Principles Of Topological Psychology

Автор: mihail1000 от 26-08-2018, 14:43, Коментариев: 0


Название: Principles Of Topological Psychology
Автор: Kurt Lewin
Издательство: Munshi Press
Год: 2008
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 251
Размер: 11 MB
Язык: English

PRINCIPLES OF TOPOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY by KURT LEWIN. Originally published in 1936. PREFACE by DR. WOLFGANG KOHLER Swarthmore College Swarthmore: DEAR KOHLER This book is the result of a very slow growth. I remember the moment when more than ten years ago it occurred to me that the figures on the blackboard which were to illustrate some problems for a group in psychology might after all be not merely illustrations but representations of real concepts. Much interested in the theory of science, I had already in 1912 as a student defended the thesis against a then fully accepted philo sophical dictum that psychology, dealing with manifolds of coexist ing facts, would be finally forced to use not only the concept of time but that of space too. Knowing something of the general theory of point sets, I felt vaguely that the young mathematical discipline topology might be of some help in making psychology a real science. I began studying topology and making use of its concepts, which soon appear

Research Companion to Organizational Health Psychology (New Horizons in Management)

Автор: mihail1000 от 26-08-2018, 14:40, Коментариев: 0


Название: Research Companion to Organizational Health Psychology (New Horizons in Management)
Автор: Alexander-Stamatios G. Antoniou, Cary L. Cooper
Издательство: Edward Elgar Publishing
Год: 2005
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 715
Размер: 5 MB
Язык: English

The rapid and sweeping changes in the economy, technology, work practices and family structures mean that organizational health psychology has never been so essential for understanding stress in the workplace. This timely Research Companion is essential reading to advance the understanding of healthy behaviors within working environments and to identify problems which can be the cause of illness. Containing both theoretical and empirical contributions written by distinguished academics working in Europe, North America and Australia, the book covers leading edge topics ranging from current theories of stress, stress management, and stress in specific occupational groups, such as doctors and teachers, to the relationship of stress with well-being. It provides systematic approaches towards practical actions and stress interventions in working environments and a solid theoretical framework for future research. It will be an essential companion to research on psychology and medicine as well as stress.

Race, Racism and Psychology: Towards a Reflexive History

Автор: mihail1000 от 26-08-2018, 14:38, Коментариев: 0


Название: Race, Racism and Psychology: Towards a Reflexive History
Автор: Graham Richards
Издательство: Routledge
Год: 1997
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 392
Размер: 4 MB
Язык: English

Topics with racial implications have been hotly debated in the psychological literature for most of this century and are often in the news. Graham Richards takes a historical look at how the concepts of ''race'' and ''racism'' emerged within the discipline and charts the underlying premises of some famous studies in their social and political contexts. No-one is allowed to be objective in this arena, as opponents will always argue that they are not. This account is bound therefore to be controversial and excite interest whether or not readers agree with Richards' stance.

Being and Becoming: A Field Approach to Psychology

Автор: mihail1000 от 26-08-2018, 14:36, Коментариев: 0


Название: Being and Becoming: A Field Approach to Psychology
Автор: PhD Arthur Combs
Издательство: Springer Publishing Company
Год: 2006
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 288
Размер: 11 MB
Язык: English

Dr. Combs updates his groundbreaking Field Theory of personality. This model grows out of Carl Rogers' ideas on client-centered therapy and has long been a major influence on theories of psychotherapy and personality within the humanistic and phenomonlogical traditions. Here Dr. Combs ties field psychology to the paradigm shifts in biophysical sciences, and so provides a unifying frame of reference for all branches of psychology. His concise approach to the topic makes this book of practical interest to students, clinical psychologists and counselors, as well as academics teaching upper-level or graduate courses in personality and on therapeutic techniques.

Prayer: A Study in the History and Psychology of Religion

Автор: mihail1000 от 26-08-2018, 14:31, Коментариев: 0


Название: Prayer: A Study in the History and Psychology of Religion
Автор: Friedrich Heiler
Издательство: Oneworld Publications
Год: 1997
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 409
Размер: 5 MB
Язык: English

This comprehensive study explores the central role of prayer through the ages, from ancient indigenous prayer rituals to today's large-scale public worship.

