Автор: G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai
Издательство: Wiley-ISTE
Год: 2022
Страниц: 356
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.9 MB
Data structures and algorithms is a fundamental course in Computer Science, which most undergraduate and graduate programs in computer science and other allied disciplines in science and engineering offer during the early stages of the respective programs, either as a core or as an elective course. The course enables students to have a much-needed foundation for efficient programming, leading to better problem solving in their respective disciplines. Volume 3 details an assortment of data structures, algorithm design strategies and their applications. Chapters 13–15 discuss hash tables, files, k-d trees and treaps. Chapter 16 discusses the search algorithms of linear search, transpose sequential search, interpolation search, binary search, Fibonacci search, skip list search and other search techniques. Chapter 17 elaborates on the internal sorting algorithms of bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, shell sort, quick sort, heap sort, radix sort, counting sort and bucket sort, and Chapter 18 discusses the external sorting techniques of sorting with tapes, sorting with disks, polyphase merge sort and cascade merge sort. Chapters 19–21 detail the algorithm design strategies of divide and conquer, the greedy method and dynamic programming and their applications. Chapter 22 introduces the theories and concepts of NP-completeness.