ChatGPT for Marketing Pros: Streamlining Daily Tasks

Автор: literator от 5-02-2023, 05:15, Коментариев: 0


ChatGPT for Marketing Pros: Streamlining Daily TasksНазвание: ChatGPT for Marketing Pros: Streamlining Daily Tasks
Автор: ENAI
Издательство: Reedsy
Год: 2023
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), mobi, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

Get ready to explore a world of incredible possibilities with ChatGTP, the revolutionary text-generating AI tool! With ChatGTP, you can ask almost any question and get an accurate, informative answer in seconds. It can generate code snippets, explain complex concepts, and even write entire books based on a single prompt. ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a language model that has revolutionized the way we approach natural language processing (NLP) tasks. It utilizes Deep Learning (DL) algorithms to generate human-like responses to a given prompt. This technology has been designed to understand, generate and converse in natural language, making it an indispensable tool for a wide range of applications. ChatGPT has been trained on vast amounts of data, allowing it to produce highly accurate and relevant responses to any input. Whether you’re looking for a quick answer to a question, help with generating content, or need to automate routine tasks, ChatGPT is an excellent tool to have in your arsenal.

Domain-Specific Languages: Effective Modeling, Automation, and Reuse

Автор: literator от 4-02-2023, 18:59, Коментариев: 0


Domain-Specific Languages: Effective Modeling, Automation, and ReuseНазвание: Domain-Specific Languages: Effective Modeling, Automation, and Reuse
Автор: Andrzej Wasowski, Thorsten Berger
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 494
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 12.9 MB

This textbook describes the theory and the pragmatics of using and engineering high-level software languages – also known as modeling or domain-specific languages (DSLs) – for creating quality software. This includes methods, design patterns, guidelines, and testing practices for defining the syntax and the semantics of languages. While remaining close to technology, the book covers multiple paradigms and solutions, avoiding a particular technological silo. It unifies the modeling, the object-oriented, and the functional-programming perspectives on DSLs. The book has 13 chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 introduce and motivate DSLs. Chapter 3 kicks off the DSL engineering lifecycle, describing how to systematically develop abstract syntax by analyzing a domain. Chapter 4 addresses the concrete syntax, including the systematic engineering of context-free grammars. Chapters 5 and 6 cover the static semantics – with basic constraints as a starting point and type systems for advanced DSLs. Chapters 7 (Transformation), 8 (Interpretation), and 9 (Generation) describe different paradigms for designing and implementing the dynamic semantics, while covering testing and other kinds of quality assurance. Chapter 10 is devoted to internal DSLs. Chapters 11 to 13 show the application of DSLs and engage with simpler alternatives to DSLs in a highly distinguished domain: software variability. These chapters introduce the underlying notions of software product lines and feature modeling.

Elements of Dimensionality Reduction and Manifold Learning

Автор: literator от 4-02-2023, 18:46, Коментариев: 0


Elements of Dimensionality Reduction and Manifold LearningНазвание: Elements of Dimensionality Reduction and Manifold Learning
Автор: Benyamin Ghojogh, Mark Crowley, Fakhri Karray
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 617
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 36.06 MB

Dimensionality reduction, also known as Manifold Learning, is an area of Machine Learning used for extracting informative features from data for better representation of data or separation between classes. With the explosion of interest and advances in Machine Learning (ML), there has been a corresponding increased need for educational and reference books to explain various aspects of Machine Learning. However, there has not been a comprehensive text tackling the various methods in dimensionality reduction, Manifold Learning, and feature extraction that integrate with modern Machine Learning theory and practice. This book presents a cohesive review of linear and nonlinear dimensionality reduction and Manifold Learning. Three main aspects of dimensionality reduction are covered—spectral dimensionality reduction, probabilistic dimensionality reduction, and neural network-based dimensionality reduction—which have geometric, probabilistic, and information-theoretic points of view to dimensionality reduction, respectively. The necessary background and preliminaries on linear algebra, optimization, and kernels are also highlighted to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the algorithms. The tools introduced in this book can be applied to various applications involving feature extraction, image processing, Computer Vision, and signal processing.

Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 7)

Автор: literator от 4-02-2023, 17:57, Коментариев: 0


Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 7)Название: Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 7)
Автор: Anis Koubaa
Издательство: Springer
Серия: Studies in Computational Intelligence
Год: 2023
Страниц: 239
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.2 MB

This book is the seventh volume of the successful book series on Robot Operating System: The Complete Reference, which started in 2016. The book's objective is to provide the reader with comprehensive coverage on the Robot Operating Systems (ROS) and the latest trends and contributed systems. ROS has been considered as the primary development framework for robotics applications. There are seven chapters organized into three parts. Part I presents one chapter dealing with ROS2 and presents a tutorial on using the MediaPipe framework with ROS2. In Part II, three chapters present new contributions of ROS frameworks and applications, including micro-ROS, Autonomous 3D Thermal Mapping of Disaster Environments, and Lab-scale Smart Factory Implementation Using ROS. Part III provides contributions on how to use ROS for cooperative robotics behaviors, particularly in platoon applications, in addition to developing new perception and control algorithms with sensing technologies.

Software Development : BCS Level 4 Certificate in IT study guide

Автор: literator от 4-02-2023, 17:23, Коментариев: 0


Software Development : BCS Level 4 Certificate in IT study guideНазвание: Software Development: BCS Level 4 Certificate in IT study guide
Автор: Tig Williams, Dominic Myers, Dave Hartley
Издательство: BCS Learning and Development
Год: 2023
Страниц: 204
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 18.7 MB

This interactive study guide will support candidates in developing fundamental knowledge and understanding of the programming life cycle and processes, the various phases of software development, and different types of programming concepts. It explains key concepts within the Software Development module and helps candidates prepare for their exams, including explainer videos, interactive questions and skills challenges aligned to the syllabus and with industry practice. This book aims to help readers move from novice programmer to software developer. It explores the methods and approaches employed in industry and talks about the difference between writing code and developing safe, efficient software that meets the needs of a customer.

Data Mining and Predictive Analytics for Business Decisions: A Case Study Approach

Автор: literator от 4-02-2023, 15:58, Коментариев: 0


Data Mining and Predictive Analytics for Business Decisions: A Case Study ApproachНазвание: Data Mining and Predictive Analytics for Business Decisions: A Case Study Approach
Автор: Andres Fortino
Издательство: Mercury Learning and Information
Год: 2023
Страниц: 291
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 39.5 MB

With many recent advances in data science, we have many more tools and techniques available for data analysts to extract information from data sets. This book aims to assist data analysts to move up from simple tools such as Excel for descriptive analytics to answer more sophisticated questions using machine learning. Most of the exercises use R and Python, but rather than focus on coding algorithms, the book employs interactive interfaces to these tools to perform the analysis. Using the CRISP-DM data mining standard, the early chapters cover conducting the preparatory steps in data mining: translating business information needs into framed analytical questions and data preparation. The Jamovi and the JASP interfaces are used with R and the Orange3 data mining interface with Python. Where appropriate, Voyant and other open-source programs are used for text analytics. The techniques covered in this book range from basic descriptive statistics, such as summarization and tabulation, to more sophisticated predictive techniques, such as linear and logistic regression, clustering, classification, and text analytics. Includes companion files with case study files, solution spreadsheets, data sets and charts, etc. from the book.

Thermal Physics Tutorials with Python Simulations

Автор: literator от 4-02-2023, 06:30, Коментариев: 0


Thermal Physics Tutorials with Python SimulationsНазвание: Thermal Physics Tutorials with Python Simulations
Автор: Minjoon Kouh, Taejoon Kouh
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 238
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 34.96 MB

This book provides an accessible introduction to thermal physics with computational approaches that complement the traditional mathematical treatments of classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. It guides readers through visualizations and simulations in the Python programming language, helping them to develop their own technical computing skills (including numerical and symbolic calculations, optimizations, recursive operations, and visualizations). Python is a highly readable and practical programming language, making this book appropriate for students without extensive programming experience. Mathematics is one of the most powerful and essential tools of a physicist, or may even be considered as the language of physics. However, in recent years, computational methods have risen to complement and supplement the traditional, mathematical approaches to physics. As the new generation of physicists is expected to be well versed in modern computational tools, this tutorial was written with the goal of introducing a few elementary skills in data visualization, modeling, and simulation with a popular (as of the 2020s) programming language, Python, within the context of classical thermodynamics and statistical physics.