Theories in Probability: An Examination of Logical and Qualitative Foundations (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology)

Автор: mihail1000 от 26-08-2018, 14:28, Коментариев: 0


Название: Theories in Probability: An Examination of Logical and Qualitative Foundations (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology)
Автор: Louis Narens
Издательство: World Scientific Publishing Company
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 230
Размер: 2 MB
Язык: English

Standard probability theory has been an enormously successful contribution to modern science. However, from many perspectives it is too narrow as a general theory of uncertainty, particularly for issues involving subjective uncertainty. This first-of-its-kind book is primarily based on qualitative approaches to probabilistic-like uncertainty, and includes qualitative theories for the standard theory as well as several of its generalizations. One of these generalizations produces a belief function composed of two functions: a probability function that measures the probabilistic strength of an uncertain event, and another function that measures the amount of ambiguity or vagueness of the event. Another unique approach of the book is to change the event space from a boolean algebra, which is closely linked to classical propositional logic, to a different event algebra that is closely linked to a well-studied generalization of classical propositional logic known as intuitionistic logic. Together, these new qualitative theories succeed where the standard probability theory fails by accounting for a number of puzzling empirical findings in the psychology of human probability judgments and decision making.

Mind, meaning, and mental disorder: the nature of causal explanation in psychology and psychiatry

Автор: mihail1000 от 26-08-2018, 14:26, Коментариев: 0


Название: Mind, meaning, and mental disorder: the nature of causal explanation in psychology and psychiatry
Автор: Derek Bolton, Jonathan Hill
Издательство: Oxford University Press, USA
Год: 2004
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 430
Размер: 2 MB
Язык: English

Philosophical ideas about the mind, brain, and behavior can seem theoretical and unimportant when placed alongside the urgent questions of mental distress and disorder. However, there is a need to give direction to attempts to answer these questions. On the one hand a substantial research effort in going into the investigation of brain processes and the development of drug treatments for psychiatric disorders, and on the other, a wide range of psychotherapies is becoming available to adults and children with mental health problems.

Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology, Sensation and Perception

Автор: mihail1000 от 26-08-2018, 14:24, Коментариев: 0


Название: Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology, Sensation and Perception
Автор: Steven Yantis, Hal Pashler
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2002
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 816
Размер: 6 MB
Язык: English

Now available in paperback. This revised and updated edition of the definitive resource for experimental psychology offers comprehensive coverage of the latest findings in the field, as well as the most recent contributions in methodology and the explosion of research in neuroscience. Volume One: Sensation and Perception focuses on sensory experience and complex learned perceptions through modalities such as vision, touch, smell, and hearing.

Mind Design II: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence (Bradford Book)

Автор: mihail1000 от 26-08-2018, 14:22, Коментариев: 0


Название: Mind Design II: Philosophy, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence (Bradford Book)
Автор: John Haugeland
Издательство: The MIT Press
Год: 1997
Формат: chm
Страниц: 486
Размер: 1 MB
Язык: English

Mind Design II was my first serious introduction to artificial intelligence and the issues surrounding work in this multi-disciplinary area. I found it both accessible and enlightening. That being said, it is by no means a completely light read for newcomers, and it is important to invest time into thinking about the key discussion points of the book (connectionism (NFAI) vs. GOFAI, symbolism, representation, etc.). My only complaint with the book is that it is hard to tell the difference between what is current and what isn't (Turing's essay, for instance), and the fact that it was published in 1997 doesn't make it any easier. Nevertheless, I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about the philosophy and science of "mind design."

Person-Centred Counselling Psychology: An Introduction

Автор: mihail1000 от 26-08-2018, 14:20, Коментариев: 0


Название: Person-Centred Counselling Psychology: An Introduction
Автор: Dr. Ewan Gillon
Издательство: Sage Publications Ltd
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 217
Размер: 813 kB
Язык: English

Person-Centred Counselling Psychology is an introduction to the philosophy, theory and practice of the person-centred approach. Focusing on the psychological underpinnings of the approach, Ewan Gillon describes the theory of personality on which it is based and the nature of the therapeutic which is characterised by: '' unconditional positive regard '' empathy'' congruence. The book is an applied, accessible text, providing a dialogue between the psychological basis of person-centred therapy and its application within real world. It shows how the person-centred approach relates to others within counselling psychology and to contemporary practices in mental health generally. It also gives guidance to readers on how to research, train and work as a person-centred practitioner.As well as psychology students, it will be of interest to those from other disciplines, counselling trainees, those within the caring professions, and person-centred therapists from a non-psychological background.Ewan Gillon is Lecturer in Psychology, Glasgow Caledonian University in the U.K.