Web Testing with Cypress: Run End-to-End tests, Integration tests, Unit Tests Across Web Apps, Browsers and Cross-Platforms

Автор: literator от 30-05-2023, 16:07, Коментариев: 0


Web Testing with Cypress: Run End-to-End tests, Integration tests, Unit Tests Across Web Apps, Browsers and Cross-PlatformsНазвание: Web Testing with Cypress: Run End-to-End tests, Integration tests, Unit Tests Across Web Apps, Browsers and Cross-Platforms
Автор: Lev Gelfenbuim
Издательство: BPB Publications
Год: 2022
Страниц: 209
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true), pdf, mobi
Размер: 10.2 MB

Perform fast, easy and reliable cross-browser testing with practical demonstrations. "Web Testing with Cypress" teaches you to test web apps on any browser or platform with zero environment setup in a developer-friendly, end-to-end web testing environment. When you read this book, you'll be able to create, run and debug test automation scripts in jаvascript without wasting any time. You will execute tests in real-time while you create your applications and begin troubleshooting. You will work on Cucumber + TDD/BDD integration, CI testing, Cypress Dashboard, GitHub Actions, and Cypress Docker Images. This book is divided into 10 chapters. They will cover subjects such as testing core concepts, Cypress functionalities, CI/CD core concepts, and natural language testing using Cucumber.js. This book is for Test Automation Engineers, QA professionals, Web Developers, and anyone who wants to test their web apps from start to finish with automation. This book assumes no prior knowledge of Cypress or testing concepts.


Чистый Python. Тонкости программирования для профи

Автор: umkaS от 30-05-2023, 08:54, Коментариев: 0


Название: Чистый Python. Тонкости программирования для профи
Автор: Дэн Бейдер
Издательство: Питер
Год: 2018
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 288
Размер: 19 мб
Язык: Русский

«Чистый Python» — это не пошаговое учебное пособие по Python. И это не курс языка Python начального уровня. Если вы находитесь на начальных стадиях изучения этого языка, то в одиночку эта книга не превратит вас в профессионального разработчика на Python. Ее чтение, безусловно, окажет на вас благотворное влияние, но при этом вам обязательно нужно поработать с другими ресурсами, которые сформируют ваши основополагающие навыки программирования на Python.

Core Java Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked (Second Edition)

Автор: literator от 30-05-2023, 07:08, Коментариев: 0


Core Java Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked (Second Edition)Название: Core Java Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked (Second Edition)
Автор: Vibrant Publishers, Reshma Bidikar
Издательство: Vibrant Publishers
Год: 2022
Страниц: 282
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 11.1 MB

With rapidly changing technologies, IT professionals need to constantly update their credentials riding the latest technology trends. The new edition of “Core Java Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked” is a perfect companion to enhance the interview skills for Java programmers and developers to build their IT careers. In addition to the standard core Java questions and answers, this edition includes the questions about functional interfaces and lambda expressions of Java 8 plus modules and stream of Java 9. The human resource questions and answers would prepare the IT professionals to nail the interviews and impress the employers. With real life scenario-based questions, this book features the concise information required for the working professionals to strategize and stand out in today’s competitive job market.


CSSLP Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional All-in-One Exam Guide, 3rd Edition

Автор: literator от 30-05-2023, 05:48, Коментариев: 0


CSSLP Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional All-in-One Exam Guide, 3rd EditionНазвание: CSSLP Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional All-in-One Exam Guide, 3rd Edition
Автор: Wm. Arthur Conklin, Daniel Shoemaker
Издательство: McGraw Hill
Год: 2022
Страниц: 417
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub (true)
Размер: 12.4 MB

Providing 100% coverage of the latest CSSLP exam, this self-study guide offers everything you need to ace the exam. CSSLP Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Third Edition covers all eight exam domains of the challenging CSSLP exam, developed by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)?®. Thoroughly revised and updated for the latest exam release, this guide includes real-world examples and comprehensive coverage on all aspects of application security within the entire software development lifecycle. It also includes hands-on exercises, chapter review summaries and notes, tips, and cautions that provide real-world insight and call out potentially harmful situations.

RISC-V Assembly Language Programming using ESP32-C3 and QEMU

Автор: literator от 29-05-2023, 21:39, Коментариев: 0


RISC-V Assembly Language Programming using ESP32-C3 and QEMUНазвание: RISC-V Assembly Language Programming using ESP32-C3 and QEMU
Автор: Warren Gay
Издательство: Elektor
Год: 2022
Страниц: 268
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 12.6 MB

With the availability of free and open source C/C++ compilers today, you might wonder why someone would be interested in assembler language. What is so compelling about the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)? How does RISC-V differ from existing architectures? And most importantly, how do we gain experience with the RISC-V without a major investment? Is there affordable hardware available? The availability of the Espressif ESP32-C3 chip provides a way to get hands-on experience with RISC-V. The open sourced QEMU emulator adds a 64-bit experience in RISC-V under Linux. These are just two ways for the student and enthusiast alike to explore RISC-V in this book.


