Swift. Основы разработки приложений под iOS и OS X. 2-е издание

Автор: umkaS от 21-07-2023, 19:34, Коментариев: 0


Название: Swift. Основы разработки приложений под iOS и OS X. 2-е издание
Автор: Василий Усов
Издательство: Питер
Год: 2016
Страниц: 336
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10 mb
Качество: хорошее

Swift - быстрый, современный, безопасный и удобный язык программирования - появился совсем недавно и стал огромным сюрпризом для iOS-общественности. И вот, спустя год, Apple выпустила версию 2.0, а следом и 2.1, привнесшую в процесс разработки ряд значительных нововведений. И вот теперь выходит версия 2.2, готовящая нас к ожидаемому всеми iOS-программистами Swift 3.0.

GraphQL with Java and Spring

Автор: literator от 21-07-2023, 15:07, Коментариев: 0


Название: GraphQL with Java and Spring
Автор: Andreas Marek, Donna Zhou
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2023-05-15
Страниц: 252
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 10.2 MB

Learn first-hand from the founder of GraphQL Java and co-author of Spring for GraphQL how to build GraphQL services in Java. This book is for anyone who wants to build a production GraphQL service with Java. By the end of this book, you will be confident building your own production GraphQL service with Spring for GraphQL, the official Spring integration built on top of the GraphQL Java engine. Spring for GraphQL makes it easier than ever to build a GraphQL service by eliminating boilerplate code and seamlessly integrating with the Spring ecosystem. GraphQL Java is the dominant Java implementation of GraphQL, powering services at Twitter, AirBnB, Netflix, Atlassian, and many other companies. By the end of this book, you’ll be leveraging the same engine with Spring for GraphQL. This book is suitable for beginners building their first production GraphQL service. There are also advanced topics later in the book for intermediate readers.

Algorithms: A Top-Down Approach

Автор: literator от 21-07-2023, 14:00, Коментариев: 0


Название: Algorithms: A Top-Down Approach
Автор: Rodney R. Howell
Издательство: World Scientific Publishing
Год: 2023
Страниц: 611
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 22.3 MB

This comprehensive compendium provides a rigorous framework to tackle the daunting challenges of designing correct and efficient algorithms. It gives a uniform approach to the design, analysis, optimization, and verification of algorithms. The volume also provides essential tools to understand algorithms and their associated data structures. This useful reference text describes a way of thinking that eases the task of proving algorithm correctness. Working through a proof of correctness reveals an algorithm's subtleties in a way that a typical description does not. Algorithm analysis is presented using careful definitions that make the analyses mathematically rigorous. Algorithms are presented in a pseudo language defined with enough rigor to facilitate both performance analyses and correctness proofs. The essence of an algorithm is not tied to a particular programming language; hence, we have chosen a computational model and corresponding notation that we feel are appropriate for communicating algorithms to humans.

Algorithmic Finance: A Companion to Data Science

Автор: literator от 21-07-2023, 13:11, Коментариев: 0


Название: Algorithmic Finance: A Companion to Data Science
Автор: Christopher Ting
Издательство: World Scientific Publishing
Год: 2022
Страниц: 409
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 25.3 MB

Why is Data Science a branch of science? Is Data Science just a catchy rebranding of statistics? Data Science provides tools for statistical analysis and Machine Learning. But, as much as application problems without tools are lame, tools without application problems are vain. Through example after example, this book presents the algorithmic aspects of statistics and show how some of the tools are applied to answer questions of interest to finance. This book champions a fundamental principle of science — objective reproducibility of evidence independently by others. From a companion web site, readers can download many easy-to-understand Python programs and real-world data. Independently, readers can draw for themselves the figures in the book. Even so, readers are encouraged to run the statistical tests described as examples to verify their own results against what the book claims. This book covers some topics that are seldom discussed in other textbooks. They include the methods to adjust for dividend payment and stock splits, how to reproduce a stock market index such as Nikkei 225 index, and so on. By running the Python programs provided, readers can verify their results against the data published by free data resources such as Yahoo! finance. Though practical, this book provides detailed proofs of propositions such as why certain estimators are unbiased, how the ubiquitous normal distribution is derived from the first principles, and so on.

Parallel Algorithms, 1st Edition

Автор: literator от 21-07-2023, 12:35, Коментариев: 0


Название: Parallel Algorithms, 1st Edition
Автор: M.H. Alsuwaiyel
Издательство: World Scientific Publishing
Год: 2022
Страниц: 400
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 19.2 MB

This book is an introduction to the field of parallel algorithms and the underpinning techniques to realize the parallelization. The emphasis is on designing algorithms within the timeless and abstracted context of a high-level programming language. The focus of the presentation is on practical applications of the algorithm design using different models of parallel computation. Each model is illustrated by providing an adequate number of algorithms to solve some problems that quite often arise in many applications in science and engineering. The book is largely self-contained, presuming no special knowledge of parallel computers or particular mathematics. In addition, the solutions to all exercises are included at the end of each chapter. The book is intended as a text in the field of the design and analysis of parallel algorithms. It includes adequate material for a course in parallel algorithms at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying parallel algorithms.

