independent of the language, but the implementation obviously leverages what a specific language allows you to do, so this book is about the clean architecture and an implementation of it that I devised using Python. I really look forward to seeing more books about the clean architecture that explore other implementations in Python and in other languages.
Скачать Clean Architectures in Python: A practical approach to better software design, 2nd Edition (2023 Update)