JavaScript & DOM Tips, Tricks, and Techniques (Volume 4)

Автор: literator от 24-12-2022, 18:44, Коментариев: 0


JavaScript & DOM Tips, Tricks, and Techniques (Volume 4)Название: jаvascript & DOM Tips, Tricks, and Techniques (Volume 4)
Автор: Louis Lazaris
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2022-12-21
Страниц: 123
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 10.2 MB

This is a collection of jаvascript and DOM scripting tips applicable to all levels of jаvascript and front-end development. Most of the tips cover techniques and technologies that work in all modern browsers and most older browsers.

MATLAB & Simulink AUTOSAR Blockset User’s Guide (R2022b)

Автор: literator от 24-12-2022, 18:32, Коментариев: 0


MATLAB & Simulink AUTOSAR Blockset User’s Guide (R2022b)Название: MATLAB & Simulink AUTOSAR Blockset User’s Guide (R2022b)
Автор: MathWorks
Издательство: The MathWorks, Inc.
Год: September 2022
Страниц: 742
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 16.0 MB

AUTOSAR Blockset provides apps and blocks for developing AUTOSAR Classic and Adaptive software using Simulink models. You can design and map Simulink models to software components using the AUTOSAR Component Designer app. Alternatively, the blockset lets you generate new Simulink models for AUTOSAR by importing software component and composition descriptions from AUTOSAR XML (ARXML) files. AUTOSAR Blockset provides blocks and constructs for AUTOSAR library routines and Basic Software (BSW) services, including NVRAM and Diagnostics. By simulating the BSW services together with your application software model, you can verify your AUTOSAR ECU software without leaving Simulink.

Feature Selection in Machine Learning with Feature-engine

Автор: literator от 24-12-2022, 18:18, Коментариев: 0


Feature Selection in Machine Learning with Feature-engineНазвание: Feature Selection in Machine Learning with Feature-engine: Discover feature selection algorithms that scale well and overcome the limitations of statistical models or the computational cost of wrapper methods
Автор: Soledad Galli, PhD
Издательство: Leanpub
Год: 2022-08-24
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 14.7 MB

Learn how to implement various feature selection methods in a few lines of code utilizing the open-source Python library Feature-engine. Feature-engine is an open-source Python library for feature engineering and feature selection. It uses Pandas and Scikit-learn under the hood to engineer and select feature subsets. Feature selection is the process of selecting a subset of features from the total variables in a data set to train machine learning algorithms. Feature selection is key for developing simpler, faster, and highly performant machine learning models. The aim of any feature selection algorithm is to create classifiers or regression models that run faster and whose outputs are easier to understand by their users. We will use the Python libraries Matplotlib, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn and Feature-engine.

Программируем на Java, 5-е межд. изд.

Автор: ekvator от 24-12-2022, 16:15, Коментариев: 0


Программируем на Java, 5-е межд. изд.
Название: Программируем на Java, 5-е межд. изд.
Автор: Лой Марк, Нимайер Патрик, Лук Дэниэл
Издательство: Питер
Год: 2023
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 544
Размер: 18,5 Мб
Язык: русский

Неважно, кто вы – разработчик ПО или пользователь, в любом случае вы слышали о языке Java. В этой книге вы на конкретных примерах изучите основы Java, API, библиотеки классов, приемы и идиомы программирования. Особое внимание авторы уделяют построению реальных приложений.
Вы освоите средства управления ресурсами и исключениями, а также познакомитесь с новыми возможностями языка, появившимися в последних версиях Java.
• Программируйте на Java с использованием компилятора, интерпретатора и других инструментов.
• Исследуйте средства управления потоками и параллельной обработки.
• Изучайте обработку текста и мощные API.
• Создавайте приложения и службы на базе современных сетевых коммуникаций или веб-технологий.

MATLAB Automated Driving Toolbox User’s Guide (R2022b)

Автор: literator от 24-12-2022, 15:08, Коментариев: 0


MATLAB Automated Driving Toolbox User’s Guide (R2022b)Название: MATLAB Automated Driving Toolbox User’s Guide (R2022b)
Автор: MathWorks
Издательство: The MathWorks, Inc.
Год: September 2022
Страниц: 2060
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 60.3 MB

Automated Driving Toolbox provides algorithms and tools for designing, simulating, and testing ADAS and autonomous driving systems. You can design and test vision and lidar perception systems, as well as sensor fusion, path planning, and vehicle controllers. Visualization tools include a bird’s-eye-view plot and scope for sensor coverage, detections and tracks, and displays for video, lidar, and maps. The toolbox lets you import and work with HERE HD Live Map data and OpenDRIVE road networks. Using the Ground Truth Labeler app, you can automate the labeling of ground truth to train and evaluate perception algorithms. For hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing and desktop simulation of perception, sensor fusion, path planning, and control logic, you can generate and simulate driving scenarios.