14 days of Git

Автор: literator от 29-05-2023, 17:46, Коментариев: 0


14 days of GitНазвание: 14 days of Git
Автор: Sarah Lean
Издательство: Techielass
Год: 2023
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10.2 MB

Want to be more proficient in using Git? Then this is the book for you, find out how and when to use the most common commands. Go on a learning journey. Find out what Git is, how to install it on your PC and then learn how and when to use the most common commands. This is a book aimed at beginners. Version control keeps a track of every modification to code in a kind of database. If a mistake is made, you can turn back the clock, compare it to earlier versions and help to fix the mistake, while minimising disruption to others that are working on that code. The code that you could be tracking could be software source code or it could be infrastructure code. It can be any type of code. Version control isn't just for software developers. For most projects where code is used, whether it be application code or the code you use to deploy your infrastructure resources. It is the jewel in the crown. The code is a precious asset that must be protected. The code repository holds knowledge and history of working through the project. It holds the key to problems encountered and the solutions. It counts towards a lot of time and effort.


Learning Java: An Introduction to Real-World Programming with Java, 6th Edition (6th Early Release)

Автор: literator от 29-05-2023, 16:08, Коментариев: 0


Learning Java: An Introduction to Real-World Programming with Java, 6th Edition (6th Early Release)Название: Learning Java: An Introduction to Real-World Programming with Java, 6th Edition (6th Early Release)
Автор: Marc Loy, Patrick Niemeyer, Daniel Leuck
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2023-05-26
Страниц: 606
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 10.2 MB

Ideal for working programmers new to Java, this best-selling book guides you through the language features and APIs of Java 21. Through fun, compelling, and realistic examples, author Marc Loy introduces you to Java fundamentals, including its class libraries, programming techniques, and idioms, with an eye toward building real applications. This updated sixth edition expands the content to cover lambdas and streams, and shows you how to use a functional paradigm in Java. You'll learn about the latest Java features introduced since the book's fifth edition, from JDK 15 through 21. You'll also take a deep dive into the virtual threads introduced as Project Loom in Java 19 and become familiar with the public release of JDK 21 LTS.

Java Language Fundamentals: A Simple Guide To Java Programming Language Basics For Passionate Beginners

Автор: literator от 29-05-2023, 10:24, Коментариев: 0


Java Language Fundamentals: A Simple Guide To Java Programming Language Basics For Passionate BeginnersНазвание: Java Language Fundamentals: A Simple Guide To Java Programming Language Basics For Passionate Beginners
Автор: Maddox Chung
Издательство: Independently published
Год: December 21, 2022
Страниц: 100
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 10.2 MB

Are you looking forward to learning Java programming? Or would you perhaps like to grasp the fundamentals of Java programming before you can begin a deep study? No matter your skill level in Java, this book will help you built the right foundation to master object-oriented programming in Java. Even if you don't want to became a Java developer simply knowing Java and understanding its syntax would be very beneficial because there are tons of great books and courses on software engineering that area based on Java. This book is for people who have absolutely no idea about programming. You will learn programming concepts and nuances that start with the basics while getting the details of Java programming.


Distributional Reinforcement Learning

Автор: literator от 29-05-2023, 01:32, Коментариев: 0


Distributional Reinforcement LearningНазвание: Distributional Reinforcement Learning
Автор: Marc G. Bellemare, Will Dabney, Mark Rowland
Издательство: The MIT Press
Серия: Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning
Год: 2023
Страниц: 379
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 13.4 MB

The first comprehensive guide to Distributional Reinforcement Learning, providing a new mathematical formalism for thinking about decisions from a probabilistic perspective. Distributional Reinforcement Learning is a new mathematical formalism for thinking about decisions. Going beyond the common approach to reinforcement learning and expected values, it focuses on the total reward or return obtained as a consequence of an agent's choices—specifically, how this return behaves from a probabilistic perspective. How is distributional reinforcement learning different? In reinforcement learning, the value function describes the expected return that one would counterfactually obtain from beginning in any given state. It is reasonable to say that its fundamental object of interest – the expected return – is a scalar and that algorithms that operate on value functions operate on collections of scalars (one per state). On the other hand, the fundamental object of distributional reinforcement learning is a probability distribution over returns: the return distribution. The return distribution characterizes the probability of different returns that can be obtained as an agent interacts with its environment from a given state. Distributional reinforcement learning algorithms operate on collections of probability distributions that we call return-distribution functions (or simply return functions).


Domain Theory in Computer Science

Автор: literator от 28-05-2023, 21:17, Коментариев: 0


Domain Theory in Computer ScienceНазвание: Domain Theory in Computer Science
Автор: Jovan Pehcevski
Издательство: Arcler Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 356
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 31.6 MB

This book covers different topics from domain theory in computer science, including: partial orders and groups, power domains and metrics, recursive data types (binary trees) and algebraicity and Boolean algebras. Section 1 focuses on partial orders and groups, describing characterizations and properties of a new partial order, natural partial orders on transformation semigroups with fixed sets, cyclic soft groups and their applications on groups, and factorization of groups involving symmetric and alternating groups. Section 2 focuses on power domains and metrics, describing FS+ domains, topology of GB-metric spaces, incoherency problems in a combination of description logics and rules, and metrics for multiset-theoretic subgraphs. Section 3 focuses on recursive data types (binary trees), describing binary tree’s recursion traversal algorithm and its improvement, the design of the minimum spanning tree algorithms, generating tree-lists by fusing individual tree detection and nearest neighbor imputation using airborne LIDAR data, a recursive approach to the Kauffman bracket, and a novel multiway splits decision tree for multiple types of data.