Объектно-ориентированное программирование и программная инженерия

Автор: SCART56 от 21-07-2023, 09:14, Коментариев: 0


Название: Объектно-ориентированное программирование и программная инженерия
Автор: Бертран Мейер
Издательство: НОУ Интуит
Год: 2016
Страниц: 286
Формат: pdf
Размер: 26 mb

В этом курсе автор предлагает переместиться на передний край современной технологии программирования и посмотреть, какие преимущества можно получить, если использовать всю мощь ОО-идей.
Первые лекции описывают многие механизмы наследования, включая полиморфизм, динамическое связывание, множественное наследование, понятие ограниченной универсальности. Затем исследуются новые средства, которые добавляют существенную выразительную силу объектному каркасу. В Eiffel они называются агентами (терминология не устоялась, в других языках их называют делегатами, замыканиями). Рассмотрение агентов сопровождается знакомством с основами лямбда-исчисления. Последующие лекции представляют проектирование, управляемое событиями, – гибкую архитектуру программных проектов, дополняющую наши прежние структуры управления. В 2-х последних лекциях рассматриваются требования, необходимые для перехода на новый уровень, перехода от простого программирования к профессиональной разработке ПО промышленного качества. Этот уровень называется программной инженерией.

Системная и программная инженерия. Словарь-справочник

Автор: SCART56 от 21-07-2023, 08:10, Коментариев: 0


Название: Системная и программная инженерия. Словарь-справочник
Автор: Батоврин В.К.
Издательство: ДМК Пресс
Год: 2010
Страниц: 280
ISBN: 978-5-94074-592-1
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 Mб
Язык: русс / англ

В книге приведено описание наиболее употребительных терминов, методов, понятий и процессов системной и программной инженерии, а также родственных дисциплин, связанных с созданием систем и управлением их жизненным циклом. Пособие содержит аннотации важнейших международных, межгосударственных и национальных стандартов в этой области.

Statistics Using R: An Integrative Approach

Автор: literator от 21-07-2023, 03:24, Коментариев: 0


Название: Statistics Using R: An Integrative Approach
Автор: Sharon Lawner Weinberg, Daphna Harel, Sarah Knapp Abramowitz
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год: 2021
Страниц: 696
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 15.1 MB

Using numerous examples with real data, this textbook closely integrates the learning of statistics with the learning of R. It is suitable for introductory-level learners, allows for curriculum flexibility, and includes, as an online resource, R-code script files for all examples and figures included in each chapter, for students to learn from and adapt and use in their future data analytic work. Other unique features created specifically for this textbook include an online R tutorial that introduces readers to data frames and other basic elements of the R architecture, and a CRAN library of datasets and functions that is used throughout the book. Essential topics often overlooked in other introductory texts, such as data management, are covered. The textbook includes online solutions to all end-of-chapter exercises and PowerPoint slides for all chapters as additional resources, and is suitable for those who do not have a strong background in mathematics.

Machine Learning with Python: Theory and Applications

Автор: literator от 21-07-2023, 02:55, Коментариев: 0


Название: Machine Learning with Python: Theory and Applications
Автор: G. R. Liu
Издательство: World Scientific Publishing
Год: 2023
Страниц: 693
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 100.0 MB

Machine Learning (ML) has become a very important area of research widely used in various industries. This compendium introduces the basic concepts, fundamental theories and essential computational techniques related to ML models. With most essential basics and a strong foundation, one can comfortably learn related topics, methods, and algorithms. Most importantly, readers with strong fundamentals can even develop innovative and more effective machine models for his/her problems. The book is written to achieve this goal. This book will cover most of these algorithms (Linear and logistic regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, etc.), but our focus will be more on neural network-based models because rigorous theory and predictive models can be established. Machine Learning is a very active area of research and development. New models, including the so-called cognitive machine learning models, are being studied.

Accelerated Linux API for Software Diagnostics : With Category Theory in View

Автор: literator от 21-07-2023, 02:02, Коментариев: 0


Название: Accelerated Linux API for Software Diagnostics : With Category Theory in View
Автор: Dmitry Vostokov
Издательство: OpenTask
Год: June 2023 (Revision 1.01)
Страниц: 232
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 14.6 MB

The book contains the full transcript of Software Diagnostics Services training with 16 hands-on exercises on various topics related to Linux API. Our primary goal is to learn Linux API in an accelerated fashion. So, first, we review Linux API fundamentals necessary for software diagnostics. Then we learn various analysis techniques for Linux API exploration. And finally, we see examples of how the knowledge of Linux API helps in diagnostics and debugging. The rough coverage or schedule includes general API aspects that can also be applicable to other operating systems. We also take a radical detour and introduce category theory in the API context. Our coverage is not only theoretical. We also do a tour through different API subsets and classes. An integral part of this training is practical exercises.