MATLAB & Simulink Vehicle Network Toolbox User’s Guide (R2022b)

Автор: literator от 24-12-2022, 14:53, Коментариев: 0


MATLAB & Simulink Vehicle Network Toolbox User’s Guide (R2022b)Название: MATLAB & Simulink Vehicle Network Toolbox User’s Guide (R2022b)
Автор: MathWorks
Издательство: The MathWorks, Inc.
Год: September 2022
Страниц: 854
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.2 MB

Vehicle Network Toolbox provides MATLAB® functions and Simulink blocks for sending, receiving, encoding, and decoding CAN, CAN FD, J1939, and XCP messages. The toolbox lets you identify and parse specific signals using industry-standard CAN database files and then visualize the decoded signals using the CAN Explorer and CAN FD Explorer apps. Using A2L description files, you can connect to an ECU via XCP on CAN or Ethernet. You can access messages and measurement data stored in MDF files. The toolbox simplifies communication with in-vehicle networks and lets you monitor, filter, and analyze live CAN bus data or log and record messages for later analysis and replay.

Time Series Algorithms Recipes: Implement Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques with Python

Автор: literator от 24-12-2022, 07:23, Коментариев: 0


Time Series Algorithms Recipes: Implement Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques with PythonНазвание: Time Series Algorithms Recipes: Implement Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques with Python
Автор: Akshay R Kulkarni, Adarsha Shivananda, Anoosh Kulkarni, V Adithya Krishnan
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2023
Страниц: 188
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 15.4 MB

This book teaches the practical implementation of various concepts for time series analysis and modeling with Python through problem-solution-style recipes, starting with data reading and preprocessing. It begins with the fundamentals of time series forecasting using statistical modeling methods like AR (autoregressive), MA (moving-average), ARMA (autoregressive moving-average), and ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving-average). Next, you'll learn univariate and multivariate modeling using different open-sourced packages like Fbprohet, stats model, and sklearn. You'll also gain insight into classic machine learning-based regression models like randomForest, Xgboost, and LightGBM for forecasting problems. The book concludes by demonstrating the implementation of Deep Learning models (LSTMs and ANN) for time series forecasting. Each chapter includes several code examples and illustrations.

Exploring Game Mechanics: Principles and Techniques to Make Fun, Engaging Games

Автор: literator от 24-12-2022, 06:45, Коментариев: 0


Exploring Game Mechanics: Principles and Techniques to Make Fun, Engaging GamesНазвание: Exploring Game Mechanics: Principles and Techniques to Make Fun, Engaging Games
Автор: Maithili Dhule
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2022
Страниц: 205
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 29.9 MB

Learn simple yet powerful, modern-day techniques used in various gaming genres, including casual and puzzle, strategy and simulation, action-adventure, and role-playing. This book is your pocket-sized guide to designing interesting and engaging mechanics for any type of game. Exploring Game Mechanics is a cornucopia of concepts related to gameplay mechanics that you can use to create games that are fun and rewarding to play. Dive into key gameplay elements that improve the player experience, such as implementing in-game tutorials, controlling the flow of player-choice-based games, and building a game narrative through storytelling. Understand how to establish the game’s end goal for the player to work towards by creating quests, missions, and objectives.

Go Mini Reference: A Quick Guide to the Go Programming Language for Busy Coders

Автор: literator от 23-12-2022, 17:15, Коментариев: 0


Go Mini Reference: A Quick Guide to the Go Programming Language for Busy CodersНазвание: Go Mini Reference: A Quick Guide to the Go Programming Language for Busy Coders
Автор: Harry Yoon
Издательство: Coding Books Press
Год: September 2022
Страниц: 184
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, mobi, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

Learn Golang Essentials in a Weekend!Go is one of the most powerful, and yet the simplest, modern programming languages. We go through all important features of the modern Go programming language (as of 1.18 and 1.19 - 2022), including generics! The Go programming language differentiates itself with a set of unique features, including the builtin concurrency support via goroutines. But, more importantly, Go stands out, among these hundreds of modern languages, in terms of its fundamental language design philosophy. First of all, Go is a "minimalistic" language. Go is reminiscent of simple languages like Lua. The similarity between Go and Lua goes far deeper than their syntactic appearances. The minimalism is at the heart of the Go programming language design. Second, Go values the stability of the language over anything else. This is in contrast with many other programming languages which are literally in the "arms race" for more and more features. Go is more like the C programming language in this regards, which has gone through absolutely minimal changes since its creation over four decades ago.

Python for Serious Beginners 2022: A Practical Introduction to Modern Python with Simple Hands-on Projects

Автор: literator от 23-12-2022, 16:40, Коментариев: 0


Python for Serious Beginners 2022: A Practical Introduction to Modern Python with Simple Hands-on ProjectsНазвание: Python for Serious Beginners 2022: A Practical Introduction to Modern Python with Simple Hands-on Projects
Автор: Harry Yoon
Издательство: Coding Books Press
Год: 2022-09-07 (Revision 1.6.2)
Страниц: 318
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, mobi, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

Learn Real Python Programming Today! With Hands-On Coding Projects and Exercises. Wanna learn programming? Wanna learn Python? Start from this book! This book will teach you the fundamentals of programming and the Python language basics, in a series of thoughtfully organized lessons for the most effective learning experience. It includes many hands-on exercises! Python for Serious Beginners will give you the best introduction to programming in Python whether you are coming from a different programming language background or you are learning programming for the first time. This book covers all the essential features of Modern Python (Python 3.10/3.11) through the carefully designed code examples.