Machine Learning Paradigms: Theory and Application

Автор: bhaer от 15-12-2018, 18:36, Коментариев: 0


Название: Machine Learning Paradigms: Theory and Application
Автор: Aboul Ella Hassanien
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2019
Страниц: 474
Формат: PDF, EPUB
Размер: 103 Mb
Язык: English

The book focuses on machine learning. Divided into three parts, the first part discusses the feature selection problem. The second part then describes the application of machine learning in the classification problem, while the third part presents an overview of real-world applications of swarm-based optimization algorithms.

Язык аналитик и его сравнение с языками алгол и фортран

Автор: Почемучка от 15-12-2018, 14:06, Коментариев: 0


Название: Язык аналитик и его сравнение с языками алгол и фортран
Автор: Осипов Л.А.
Издательство: Наука
Год: 1982
Серия: Библиотечка программиста
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 164
Размер: 25.1 MB
Язык: Русский

В книге дается сравнительный анализ основных положений языков программирования аналитик, алгол-60 и фортран в части их применения для описания алгоритмов инженерных задач, решаемых на цифровых электронных вычислительных машинах (ЭВМ). За основу изложения принят отечественный язык программирования высокого уровня аналитик, являющийся наиболее естественным из существующих алгоритмических языков.

Глубокое обучение на Python

Автор: Igor1977 от 15-12-2018, 09:33, Коментариев: 0


Название: Глубокое обучение на Python
Автор: Шолле Ф.
Издательство: СПб.: Питер
Год: 2018
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 400
Для сайта:
Размер: 10 mb
Язык: Русский

Глубокое обучение — Deep learning — это набор алгоритмов машинного обучения, которые моделируют высокоуровневые абстракции в данных, используя архитектуры, состоящие из множества нелинейных преобразований. Согласитесь, эта фраза звучит угрожающе. Но всё не так страшно, если о глубоком обучении рассказывает Франсуа Шолле, который создал Keras — самую мощную библиотеку для работы с нейронными сетями.

Voice User Interface Design: Moving from GUI to Mixed Modal Interaction

Автор: bhaer от 15-12-2018, 01:01, Коментариев: 0


Название: Voice User Interface Design: Moving from GUI to Mixed Modal Interaction
Автор: Ritwik Dasgupta
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2019
Страниц: 108
Формат: PDF, EPUB
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: English

Design and implement voice user interfaces. This guide to VUI helps you make decisions as you deal with the challenges of moving from a GUI world to mixed-modal interactions with GUI and VUI. The way we interact with devices is changing rapidly and this book gives you a close view across major companies via real-world applications and case studies.

Machine Learning with PySpark: With Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems

Автор: bhaer от 15-12-2018, 00:53, Коментариев: 0


Название: Machine Learning with PySpark: With Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems
Автор: Pramod Singh
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2019
Страниц: 223
Формат: PDF, EPUB
Размер: 15 Mb
Язык: English

Build machine learning models, natural language processing applications, and recommender systems with PySpark to solve various business challenges. This book starts with the fundamentals of Spark and its evolution and then covers the entire spectrum of traditional machine learning algorithms along with natural language processing and recommender systems using PySpark.

Cryptography in C and C++, 2nd edition

Автор: harun54 от 14-12-2018, 21:14, Коментариев: 0


Название: Cryptography in C and C++, 2nd edition
Автор: Michael Welschenbach
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2013
Формат: PDF, EPUB, MOB?
Размер: 35 Мб
Язык: английский / English

This book covers everything you need to know to write professional-level cryptographic code. This expanded, improved second edition includes about 100 pages of additional material as well as numerous improvements to the original text. The chapter about random number generation has been completely rewritten, and the latest cryptographic techniques are covered in detail. Furthermore, this book covers the recent improvements in primality testing.

The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design

Автор: harun54 от 14-12-2018, 20:41, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design
Автор: Norman Matloff
Издательство: No Starch Press
Год: 2011
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12 Мб
Язык: английский / English

R is the world's most popular language for developing statistical software: Archaeologists use it to track the spread of ancient civilizations, drug companies use it to discover which medications are safe and effective, and actuaries use it to assess financial risks and keep economies running smoothly. The Art of R Programming takes you on a guided tour of software development with R, from basic types and data structures to advanced topics like closures, recursion, and anonymous functions. No statistical knowledge is required, and your programming skills can range from hobbyist to pro.

Analysis and Design of Algorithms, 2nd Edition

Автор: bhaer от 14-12-2018, 19:43, Коментариев: 0


Название: Analysis and Design of Algorithms, 2nd Edition
Автор: Amrinder Arora
Издательство: Cognella Academic Publishing
Год: 2014
Страниц: 160
Формат: PDF
Размер: 29 Mb
Язык: English

The book begins with a clear explanation of the basics—what algorithms are, their practical applications, asymptotic notation, and data structures. The second section covers the algorithmic design techniques of divide and conquer, greedy, dynamic programming, branch and bound, and graph traversal. For each of these techniques, the book presents templates and guidelines on when to use and not to use each technique. The third major section of the book covers NP-completeness and the inherent hardness of problems.

Supercomputing Frontiers: 4th Asian Conference, SCFA 2018, Singapore, March 26-29, 2018, Proceedings

Автор: Semka от 14-12-2018, 19:12, Коментариев: 0


Название: Supercomputing Frontiers: 4th Asian Conference, SCFA 2018, Singapore, March 26-29, 2018, Proceedings
Автор: Yokota, Rio; Wu, Weigang
Издательство: Springer, Cham
Год: 2018
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 301
Размер: 25 mb.
Язык: English

artificial intelligence; big data; cloud computing; communication; computer architecture; computer science; computer systems; data management; databases; hardware; High-Performance Computing (HPC); information management; map-reduce; processors; programming languages; semantics; wireless telecommunication systems

Computational Interaction

Автор: bhaer от 14-12-2018, 18:28, Коментариев: 0


Название: Computational Interaction
Автор: Antti Oulasvirta
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Год: 2018
Страниц: 432
Формат: PDF
Размер: 21 Mb
Язык: English

This book presents computational interaction as an approach to explaining and enhancing the interaction between humans and information technology. Computational interaction applies abstraction, automation, and analysis to inform our understanding of the structure of interaction and also to inform the design of the software that drives new and exciting human-computer interfaces. The methods of computational interaction allow, for example, designers to identify user interfaces that are optimal against some objective criteria. They also allow software engineers to build interactive systems that adapt their behaviour to better suit individual capacities and preferences.