Learning GraphQL: Declarative Data Fetching for Modern Web Apps

Автор: literator от 12-12-2018, 16:28, Коментариев: 0


Название: Learning GraphQL: Declarative Data Fetching for Modern Web Apps
Автор: Eve Porcello, Alex Banks
Издательство: O'Reilly Media
ISBN: 1492030716
Год: 2018
Страниц: 202
Язык: английский
Формат: epub, azw3, pdf (conv)
Размер: 10.1 MB

GraphQL, a data query language that provides an alternative to REST and ad-hoc webservice architectures, is the most revolutionary technology for data fetching since Ajax. Just as React has changed the way web developers approach UI, GraphQL will change the way web developers work with data over HTTP. This practical guide simplifies the process of getting started with this language. Alex Banks and Eve Porcello, software engineers/architects and instructors, start with an overview of graph theory to provide a solid understanding of the powerful graph data structure. You'll then learn about GraphQL types, as well as how to build a schema to describe your API.

Anonymizing Health dаta: Case Studies and Methods to Get You Started

Автор: Ice Zero от 12-12-2018, 15:11, Коментариев: 0


Название: Anonymizing Health dаta: Case Studies and Methods to Get You Started
Автор: Khaled El Emam, Luk Arbuckle
Издательство: O'Reilly Media
Год: 2013
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 228
Для сайта: litgu.ru
Размер: 7 Mb
Язык: English

Updated as of August 2014, this practical book will demonstrate proven methods for anonymizing health data to help your organization share meaningful datasets, without exposing patient identity. Leading experts Khaled El Emam and Luk Arbuckle walk you through a risk-based methodology, using case studies from their efforts to de-identify hundreds of datasets.
Clinical data is valuable for research and other types of analytics, but making it anonymous without compromising data quality is tricky. This book demonstrates techniques for handling different data types, based on the authors’ experiences with a maternal-child registry, inpatient discharge abstracts, health insurance claims, electronic medical record databases, and the World Trade Center disaster registry, among others.

Practical Deep Learning for Cloud and Mobile

Автор: bhaer от 12-12-2018, 14:08, Коментариев: 0


Название: Practical Deep Learning for Cloud and Mobile
Автор: Anirudh Koul
Издательство: O’Reilly Media
Год: 2019
Страниц: 113
Формат: PDF (Early Release)
Размер: 54 Mb
Язык: English

Relying on years of industry experience transforming deep-learning research into award-winning applications, Anirudh Koul, Siddha Ganju, and Meher Kasam guide you through the process of converting an idea into something that people in the real world can use. Train, tune, and deploy computer vision models with Keras, TensorFlow, CoreML, and TensorFlow Lite and go from zero to a production-quality system quickly.

Decoupled Drupal in Practice: Architect and Implement Decoupled Drupal Architectures Across the Stack

Автор: bhaer от 12-12-2018, 13:27, Коментариев: 0


Название: Decoupled Drupal in Practice: Architect and Implement Decoupled Drupal Architectures Across the Stack
Автор: Preston So
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2019
Страниц: 492
Формат: PDF, EPUB
Размер: 26 Mb
Язык: English

Gain a clear understanding of the most important concepts in the decoupled CMS landscape. You will learn how to architect and implement decoupled Drupal architectures across the stack?from building the back end and designing APIs to integrating with front-end technologies. You'll also review presenting data through consumer applications in widely adopted technologies such as Angular, Ember, React, and Vue.js.

Ansible: Up and Running, 1nd Edition

Автор: Ice Zero от 12-12-2018, 12:39, Коментариев: 0


Название: Ansible: Up and Running: Automating Configuration Management and Deployment the Easy Way
Автор: Lorin Hochstein
Издательство: O'Reilly Media
Год: 2015
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 334
Для сайта: litgu.ru
Размер: 3 Mb
Язык: English

Among the many configuration management tools available, Ansible has some distinct advantages—it’s minimal in nature, you don’t need to install anything on your nodes, and it has an easy learning curve. This practical guide shows you how to be productive with this tool quickly, whether you’re a developer deploying code to production or a system administrator looking for a better automation solution.
Author Lorin Hochstein shows you how to write playbooks (Ansible’s configuration management scripts), manage remote servers, and explore the tool’s real power: built-in declarative modules. You’ll discover that Ansible has the functionality you need and the simplicity you desire.