Разработка игр на языке JavaScript (2022)

Автор: literator от 4-02-2023, 06:05, Коментариев: 0


Разработка игр на языке JavaScript (2022)Название: Разработка игр на языке jаvascript. Учебное пособие для СПО. 2-е изд.
Автор: Беляев С.А.
Издательство: Лань
Год: 2022
Страниц: 151
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 11,7 MB

Современные технологии разработки интернет-приложений шагнули далеко вперед. Можно найти множество учебников, посвященных HTML, CSS, jаvascript и т.п. Все они подробно описывают различные элементы языков и могут использоваться в качестве справочников, однако для их успешного применения необходимо иметь опыт проектирования и разработки приложений. В данном учебном пособии не только описываются элементы языка программирования, но и приводится множество практических примеров, позволяющих решать реальные задачи. А изучение на основании реальных задач, когда видишь результат, гораздо эффективнее, чем решение неинтересных, но очень полезных учебных примеров. Принципы построения игры, описанные в данном учебном пособии, могут быть с минимальными изменениями распространены на другие языки программирования. jаvascript во многих аспектах проще для начального изучения программирования, чем другие языки, но он имеет особенности, отличающие его от классических объектно-ориентированных языков, таких как Java, C++, C# и т.п.

A Textbook of Data Structures and Algorithms, Vol. 1-3

Автор: literator от 4-02-2023, 04:39, Коментариев: 0


A Textbook of Data Structures and Algorithms, Vol. 1-3Название: A Textbook of Data Structures and Algorithms, Vol. 1-3
Автор: G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai
Издательство: Wiley-ISTE
Год: 2022
Страниц: 284+304+356
Язык: English/английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 46.9 MB

Структуры данных и алгоритмы - это фундаментальный курс по информатике, который большинство программ бакалавриата и магистратуры по информатике и другим смежным дисциплинам в науке и технике предлагают на ранних этапах соответствующих программ, либо как основной, либо как факультативный курс. Этот курс позволяет студентам получить столь необходимую основу для эффективного программирования, что ведет к более эффективному решению проблем в их соответствующих дисциплинах. В книге подробно описываются концепции, методы и приложения, относящиеся к структурам данных и алгоритмам, независимо от языка программирования, рассматривается несколько примеров и иллюстративных задач, ставятся обзорные вопросы для закрепления понимания теории, а также приводится список заданий по программированию, которые помогут реализовать изученные структуры данных и алгоритмы. Фактически, книга может быть использована как самостоятельный учебник, так и служить дополнением к книгам, в которых рассматриваются структуры данных и алгоритмы, реализованные на конкретных языках программирования, таких как C, C++, Java, Python и так далее.

Python for Beginners: The Unlimited Beginner’s Direction to Knowing the Multiple Popular Programming Language

Автор: literator от 4-02-2023, 03:56, Коментариев: 0


Python for Beginners: The Unlimited Beginner’s Direction to Knowing the Multiple Popular Programming LanguageНазвание: Python for Beginners: The Unlimited Beginner’s Direction to Knowing the Multiple Popular Programming Language
Автор: Karen P. Mitchell
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2022
Страниц: 133
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub, mobi
Размер: 10.2 MB

You will learn the secrets of the most advanced programming language ever. Therefore today is truly your lucky day. Another entertaining approach to go into pseudocode is Python. It is not by chance that its creator is a fan of Monty Python. Your trip into the world of computer coding will not only be exceptional, but it will also be fun and secure with a companion like Python at your side. Its ability to be dynamic and strong is one of its best attributes, along with the fact that its syntax is easy to understand. One of the reasons Python is so well-liked and respected is because of this. Some of the biggest names in the computer industry today utilize Python, including NASA, Yahoo!, Google, YouTube, and Redhat. Python also supports many other coding approaches, such as functional, imperative, object-oriented, and procedural. It enables you to make your apps and video games. The information you need to know to grasp the Python language will be covered in detail in the following chapters. You now understand the fundamentals and how to put them to use for your benefit. You've probably already created a few of your pieces of code, and you're now ready to explore what more you can include in them to improve their functionality. You'll be able to learn the abilities and information you need from this manual to master Python programming eventually.