Neural Networks and Learning Algorithms in MATLAB

Автор: literator от 13-12-2022, 22:37, Коментариев: 0


Neural Networks and Learning Algorithms in MATLABНазвание: Neural Networks and Learning Algorithms in MATLAB
Автор: Ardahir Mohammadazadeh, Mohammad Hosein Sabzalian, Oscar Castillo
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2022
Страниц: 123
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 45.2 MB

This book explains the basic concepts, theory and applications of neural networks in a simple unified approach with clear examples and simulations in the MATLAB programming language. The scripts herein are coded for general purposes to be easily extended to a variety of problems in different areas of application. They are vectorized and optimized to run faster and be applicable to high-dimensional engineering problems. This book will serve as a main reference for graduate and undergraduate courses in neural networks and applications. This book will also serve as a main basis for researchers dealing with complex problems that require neural networks for finding good solutions in areas, such as time series prediction, intelligent control and identification. In addition, the problem of designing neural network by using metaheuristics, such as the genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization, with one objective and with multiple objectives, is presented.

Designing Map Interfaces: Patterns for Building Effective Map Apps

Автор: literator от 13-12-2022, 21:36, Коментариев: 0


Designing Map Interfaces: Patterns for Building Effective Map AppsНазвание: Designing Map Interfaces: Patterns for Building Effective Map Apps
Автор: Michael Gaigg
Издательство: Esri Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 187
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 13.9 MB

Create useful and usable map apps that your users will love. Turn your next map app project into a success with Designing Map Interfaces: Patterns for Building Effective Map Apps. Whether you're configuring an out-of-the-box solution, building an app using one of the readily available app builder tools, or working on a custom app project, this book will guide you toward developing more useful and usable apps. Current courses for application development focus on technology and architecture rather than the tenets of interface design. This book teaches GIS professionals, developers, and designers the principles and best practices that will help them create stunning consumer-grade apps. Designing Map Interfaces provides a language for planning and building map apps. The elements of this language are made up of user interface (UI) patterns. Each pattern describes a solution to an observed and recurring problem in UI design. This book explains when to use the pattern, why it is important, and what to consider—and in turn will help readers make educated decisions on what, why, when, and how to solve problems to make their apps work. Throughout the book, patterns are illustrated through real-world examples.

Git и GitHub

Автор: Chipa от 13-12-2022, 16:47, Коментариев: 0


Название: Git и GitHub
Автор: Коллектив
Издательство: HTML Academy
Год: 2022
Формат: HTML
Страниц: много
Размер: 646 Mb
Язык: Русский

Цель курса — научить работать с системой Git и показать, что её можно и нужно использовать не только в команде, но и для одиночной разработки.

Algorithms with JULIA: Optimization, Machine Learning, and Differential Equations Using the JULIA Language

Автор: literator от 13-12-2022, 15:34, Коментариев: 0


Algorithms with JULIA: Optimization, Machine Learning, and Differential Equations Using the JULIA LanguageНазвание: Algorithms with JULIA: Optimization, Machine Learning, and Differential Equations Using the JULIA Language
Автор: Clemens Heitzinger
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2022
Страниц: 447
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.2 MB

This book provides an introduction to modern topics in scientific computing and Machine Learning (ML), using JULIA to illustrate the efficient implementation of algorithms. In addition to covering fundamental topics, such as optimization and solving systems of equations, it adds to the usual canon of computational science by including more advanced topics of practical importance. In particular, there is a focus on partial differential equations and systems thereof, which form the basis of many engineering applications. Several chapters also include material on Machine Learning (artificial neural networks (ANN) and Bayesian estimation). The programming language used in this book is Julia. Julia is a highlevel, high-performance, and dynamic programming language that has been developed with scientific and technical computing in mind. It offers features that make it very well suited for computing in science, engineering, and Machine Learning. Its syntax is similar to other languages in this area, but it has been designed to embrace modern programming concepts. It is open source, and it comes with a compiler and an easy-to-use package system.

Python für Kids: Programmieren lernen ohne Vorkenntnisse

Автор: literator от 13-12-2022, 14:07, Коментариев: 0


Python für Kids: Programmieren lernen ohne VorkenntnisseНазвание: Python für Kids: Programmieren lernen ohne Vorkenntnisse
Автор: Hans-Georg Schumann
Издательство: MITP
Год: 2023
Страниц: 336
Язык: немецкий/German
Формат: epub
Размер: 12.7 MB

Die Programmiersprache Python ist so beliebt, weil sie klar strukturiert, modern und leistungsstark ist. Hans-Georg Schumann zeigt dir in diesem Buch, wie leicht man damit Ideen in Programme umsetzen kann. Du lernst anhand vieler kleiner und zwei großer Spiele, einfache Programme zu schreiben, und verstehst schnell, was es mit Schleifen, Klassen, Verzweigungen und Funktionen auf sich hat. Auch die objektorientierte Programmierung kommt nicht zu kurz.

Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication Technologies, Healthcare and Education: A Roadmap Ahead

Автор: literator от 13-12-2022, 13:50, Коментариев: 0


Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication Technologies, Healthcare and Education: A Roadmap AheadНазвание: Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication Technologies, Healthcare and Education: A Roadmap Ahead
Автор: Parikshit N. Mahalle, Rajendra S. Talware, Ganesh C. Patil
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 251
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 29.4 MB

Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication Technologies, Healthcare and Education: A Roadmap Ahead is designed as a reference text and discusses inter-dependability, communication and effective control for the betterment of services through Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as the challenges and path ahead for AI in computing and control across different domains of business and human life. The book accommodates technologies and application domains including backbone hardware, systems and methods for deployment, which help incorporating intelligence through different supervised and probabilistic learning approaches.

Python. Исчерпывающее руководство

Автор: ekvator от 12-12-2022, 21:20, Коментариев: 0


Python. Исчерпывающее руководство
Название: Python. Исчерпывающее руководство
Автор: Бизли Дэвид
Издательство: Питер
Год: 2023
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 368
Размер: 12,1 Мб
Язык: русский

Разнообразие возможностей современного Python становится испытанием для разработчиков всех уровней. Как программисту на старте карьеры понять, с чего начать, чтобы это испытание не стало для него непосильным? Как опытному разработчику Python понять, эффективен или нет его стиль программирования? Как перейти от изучения отдельных возможностей к мышлению на Python на более глубоком уровне? «Python. Исчерпывающее руководство» отвечает на эти, а также на многие другие актуальные вопросы. Эта книга делает акцент на основополагающих возможностях Python (3.6 и выше), а примеры кода демонстрируют «механику» языка и учат структурировать программы, чтобы их было проще читать, тестировать и отлаживать. Дэвид Бизли знакомит нас со своим уникальным взглядом на то, как на самом деле работает этот язык программирования. Перед вами практическое руководство, в котором компактно изложены такие фундаментальные темы программирования, как абстракции данных, управление программной логикой, структура программ, функции, объекты и модули, лежащие в основе проектов Python любого масштаба.

Bash for Data Scientists

Автор: literator от 12-12-2022, 11:25, Коментариев: 0


Bash for Data ScientistsНазвание: Bash for Data Scientists
Автор: Oswald Campesato
Издательство: Mercury Learning and Information
Год: 2023
Страниц: 293
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.2 MB

The goal of this book is to introduce readers to an assortment of powerful command line utilities that can be combined to create simple yet powerful shell scripts for processing datasets. The code samples and scripts use the bash shell, and typically involve small datasets so that you can focus on understanding the features of Grep, Sed, and Awk. Aimed at a reader relatively new to working in a bash environment, the book is comprehensive enough to be a good reference and teach a few new tricks to those who already have some experience with creating shells scripts. The Chapter 7 requires basic knowledge of Python and Pandas, such as creating Pandas data frames, as well as reading and writing CSV files. Knowledge of the awk programming language is required for three shell scripts that invoke the awk command if you decide to read those code samples.

Excel 2021 / Microsoft 365 Programming By Example

Автор: literator от 12-12-2022, 10:46, Коментариев: 0


Excel 2021 / Microsoft 365 Programming By ExampleНазвание: Excel 2021 / Microsoft 365 Programming By Example
Автор: Julitta Korol
Издательство: Mercury Learning and Information
Год: 2023
Страниц: 1107
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 38.09 MB

Updated for Excel 2021 and based on the bestselling editions from previous versions, Excel 2021 / Microsoft 365 Programming by Example is a practical, how-to book on Excel programming, suitable for readers already proficient with the Excel user interface. If you are looking to automate Excel routine tasks, this book will progressively introduce you to programming concepts via numerous illustrated hands-on exercises. More advanced topics are demonstrated via custom projects. From recording and editing a macro and writing VBA code from scratch to programming the Ribbon interface and working with XML documents, this book takes you on a programming journey that will change the way you work with Excel. The book provides information on performing automatic operations on files, folders, and other Microsoft Office applications. It also covers proper use of eventprocedures, testing and debugging, and guides you through programming more advanced Excel features, such as working with VBA classes and raising your own events in standalone class modules. Includes companion files with source code, hands-on projects, and figures.

Pandas Basics

Автор: literator от 12-12-2022, 04:50, Коментариев: 0


Pandas BasicsНазвание: Pandas Basics
Автор: Oswald Campesato
Издательство: Mercury Learning and Information
Год: 2023
Страниц: 215
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.2 MB

This book is intended for those who plan to become data scientists as well as anyonewho needs to perform data cleaning tasks using Pandas and NumPy. It contains a variety of code samples and features of NumPy and Pandas, and how to write regular expressions. Chapter 3 includes fundamental statistical concepts and Chapter 7 covers data visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn. Companion files with code areavailable for downloading from the publisher.