Ant Colony Optimization and Constraint Programming

Автор: Ice Zero от 12-12-2018, 12:32, Коментариев: 0


Название: Ant Colony Optimization and Constraint Programming
Автор: Christine Solnon
Издательство: Wiley-ISTE
Год: 2010
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 320
Для сайта: litgu.ru
Размер: 3 Mb
Язык: English

Ant colony optimization is a metaheuristic which has beensuccessfully applied to a wide range of combinatorial optimizationproblems. The author describes this metaheuristic and studies itsefficiency for solving some hard combinatorial problems, with aspecific focus on constraint programming. The text is organizedinto three parts.The first part introduces constraint programming, which provideshigh level features to declaratively model problems by means ofconstraints. It describes the main existing approaches for solvingconstraint satisfaction problems, including complete tree searchapproaches and metaheuristics, and shows how they can be integratedwithin constraint programming languages.

Ant in Action: Covers Ant 1.7

Автор: Ice Zero от 12-12-2018, 12:21, Коментариев: 0


Название: Ant in Action: Covers Ant 1.7
Автор: Steve Loughran, Erik Hatcher
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2007
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 600
Для сайта: litgu.ru
Размер: 15 Mb
Язык: English

This second edition of a Manning bestseller has been revised and re-titled to fit the 'In Action' Series by Steve Loughran, an Ant project committer. Ant in Action introduces Ant and how to use it for test-driven Java application development. Ant itself is moving to v1.7, a major revision, at the end of 2006 so the timing for the book is right. A single application of increasing complexity, followed throughout the book, shows how an application evolves and how to handle the problems of building and testing. Reviewers have praised the book's coverage of large-projects, Ant's advanced features, and the details and depth of the discussion-all unavailable elsewhere.

Офисное программирование (2008)

Автор: SCART56 от 12-12-2018, 08:05, Коментариев: 0


Название: Офисное программирование (2008)
Автор: Фризен И.Г.
Издательство: Дашков и Ко
Год: 2008
ISBN: 978-5-91131-779-9
Формат: RTF, FB2
Размер: 10 Мб
Язык: русский

Настоящее учебное пособие написано в соответствии с государственной программой изучения дисциплины "Офисное программирование" для средних специальных учебных заведений по специальности 230103 «Автоматизированные системы обработки информации и управления». В пособии дается достаточный материал для проведения практических занятий по дисциплине, а также основной теоретический материал, необходимый при изучении того или иного вопроса. На основе предлагаемого материала можно строить проведение различных видов занятий.

Introduction to Computer Theory, Second Edition

Автор: alex66 от 12-12-2018, 05:35, Коментариев: 0


Название: Introduction to Computer Theory, Second Edition
Автор: Daniel I. A. Cohen
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons
Год: 1997
Формат: PDF
Для сайта: litgu.ru
Страниц: 649
Размер: 29,71 МБ
Язык: English

This text strikes a good balance between rigor and an intuitive approach to computer theory. Covers all the topics needed by computer scientists with a sometimes humorous approach that reviewers found "refreshing". It is easy to read and the coverage of mathematics is fairly simple so readers do not have to worry about proving theorems.

Разработка операционной системы и компилятора. Проект Оберон

Автор: harun54 от 11-12-2018, 22:04, Коментариев: 0


Название: Разработка операционной системы и компилятора. Проект Оберон
Автор: Вирт Н., Гуткнехт Ю.
Издательство: ДМК-Пресс
Год: 2012
Формат: DJVU
Размер: 34 Мб
Язык: русский

В книге описан проект Оберон, представляющий полную программную среду для современной рабочей станции. Главная цель, поставленная авторами, — спроектировать и реализовать всю систему с нуля и построить ее так, чтобы она могла быть описана, объяснена и понята как единое целое. В дополнение к основной системе во всех деталях описан компилятор языка Оберон и графическая подсистема. Для программистов, преподавателей и студентов, изучающих теорию и практику построения операционных систем.