Geoprocessing with Python

Автор: bhaer от 7-10-2016, 09:30, Коментариев: 0


Geoprocessing with Python
Название: Geoprocessing with Python
Автор: Chris Garrard
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2016
Страниц: 360
Формат: PDF
Размер: 27 Mb
Язык: English

This book is about the science of reading, analyzing, and presenting geospatial data programmatically, using Python. Thanks to dozens of open source Python libraries and tools, you can take on professional geoprocessing tasks without investing in expensive proprietary packages like ArcGIS and MapInfo. The book shows you how.

Genetic Algorithms with Python

Автор: bhaer от 7-10-2016, 09:13, Коментариев: 0


Genetic Algorithms with Python
Название: Genetic Algorithms with Python
Автор: Clinton Sheppard
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2016
Страниц: 433
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11 Mb
Язык: English

Genetic algorithms are one of the tools you can use to apply machine learning to finding good, sometimes even optimal, solutions to problems that have billions of potential solutions. This book gives you experience making genetic algorithms work for you, using easy-to-follow example problems that you can fall back upon when learning to use other machine learning tools and techniques. Each chapter is a step-by-step tutorial that helps to build your skills at using genetic algorithms to solve problems using Python. Download the sample chapters for a brief introduction to genetic algorithms and the writing style used in this book.

Modern Perl, 4th Edition

Автор: bhaer от 7-10-2016, 09:05, Коментариев: 0


Modern Perl, 4th Edition
Название: Modern Perl, 4th Edition
Автор: chromatic
Издательство: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Год: 2015
Страниц: 300
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11 Mb
Язык: English

A Perl expert can solve a problem in a few lines of well-tested code. Now you can unlock these powers for yourself. Modern Perl teaches you how Perl really works. It's the only book that explains Perl thoroughly, from its philosophical roots to the pragmatic decisions that help you solve real problems--and keep them solved. You'll understand how the language fits together and discover the secrets used by the global Perl community. This beloved guide is now completely updated for Perl 5.22.

Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2016

Автор: bhaer от 6-10-2016, 21:05, Коментариев: 0


Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2016
Название: Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2016
Автор: Richard Mansfield
Издательство: Sybex
Год: 2016
Страниц: 984
Формат: PDF
Размер: 21 Mb
Язык: English

Enhance productivity in any Office application with zero programming experience
Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2016 helps you extend the capabilities of the entire Office suite using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Even if you have no programming experience , you'll be automating routine computing processes quickly using the simple, yet powerful VBA programming language. Clear, systematic tutorials walk beginners through the basics, while intermediate and advanced content guides more experienced users toward efficient solutions.

Deliver Audacious Web Apps with Ember 2

Автор: bhaer от 6-10-2016, 08:56, Коментариев: 0


Deliver Audacious Web Apps with Ember 2
Название: Deliver Audacious Web Apps with Ember 2
Автор: Matthew White
Издательство: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Год: 2015
Страниц: 160
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: English

It's time for web development to be fun again, time to write engaging and attractive apps--fast--in this brisk tutorial. Build a complete user interface in a few lines of code, create reusable web components, access RESTful services and cache the results for performance, and use javascript modules to bring abstraction to your code. Find out how you can get your crucial app infrastructure up and running quickly, so you can spend your time on the stuff great apps are made of: features.
With its 2.0 release, the Ember javascript framework has taken a major step forward. In this book, you'll learn these new features: how to use module-driven development with Ember CLI, take advantage of the new DOM-based rendering engine, and use a service-based architecture to make your apps flexible, not brittle.

Real-World Machine Learning

Автор: bhaer от 6-10-2016, 08:35, Коментариев: 0


Real-World Machine Learning
Название: Real-World Machine Learning
Автор: Henrik Brink, Joseph Richards, Mark Fetherolf
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2016
Страниц: 264
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 Mb
Язык: English

Real-World Machine Learning will teach you the concepts and techniques you need to be a successful machine learning practitioner without overdosing you on abstract theory and complex mathematics. By working through immediately relevant examples in Python, you'll build skills in data acquisition and modeling, classification, and regression. You'll also explore the most important tasks like model validation, optimization, scalability, and real-time streaming. When you're done, you'll be ready to successfully build, deploy, and maintain your own powerful ML systems.

Полный справочник по C

Автор: АлександрШе от 5-10-2016, 18:33, Коментариев: 0


Полный справочник по C
Название: Полный справочник по C
Автор: Шилдт Герберт
Издательство: Вильямс
Год: 2002
Страниц: 712
Формат: djvu
Размер: 41 mb
Качество: хорошее

В данной книге, задуманной как справочник для программистов, работающих на языке С, подробно описаны все аспекты языка С и его библиотеки стандартных функций. Главный акцент сделан на стандарте ANSI/ISO языка С. Приведено описание как стандарта С89, так и С 99. Особое, внимание уделяется учету характеристик трансляторов, среды программирования и операционных систем, использующихся в настоящее время. Уже в самом начале подробно представлены все средства языка С, такие как ключевые слова, инструкции препроцессора и другие.

Options and Derivatives Programming in C++

Автор: bhaer от 5-10-2016, 17:15, Коментариев: 0


Options and Derivatives Programming in C++
Название: Options and Derivatives Programming in C++
Автор: Carlos Oliveira
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2016
Страниц: 260
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: English

This is a hands-on book for programmers wanting to learn how C++ is used in the development of solutions for options and derivatives trading in the financial industry. As an important part of the financial industry, options and derivatives trading has become increasingly sophisticated. Advanced trading techniques using financial derivatives have been used at banks, hedge funds, and pension funds. Because of stringent performance characteristics, most of these trading systems are developed using C++ as the main implementation language.
Options and Derivatives Programming in C++ covers features that are frequently used to write financial software for options and derivatives, including the STL, templates, functional programming, and support for numerical libraries. New features introduced in the C++11 and C++14 standard are also covered: lambda functions, automatic type detection, custom literals, and improved initialization strategies for C++ objects.

Core Data in Objective-C: Data Storage and Management for iOS and OS X, 3rd Edition

Автор: bhaer от 5-10-2016, 08:45, Коментариев: 0


Core Data in Objective-C: Data Storage and Management for iOS and OS X, 3rd Edition
Название: Core Data in Objective-C: Data Storage and Management for iOS and OS X, 3rd Edition
Автор: Marcus S. Zarra
Издательство: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Год: 2016
Страниц: 250
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: English

Core Data is Apple's data storage framework: it's powerful, built-in, and can integrate with iCloud. Discover all of Core Data's powerful capabilities, learn fundamental principles including thread and memory management, and add Core Data to both your iOS and OS X projects. All examples in this edition are based on Objective-C and are up-to-date for the latest versions of OS X El Capitan and iOS 9.

Программирование на языке С

Автор: АлександрШе от 5-10-2016, 03:41, Коментариев: 0


Программирование на языке С
Название: Программирование на языке С
Автор: Кочан Стефан
Издательство: Вильямс
Год: 2007
Страниц: 493
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11 mb
Качество: хорошее

Эта книга призвана научить читателя писать программы на языке С. Она окажет неоценимую услугу как для начинающих, так и для опытных программистов. В ней излагаются подробные сведения о языке программирования С, который является основой для многих языков программирования, таких как C++, Objective-C, C# и Java.
В книге приведены примеры завершенных программ, иллюстрирующих каждый новый материал. Автор шаг за шагом объясняет все возможности языка программирования С. Вы познакомитесь как с основами языка, так и с хорошей практикой написания программ. Упражнения в конце каждой главы делают книгу идеальным учебным пособием, которым могут пользоваться как учащиеся, так и преподаватели.